Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 107 I Want to Earn My Dowry

Chapter 107 I Want to Earn My Dowry

Bai Ningxiang took Huatian's hand and patted it comfortingly, "Of course, there are not many little sisters who protect me like this. Not only am I not angry, but I am also very happy."

After the matter was settled, everyone had no grudges in their hearts, so they sat in the yard together, talked, laughed, drank tea and ate snacks.

Aunt Hua looked at the indifferent Bai Ningxiang in front of her, and couldn't help sighing in her heart, what a beautiful girl, old lady Bai was blind and mistakenly took the pearl for elm, and she will regret it later.

"Sister Xiang, your mother is going to be sad again today, so please persuade her more." Aunt Hua said, looking in the direction of the main house, and she didn't want to talk about other people's housework.

"Thank you, Aunt Hua, my mother is much stronger now and will be fine."

After seeing off Aunt Hua's mother and daughter, Bai Ningxiang returned to the room, looked at the silent mother in the room, walked over gently, and put her arms around her shoulders.

"It's okay, it's all over, and they won't dare to come and make trouble easily in the future."

"Xiangxiang, my son, I have suffered for you."

Seeing her daughter, Shen Shi finally couldn't hold back the emotions she tried to hold back.

"Why did they do this? We obviously live so hard, we are in fear all day long, and we don't ask our second and third families for help, yet they still want to interfere with our tea garden? It's really unreasonable."

Bai Ningxiang gently embraced her, patting her repeatedly, knowing that her mother was afraid, so she let her vent.

The mother's current situation should not be sulking, venting out is good for her and good for the fetus.

Mrs. Shen cried a little, and she was fine, "Xiangxiang, in fact, my mother is also to blame for this matter. I couldn't help it. I didn't expect to cause you such a big trouble."

"I understand mother's feelings. You just want to use the dowry to shut up some people's mouths. Fortunately, the matter is over, and we can do well in the future." What should come will always come, sooner or later.

"Hey, why is it so difficult to live a peaceful life?" After Shen had vented, the oppression in her chest also eased a lot.

Seeing Shen Shisheng's loveless appearance, Bai Ningxiang burst out laughing.

"Mother, to be honest, our life is not hard. If you want money, you have money, if you want tea gardens, you have tea gardens, and there are people to serve you. It's not enough, but it's more than enough."

Looking at her daughter's sly eyes, Shen could not help but curl her lips when thinking of the money her daughter had earned these days.

"You skinny monkey, you can still laugh, but what you said is right, if no one makes trouble, our life is very comfortable now."

As Shen said, thinking of today's farce, she expressed her thoughts.

"Xiangxiang, mother will give you the land deed of the tea garden later on, and you can take half of it to the town government to transfer it to your own name. Since they have caused trouble, let's put this matter into practice, so as to save trouble in the future."

Bai Ningxiang looked at her mother's determined expression, and felt warm in her heart, "Mother, do you think your daughter can't earn a dowry with her own ability?"

Shen: "..."

"Mother, I have a plan in mind. Our tea garden is at the West Peak of Daba Mountain, and we don't occupy a corner of the [-]-acre tea garden. I'm going to go to the town government to ask how much money it will cost to buy the entire West Peak."

As long as the price is right, the entire mountain belongs to their family. When the time comes, please manually clean and remove impurities and plant tea trees. After three years, you will see results.

"Huh? Buying the entire West Peak? Will it work?" Mrs. Chen was taken aback by her daughter's generosity. The entire West Peak has at least five hundred acres.

(End of this chapter)

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