Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 108 How to make a girl happy

Chapter 108 How to make a girl happy

"I have this plan, but I have to ask after asking. If the price is too expensive, I have to wait."

Even if the last batch of tea is sold, it will only cost more than 2000 taels of silver. After buying a hill, you have to hire people to weed and remove impurities, and buy tea saplings. There are too many places to spend money.

Whether it is enough is another matter, so at present, it can only be regarded as part of her plan.

Looking at her daughter's unusually firm and bright eyes, Shen was inexplicably relieved,

"It's good that you know it in your heart. Mom can't help you, but she doesn't back down, but you have to discuss things with your mother, and don't worry me."

"That's natural. Not only do I want to earn a dowry for myself, but I also want to save up property for my unborn younger brother, so that my younger brother can earn a royal title for my mother."

In order to relieve her mother, Bai Ningxiang also went all out.

"Look at you thick-skinned, you don't know how to be ashamed," Shen shook her head helplessly, and directly kicked him out.

After comforting her mother, Bai Ningxiang drank ginseng soup and went back to her room to catch up on sleep.

Lying on the bed, smelling the familiar smell in the sachet, a moment later, sleepiness hit her, she turned sideways, and the jade ring hanging around her neck slipped out of her collar.

Bai Ningxiang picked up the Moyu tail ring, and couldn't help but think of that brother-in-law with a cold face and a warm heart.

I don't know if he has caught the traitors and wiped out the bandits?

······ On a cliff, stood a tall and straight figure like a pine. He was dressed in black clothes and hid the whole person in the night.

The mountain wind was blowing, and the hem of the clothes was swaying with the wind, but the black figure remained motionless, staring at the dark night sky quietly, except for a sickle-like crescent moon and a few deserted stars.

Just as he was immersed in his own thoughts, he kept pretending to be a young man and fell not far behind him, clasping his hands in salute.

"Master, everything has been arranged, and everything is going well. With the Zhao family tea factory as a cover, our people went up the mountain very smoothly. In a few days, we can find out their lair and catch them all."

Han Jing had his hands behind his back, and there was a chill in his body that no one should enter. If he dared to betray him, he would have to pay the price.

"Well, let people pay attention, especially those tea farmers, don't get hurt."

"Master, don't worry, the subordinates have made peace with Patriarch Zhao, and the people who go to pick tea with them are all carefully selected, and I have also told them not to leave the tea garden lightly."

Hearing the report from his subordinates, Han Jing nodded, looked up at the dark mountains, the corners of his lips twitched, and those traitors got wind of it somehow, and ran away ahead of time.

He also cooperated with bandits to hide in the mountains and forests.

He led people to track for many days before he locked the approximate location, but because of the complex terrain of the mountains and forests, he was afraid of being stunned, so he could only brake quietly.

Fortunately, there was a tea garden on the mountain, and it was a good time to pick tea at this time, so he sent someone to contact the owner of the tea factory, disguised his own people and sneaked into the mountain, taking the opportunity to find the gangster's lair.

Thinking of the tea garden, Han Jing couldn't help but think of her sworn sister.

During the season of picking tea, I don't know how busy the girl is?
Thinking of those indifferent eyes and calm temperament, the coldness on Han Jing's face subconsciously dissipated a lot, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

At a young age, he likes to pretend to be old-fashioned. He always behaves calmly when he thinks about it.

"Big catch, I heard you have a girl?" Han Jing turned her head to look at her subordinates, and said suddenly.

"Eh? Yes, there is a 13-year-old girl under my command."

 See you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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