Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 109 The subordinates are all stupid

Chapter 109 The subordinates are all stupid
Da Zha, who was called by the name, looked confused and nodded quickly. He didn't know what he thought of, and a smirk appeared on his face.

"Speaking of which, this subordinate hasn't seen a girl for more than half a year." Da Zuo rubbed his big hands with a silly smile.

Dazhuo is a nickname given by his brothers, because he has a pair of large hands. After getting used to it, no one can remember his real name.

Seeing the stupidity of his subordinates, Han Jing raised his eyebrows, "You like your sister very much?"

"Of course, every time I go home on vacation, the girl will always follow me, calling her brother softly, and then I will buy her flowers, floral clothes, and candy cakes... Then the girl will The smile is even sweeter, hehe..."

Seeing Da Zhuo's embarrassing expression, Han Jing rolled his eyes, and silently concluded in his heart that if he wanted to make his righteous sister happy, he should buy her flowers and clothes, delicious and beautiful clothes.

"Young...Young Master, why are you asking this?"

After smirking, Da Zhuo finally came to his senses and pulled his hair subconsciously. Why did the master suddenly ask this?

Han Jing looked at Dazhuo's dumbfounded look, and it was rare that he didn't feel disgusted, "I have a new righteous sister, who is also my savior, and I am thinking about how to treat her better."

Big Catch: "Yi... Righteous Sister?"

Wow~, the step-sister who can make the master think about it, I really want to know her.

The master's savior must be very powerful.

Thinking of this, Dazhang Hanhan smiled, "Young Master, isn't your righteous sister very powerful?"

"Huh? Why do you see that?" Han Jing turned his head and looked at the thirst for knowledge that scratched his face.

"It goes without saying that even if you are not a well-known chivalrous woman who can save the master from danger, you are still the queen of some mountain."

Han Jing looked at Dazhuo's sparkling eyes, he was as stupid as he could be, and he also liked to make up some messy things in his head.

Han Jing pursed her lips, raised her hand to stroke her chest, feeling a little stuffy in her heart, how did he recruit subordinates, each one was more stupid than the other.

"She's just a caring little landlord..." A cold and indifferent little girl, occasionally a little cunning.

ah?Small landlord?
Farm girl?
"Master, you are married to Jinlan with a village girl, if someone finds out..." Wouldn't you be laughed at?
It's just that he didn't dare to say those words, because he obviously felt that the master was unhappy.

"My own righteous sister, does it matter if other people know?" Han Jing looked at her coldly and waved his hands. He wanted to be alone for a while.

A few days later, the person who sneaked into the mountain finally replied and found out the bandit's lair.

After half a month of deployment, the network can finally be closed.

When Han Jing gave an order, the people hidden everywhere rushed up immediately, directly surrounded the entire mountain, and sealed off all the intersections.

After a fierce battle, there was no doubt that the victory was his.

This time, not only did they successfully wipe out a group of bandits, but they also captured two traitors. Unfortunately, before they could be interrogated, they died of poison.

Looking at the two blackened corpses, Han Jing narrowed his eyes, "Throw it into the mountains to feed the wolves."

"Master, what if the wolf is poisoned to death?" Da Zha kicked the corpse on the ground with a look of disgust, but he couldn't harm the wolf.

"You're looking for death, the master feeds the wolves as soon as they are fed, so much nonsense." Feng Yi, who was standing beside him, felt the coldness on the master's body, and kicked Dazhuo's ass.

"Hey... the subordinate just said it casually and threw it away immediately."

Grabbing one staggered, grabbing one with each hand, and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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