Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 110: Back to the big tree to enjoy the shade

Chapter 110: Back to the big tree to enjoy the shade
The bandits were wiped out, and when Han Jing came to the Zhao family tea factory, the head of the Zhao family was already waiting at the gate.

"Congratulations to the Major General for destroying the bandits and making military achievements. The little old man has already prepared a glass of thin wine for the Major General and the brothers to wash away the dust."

Patriarch Zhao looked at the imposing Han Jing, and immediately bowed to salute, with unconcealable excitement in his eyes.

Shi Nong Shang Shang, he is a businessman, he never thought that he would meet the son of the Han family, the young general.

Han Jing is a family of generals from the Daqing Kingdom, a god-like existence.

Unexpectedly, the other party took the initiative to find them and asked him to cooperate with the bandits.

Not to mention the one-year delay in picking tea, even three years of delay, he has no complaints.

Just being able to know such a sharp-edged person is the glory of the Zhao family.

The Zhao family is not short of money, what they lack is contacts and backers.

Han Jing was accustomed to Patriarch Zhao's enthusiasm, and nodded lightly, "This time, it is also thanks to Patriarch Zhao's hard work and hard work."

"It's not hard work, it should be done. As a citizen of Daqing, it is the honor of the little old man and the honor of the Zhao family to assist the major general in suppressing the bandits."

Patriarch Zhao smiled with chrysanthemum folds on his face, waved his hands again and again, nodded and bowed, and led people to the main hall where the guests were received.

"Compared to the major general personally leading the team to suppress the bandits and protect the peace of the people, the little old man's little help is not worth mentioning. Besides, the Zhao family's tea factory is here. If the banditry is not eliminated, it will be us who will suffer in the end. Little people."

The Han family, the heroes of the Daqing Kingdom, are lucky enough to meet a real person in this life.

Da Zhuo, who was following him, saw the master's stern expression, immediately chuckled, and began to represent public relations.

"Patriarch Zhao is polite. The army and the people are united to protect the home and country. Now that the bandits are gone, Patriarch Zhao can go to the mountains to pick tea without worry."

"Yes, yes, the little general is right. Please sit down. The tea factory has limited conditions. Except for the mountain game, it is bacon. Fortunately, there are a few seasonal side dishes. I hope the major will appreciate it."

"Patriarch Zhao is polite, let's sit together."

Han Jing understood Patriarch Zhao's mentality and didn't blame him, but he got tired of hearing too many compliments.

A meal, the guests and the host enjoy themselves, just like what Master Zhao himself said, the mountain game, seasonal side dishes, the taste is not bad.

Especially the cold tea buds, which can clear away heat and dryness, and the taste is bitter and sweet, which makes people refreshed and articulate.

After the table was removed, refreshments were put on, and Patriarch Zhao served it to Han Jing himself.
"This is the new tea of ​​this year. Please taste it, Major General. Although the Zhao family's tea factory didn't have time to make new tea, the dog in the family is quite sensible, and bought some new tea in advance, so that the Zhao family will not have no new tea to sell."

Han Jing opened the gaiwan, and there was an elegant and fresh aroma from his nostrils. Looking at the greenish-yellow tea soup in the white porcelain bowl, his eyes flickered.

After taking a sip lightly, he understood clearly, "Good tea, the young master has a good eye."

Patriarch Zhao heard Han Jing's praise, and was more excited than surprised. He just mentioned it casually, and didn't expect the major general to remember his son. It would be a surprise to be familiar with him.

"It is the blessing of Quanzi's life to get Liao Zan from Major General. Quanzi said in the letter that this tea is called Yunwu Ganlu, and it belongs to the top Mingqian tea."

"The little old man has also tasted the tea. He is skilled in making tea and controlling the temperature. Without more than ten or twenty years of experience, it is difficult to produce such good tea."

 see you tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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