Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 111 The name of the tea is that my righteous sister belongs to my family

Chapter 111 The name of the tea is that my righteous sister belongs to my family
Patriarch Zhao said, with a sense of pride in his expression, "Because of this tea, Gouzi even ran to participate in this year's tea fighting meeting. With this cloud and mist nectar alone, he passed all the way and won the leader."

Originally, he had no extravagant hopes for this year's new tea, and he was prepared to lose money, but he didn't expect that the turn of events would make the Zhao family shine.

He is a businessman, although he pursues profit, he also believes in luck.

If you hadn't encountered banditry, you wouldn't have met the major general.

The Han family is the noble family of his family.

Moreover, inexplicably, he was also faintly grateful to those gangsters in his heart. If they hadn't made trouble, the Zhao family would not have bought tea from outside easily.

So, sometimes, God's will cannot be violated.

Luck is coming, I can't stop it~
Hearing Patriarch Zhao's flattery, Han Jing's lips trembled imperceptibly. If he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, he might have been fooled.

However, Yimei does have a talent for making tea, unconsciously, a pair of big almond eyes flashed in her mind, she was looking at him without blinking and showing a faint smile.

"Patriarch Zhao is surprised by this statement. Don't forget that there is also the word talent, which has nothing to do with age."

If it weren't for her excellent talent, Yi Mei would have started learning how to make tea in her mother's womb.

Hearing Han Jing's prompt, Patriarch Zhao was obviously taken aback, and then nodded, "What the Major General said is true, some people are indeed exceptionally talented, and they can understand everything at once, and they belong to God's reward."

Although he didn't know what the major general meant, but what he said was reasonable, some people just make people envy and hate.

"No matter what, this tea can be regarded as a turnaround for the Zhao family. The dog has already made an agreement with the other party. As long as the quality is good, we will buy all of them, and use it to alleviate the difficulties of the Zhao family this year."

Han Jing held out the tea bowl with an inexplicable look on his face, "Master, you have good eyesight and good luck."

Patriarch Zhao was a little foggy at the moment, with a confused yet polite smile on his face.

"What the major general said is that although Gouzi is sometimes naughty, his vision as a businessman is not bad."

Han Jing raised his eyebrows, and lowered the twinkle in his eyes, "Does Patriarch Zhao know the source of the cloud, mist and nectar?"

"This? The little old man is not very clear, but I heard something mentioned in the dog's letter, saying that the name was given by the seller, so it is best not to change it lightly."

"The little old man also thinks that the name is like tea leaves, quiet and elegant, so he has no objection."

Listening to Patriarch Zhao's explanation, Han Jing couldn't help chuckling, clever girl.

"To tell you the truth, I took the name of Yunwu Ganlu."

Patriarch Zhao: "..."

Pinch him quickly, is it a dream?

Catch: "..."

The master still has such a leisurely mind?

Han Jing took a sip of her tea and put down the gaiwan, "My adopted sister likes to make tea. Her family has a tea garden, so she insisted on pestering me to name it. I don't pay much attention to these, so I named it after the mountain of Daba Mountain. In the name of the scene, this cloud, mist and nectar was born."

Patriarch Zhao: "... Major General's adopted sister, that white girl... Could it be?"

My God, no wonder my son refused to change his name, so there is still this opportunity.

Catch: "..."

The master has a dark belly, he even forgot to be subtle in wanting to protect his sister.

So straightforward, does your adopted sister know?

After the shock, Patriarch Zhao was ecstatic in his heart, "Haha... I'm really ashamed. I didn't expect that the little old man borrowed flowers to present Buddha, and the major general drank his own tea."

(End of this chapter)

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