Chapter 1099 Calm~
It wasn't until Han Jing's figure completely disappeared that the smile on Bai Ningxiang's face faded.

"Ma'am, you don't have to worry about the general, we are far away at the border, and will not be affected by the bad things in Qingdu."

Seeing Madam's expression, Yun Ni comforted her softly.

My wife will be six months soon, and she has limited mobility, let alone too much mood swings.

"You're right. Our sky is high and the emperor is far away. It's really fine, but as for the Han family in Qingdu, if you accidentally get involved, my husband may be worried."

Hearing Madam's worry, Yun Ni and Ding Yang looked at each other and shook their heads.

"No way, the old general has not been involved in government affairs for the past few years, and the old lady seldom even attends banquets, which is already low-key enough. To say something disrespectful, if this is the case, the monarch is not at ease, and such a master is not worthy of respect." With respect."

"Yun Ni is right, madam, don't worry, besides, our general has cultivated a lot of people in Qingdu, and we have a good relationship with the Lou family in recent years. If there is something wrong with the old lady, the general will get the news in advance."

It is rare for Ding Yang to say a few more words. Madam is in a special period, so she naturally does not want Madam to think too much.

"Hopefully, as you can imagine, Mother and Father stay out of it. For some reason, I'm always restless, always feeling like something's going to happen."

The husband obviously doesn't want to say more, even if she asks, she may not necessarily get anything out of it.

Just now she tried to turn the blame on the prince, but the husband also changed the topic directly.

But she obviously felt that her husband wasn't worried at all, he just didn't want her to worry.

Just now, she couldn't help but have a bold guess in her heart that something happened to the crown prince, and it seemed a bit difficult for the Han family to stay out of it.

"What is madam worried about?"

Yun Ni looked at Madam's stomach worriedly, walked over and poured her a cup of longan red date tea,
"With the status of the Han family in Qingdu, even if the monarch is dissatisfied with us, he would not dare to disturb the Han family at the risk of the world. Otherwise, who else is more suitable to guard the border?"

Holding the cup, Bai Ningxiang shook her head. The monarch has been pampered and pampered all his life. When has he suffered from war? In his heart, any general should be able to lead troops to fight.

"What if the monarch and the Han family are charged with the same crime? And it is an unforgivable crime. Can you stop the mouth of the world?"

After saying this, Bai Ningxiang swayed and supported the table with one hand, her complexion suddenly turned pale.

"Why did I forget, knowing that the crown prince's death is strange, but still foolishly not thinking about it, if the monarch wants to blame the Han family for the sudden death of the crown prince, what do you think the Han family has a chance of escaping?" past?"

Yun Ni: "..."

Ding Yang: "..."

The two looked at Madam in shock, not knowing how to answer for a while.

If it is as Madam expected, there is no chance of winning. The killing of the prince is not a trivial matter. It is a major event that shakes the foundation of the country, and it can rise to the level of plotting rebellion.

How can such a hypothesis be imagined casually.

But just after the general left, they all knew where the general was going, so they really couldn't think of any excuses at this time.

Thinking of the night attack a few months ago, Madam didn't know, but they knew all about it, all the dead men were hidden guards raised by the prince.

Now that the prince is dead, and there is no proof of his death, without the monarch's in-depth investigation, he will find the conflict between the prince and their generals.

If the monarch uses this excuse to make trouble, neither of them dare to think what will happen to the Han family?
Assassinating the prince is regarded as conspiracy.

Thinking of this, Ding Yang and Yun Ni glanced at each other, and they both saw worry in each other's eyes.

They didn't expect Madam to think so deeply, and according to this reasoning, there is nothing unreasonable.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the dignified expressions of the two, and her heart tightened, "You have also thought about it, haven't you?"

"Ma'am, don't think about it too much. Your body is important. Everything is planned by the general. He will definitely not let anything happen to the Han family."

Yun Ni took a deep breath and suppressed the fear in her heart. When Madam calmed down, she had to ask Ding Yang to go to the barracks and tell the General about Madam's concerns. No matter how the General made decisions, just as Madam said, plan ahead Better than regretting later.

"Don't worry, it's urgent. This is just my reasoning and has no basis. When the general comes back, let him send a letter to Qingdu, and let parents take precautions."

Bai Ningxiang caressed her stomach, especially at this time, she had to take care of herself, and she must not become a burden to the general.

"Ding Yang, send a letter to Uncle Liang, tell him about Qingdu, and ask him to be ready for emergencies at any time. As for Changzi and Mencius, let them be vigilant and protect our things, especially the wine shop. , Tell them that when necessary, safety is the most important thing."

At Lingjiao Peak, she hides her granary and some medicinal materials in case of emergencies.

Bai Ningxiang sat on the chair, squinted her eyes, and pursed her lips. She couldn't participate in the affairs of the military camp, but there must be no mistakes in the logistics.

"Send a letter to Dahai Dahe, telling our people to be careful, and be extra vigilant against strangers entering the village in the near future."

"Madam, do you think it's necessary to be so protective?" Ding Yang was taken aback, she didn't expect Madam to really start to take precautions.

"Of course, I always feel that the matter this time is not simple, as if it was premeditated."

Bai Ningxiang caressed the jade ring on her ring finger, and said faintly,

"It's better to believe what's there or not to believe what's not. It's nothing more than a waste of manpower and material resources. It's better than being caught off guard, right?"

"My wife is wise, and my subordinates admire her, and she will not disgrace her mission."

She and Yun Ni have not followed Madam for a day or two. Any decision Madam makes is very wise, and there must be a reason for Madam to feel dangerous.

After hesitating again and again, Ding Yang finally couldn't bear it anymore, and knelt down on one leg,

"Ma'am, there is something we have been keeping from you for a long time, for fear that you might get pregnant and affect your health. It is not easy to see that Madam is still worried. Instead of letting you guess, it is better to tell you directly."

As Ding Yang said, he told Bai Ningxiang about the night attack on the mansion a while ago.

"At that time, the general ordered your acupoints because he was afraid of affecting his wife's sleep. After the group of people were dealt with, the general sent someone to investigate. The group of dead men came from the Prince's Mansion."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

No wonder she always felt that the atmosphere in the mansion was weird in those few days, and it turned out that such a big matter was being hidden.

Thinking about the month at that time, Bai Ningxiang also understood.

It's no wonder that she was anxious and uneasy. It can be explained in such a connection.

No wonder the husband's expression is dignified, I'm afraid he has thought of this a long time ago, right?

If something goes wrong with the Han family in Qingdu, how long will they be safe here?

Sure enough, companions are like companions to tigers, and the general has worked hard for the frontier, but in the end he still cannot avoid suspicion.

The Yin clan is really chilling enough.

(End of this chapter)

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