Chapter 1100 Conspiracy
As soon as Bai Ningxiang got angry, her stomach tightened suddenly, so frightened that she quickly took a deep breath, stroked her stomach with her left hand, and gently comforted her. When the Han family reached a critical moment, she was determined not to panic.

Calm down, calm down, don't panic.

"Yun Ni, aren't there hidden guards around me? Let them show up."

After calming down for a while, Bai Ningxiang stabilized her mood, moved to a comfortable position and leaned on the chair, and spoke softly.

Yun Ni pursed her lips and glanced at Ding Yang. Seeing her nodding, she stretched out her hand and made a gesture. With the sound of falling leaves, the black shadows of four people landed steadily on the side of the pavilion, kneeling on one knee.

"Please tell me, master."

Bai Ningxiang looked at the four people on the ground, surprise flashed in her eyes, all of them were dressed in black clothes, except for a pair of eyes and hands, the rest of them were covered in black.

"What's your name?"

"Back to the master, the subordinates only have code names, but no names. From one to four, this is our order."

One of the men in black clasped his fists, his low voice was hoarse, and it sounded like the hoarseness caused by hiding in the dark for a long time and not speaking for a long time.

After the dark guard finished speaking, Yun Ni took a step forward and explained in a low voice,

"Madam doesn't know that the training camp is sorted according to their abilities, and these four are the best in the training camp."

Listening to Yun Ni's explanation, Bai Ningxiang was quite shocked. It turned out that the general had already arranged the most powerful people by his side.

In the past, she always knew that there were hidden guards around her to protect her. In order to reassure Han Jing, she never asked.

Therefore, I was never afraid when walking outside, but I didn't know that the hidden guards around me were the most powerful in the entire training camp.

Looking at the four black heads, Bai Ningxiang felt warm and angry in her heart. She stayed in the mansion all day and rarely went out. It was enough to have ordinary guards around her. It would be a waste to waste the most powerful people on her. .

When Han Jing came back, she would definitely talk to him about what it means to make the best use of everything, and use good steel on the blade.

"You have been with me for several years. Although we haven't met, you should understand my temper. Now is the time, so I won't talk nonsense. You are secret guards, and your names start with secret words, plus Ranking is your future title."

When the four of them heard this, they clasped their fists together, "Dark One, Dark Two, Dark Three, An Four, thank you master for giving me the name."

"Not much to say, I am assigning you tasks now, An Yi, you go to inform the general, tell him my guess, how to protect yourself, don't come back and inform me, then you don't have to come back, protect the general personally, until this time The crisis is over."

Listening to the master's order, he was stunned for a moment,
"Master, what if the general doesn't want to?"

"You just need to tell the general that I am your master, and you only obey me. Before I send you back, you can only follow the general obediently. There is no other way to go."

Bai Ningxiang knew Han Jing's temper, and he could only listen to her if she spoke resolutely.

"Besides, there are three of them by my side, and I won't go out during this period of time. There are a lot of guards and hidden guards in the mansion, and they are not vegetarians, so there is no need to worry."

"Yes, master."

He clasped his fists one by one secretly, his figure stretched, and he disappeared from everyone's eyes in the blink of an eye.

Military orders are like a mountain, as a secret guard, obedience is a bounden duty and an instinct.

Seeing An Yi leave, Bai Ningxiang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Dark Two, recently, you have been secretly watching around the general's mansion to see if there are any suspicious people appearing. Once you find out, report it quickly, and don't startle the snake."

"Yes, master." An Er nodded, turned and left, and disappeared instantly.

As soon as Bai Ningxiang's eyes fell on the other two, she was interrupted by Yun Ni.

"Madam, let the two of them stay and protect you. If the general finds out that you have sent all the people out, he will be worried. Didn't you say that, the more calm you are at this time."

Yun Ni held Madam's hand, her brow was sweating anxiously, the hidden guards were not only protecting Madam, but also a hole card for escape when necessary, if they were all sent out, she would have to shed her skin if she was not killed by the general.

Madam has always been guarded by two groups of people, one bright and one dark. This was deliberately arranged by the general, so nothing can go wrong.

Bai Ningxiang looked at Yun Ni's worried eyes, and couldn't help but chuckled, "Okay, don't worry, I don't have any arrangements for now, let's do it first."

As soon as she finished speaking, she took two steps back silently, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, as if she was afraid of being dispatched by her master.

Yun Ni sighed, and finally kept two.

Bai Ningxiang supported her hand, stood up, raised her hand and yawned, "I'm really tired after talking so much, help me go back and squint for a while?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Yun Ni helped Madam back to the main courtyard, waited for her to lie down, felt her pulse again, and finally called the girl to guard her, and she went to stew some anti-fetal medicine for Madam.

Bai Ningxiang closed her eyes, filtering through her mind over and over again, afraid that someone would take advantage of her if she didn't take proper precautions.

After waiting for three or four days in a row, the mansion was peaceful, and in the blink of an eye, more than ten days passed, and it was still quiet.

During the period, Han Jing sent the big arrester back to take a change of clothes and reported that he was safe by the way.

Bai Ningxiang was tense from the very beginning, but slowly relaxed. After eating every day, she was supported by someone to walk around in the garden to exercise.

Except for staring at the birds in the sky from time to time, there is nothing else to do.

"Madam, Madam Yang is here."

"Please hurry up, I haven't seen my sister-in-law for a while." Bai Ningxiang was overjoyed, since Zuo Lan had been recuperating in the mansion since returning from Qingdu, she sent Yun Ni over to visit, only to find out that the man was also three months pregnant.

"Sister-in-law, why is she willing to leave the house?" From a distance, Bai Ningxiang saw Zuo Lan approaching surrounded by girls and women, her posture was like that of the Queen Mother going out on a trip.

"Xiangxiang, don't make fun of me. You also know my sister-in-law's temper. If it wasn't too boring to stay in the mansion alone, I wouldn't go out."

Zuo Lan let go of the girl's hand, stepped forward, reached out and touched Bai Ningxiang's belly, extremely surprised.

"It's been a long time since I saw you. Your belly is a little too big. Could it be that you pretended to be three or four?"

"Pfft~, sister-in-law, do you think I'm a pig, with three or four in a litter?"

Bai Ningxiang glared at her, then whispered to her ear, "But you guessed it right, you got two of them."

"Huh? Really?"

Zuo Lan stared at Bai Ningxiang's stomach with wide eyes, and it took a while to recover, then immediately greeted Yun Ni,
"Yunni Dingyang, quickly help your wife and let her sit down. The Bodhisattva blesses you with great auspiciousness. You are the best."

No wonder she has such a big belly, she is really pregnant with two babies, my God!

(End of this chapter)

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