Chapter 1105

The two looked at each other and thought for a while, "It should be credible, otherwise, there is no need for Mr. Lou to take the risk of sending Mr. Seven out, and send two guards to escort him."

Bai Ningxiang nodded. That being said, Mr. Lou and the general didn't meet each other either, otherwise there would be no need to escort Xiaoqi to Zhangzhou.

Every time the general arrives in Qingdu?Where did you go back?

"Mother Xue, go and inform the three gentlemen to come to the main courtyard to discuss matters. The matter is very important. I want to hear the opinions of the gentlemen on how to proceed next."

"Yes, the old slave went to invite someone in person."

Mother Xue's face was pale. She never expected such a big thing to happen overnight.

Her wife is still pregnant with a child, so she wonders if she can pass this hurdle?

What a crime.

After a while, the three gentlemen rushed over, "I have seen Madam, I don't know if Madam called us late at night, what's your order?"

"The three gentlemen are exempt from courtesy. I know that the general usually values ​​the three of you very much. Today, there is a matter of urgency, so I will not be polite to the three of you. This is my seventh brother, Han Jue..."

Bai Ningxiang glanced at Xiaoqi, and then told them about Qingdu.

Seeing the shocked expressions of the three of them, Bai Ningxiang said sharply,
"Although my wife didn't see it with her own eyes, she can imagine the tragedy at that time. The Han family worked hard to guard the border, but they had to suffer from such an indiscriminate disaster. My wife is very worthless for the Han family, and I feel very angry."

"Now that the general is not here, what strategy do the three gentlemen have?"

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's inquiry, the three gentlemen glanced at each other, then at Han Jue who was lying there, fell silent for a while, and then asked.

"Ma'am, where is the general?"

"To be honest, after the prince's sudden death, the general handed over the military affairs to Yang Han, who is Deputy Lieutenant Zhiguo, as a temporary agent. He took people to Qingdu secretly, just to confirm his guess."

"It's a pity that things didn't go as expected. Something happened to the Han family. The general didn't send back any information, but the seventh brother came tonight. He rushed all the way to Zhangzhou, but he missed the general. So I want to ask the three gentlemen to plan, what should I do next? "

Bai Ningxiang looked at the three of them, and she knew in her heart that the general would not reveal too much about his whereabouts until he made up his mind.

All three of them are think tanks, ambitious, and just want to show off what they have learned.

But the general is different, he has a lot of scruples... But it is different now, the general is not here, as a woman, if she wants to help the general guard this territory, she will inevitably have some constraints in her actions, and there are three gentlemen to assist her , the situation is different.

Hearing Madam's tone, the three gentlemen began to ponder, especially Mr. Mu, who took out the compass and started to deduce it.

Bai Ningxiang didn't urge her, and just waited quietly. After a while, the compass in Mr. Mu's hand finally stopped turning.

"The hexagram shows that the Ziwei star is dim, and it is already on the verge of being damaged. The directions of the three walls and four images have also changed. In the southwest corner of the Ziwei star, a new star is slowly rising and gradually glowing purple. Covered by clouds and mists, you only need to push away the clouds and mists to break the dawn."

Mr. Mu put away the compass and stroked his beard, "Don't worry, ma'am, the general may have encountered some difficulties, but his life is not in danger."

"Since that's the case, what's next?"

Bai Ningxiang was slightly relieved, she also felt that Han Jing would not die so easily, if she didn't meet Xiao Qi, she must have been stumbling over something else.

"The Han family in Qingdu was wronged. Obviously, the monarch did it on purpose. He wanted to use the crown prince's hand to get rid of the Han family. There will be no proof. Now that we have received the information, we can't sit still. Fighting back is the best way."

As Mr. Mu said, he turned around and looked at Mr. Chen and Mr. Wang beside him. Seeing that they had no objections, he directly stated his point of view.

"The general led a large army to guard the southwestern border to keep the border safe. The local people all support him. Now that the general is in trouble, we don't have to hide it. We just spread the news. Naturally, there will be chivalrous men who come to seek refuge. We just need to guard Zhangzhou Mansion and wait for the general. When you come back, you can send troops to celebrate the capital."

"The army is overwhelming, and the general can use this to force the monarch to announce to the world the true intention of the prince's sudden death, and to restore the Han family's innocence."

After Mr. Mu finished speaking, he handed over to Mr. Wang and Mr. Chen, "If you two have any good ideas, you might as well discuss them together."

Mr. Chen glanced at Bai Ningxiang, cupped his hands and suggested, "Madam, I heard that the late emperor had promised the Han family to raise soldiers. Now at this time, instead of using frontier soldiers, it is better to use the Han family army."

"In this current situation, the Zhangzhou Mansion cannot be lost. The Han family is in such a catastrophe. The monarch is unkind. There must be villains who rape you and cause chaos in the court. The Han family can raise the banner on the side of the Qing emperor and restore the Qing Dynasty to a bright future."

"Mr. Chen, it will be very difficult for the general to turn around. Once the Han family army appears, they will tell the world that the Han family is about to become their own king."

"The two gentlemen think that the Han family can go back to the past?"

Everyone: "..."

Everyone died, and they were charged with murdering the prince. How could the grievances be wiped out?

Thinking of the seriousness of the matter, the hall fell into silence. The matter is of great importance, and no one can guarantee what will happen in the future.

Bai Ningxiang swept across the audience coldly, and finally landed on Xiao Qi, watching him slowly wake up, just about to ask, Xiao Qi waved his hands and sat up.

"Sister-in-law, Xiaoqi has no knowledge and skills since she was a child, but some beliefs are engraved in her bones. Xiaoqi fully supports what sister-in-law wants to do, and is willing to be a pawn."

"Xiaoqi, the Han family is facing difficulties right now. No matter what the outcome is, it is impossible to go back to the past, but my sister-in-law can't swallow this breath and wants to fight."

Bai Ningxiang stood up, stroking her stomach with one hand, and holding Ding Yang's wrist with the other, making herself stand more imposing.

"As the wife of the Han family, I would like to ask the Lord, why? And why?"

"Sister-in-law, I'll listen to you. I will fight... The Han family is not cowardly. My father has long said that he would rather be shrouded in horse leather than a coward. Today, I, Han Jue, swear that I will not take revenge, and may the blood splatter on the spot."

Bai Ningxiang nodded heavily, the Han family had no way out.

"Ding Yang, send a letter to Lingjiao Peak to order all the Han family troops to occupy Zhangzhou Prefecture, and no one is allowed to go out, including the magistrate and even the prefect."

"Yes," Ding Yang patted his wife to sit down before turning around and going out.

"Secret three, go to the barracks and tell Yang Han, defend the barracks to the death, anyone who dares to defect will be killed without mercy, and anyone who disobeys the military order will be killed without mercy."

Bai Ningxiang gave an order to the void, and with a dull response, the room fell into silence again.

Three gentlemen: "..."

This is the general's wife?

They looked at the potbellied woman on the main seat in shock, especially those cold eyes, which directly shocked the three of them.

(End of this chapter)

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