Chapter 1106 Burial
The lady in their impression has always been a gentle and polite woman, with a gentle attitude towards others and a soft tone. They have never seen her showing such a domineering side.

In this way, they are relieved.

Tonight, doomed to sleepless.

Bai Ningxiang sat on the main seat, and after confirming the target with the three gentlemen, she began to deploy.

Zhangzhou Mansion is the place where they started their uprising, and it is also the lair of their children. It must be guarded. The military camp was managed by the general with painstaking efforts, and it must not be lost.

In addition, it is also necessary to prevent the Nanban from suddenly attacking and looting.

These three points alone require a lot of effort.

Everyone was busy all night, and Ding Yang didn't come back to report until the sky was slightly bright.
"Ma'am, the Zhangzhou Mansion has been replaced by our people. Deputy Lieutenant Yang sent [-] of the [-] soldiers under his command to Zhangzhou. After following the trend for four rounds, the city tower has been occupied."

At this moment, Feng Si walked in in a white robe holding a folding fan, bowed and saluted,
"The subordinates have seen Madam, Zhifu, Tongzhi, Zhizhou's three mansions have been taken care of, Madam, please rest assured."

"Well done, although we hold the banner on the side of the Qing emperor, all actions have to wait for the general to come back."

Bai Ningxiang drank the ginseng soup, wiped the corners of her mouth,

"Have you contacted the general?"

"I have already contacted Feng San, and I should be able to receive a reply before noon." Feng Si opened his folding fan, looked at the three gentlemen sitting aside, and smiled slightly, "In this special period, I hope the three gentlemen will help you until the end. The general is back."

"Don't worry, little general, I will surely live up to my mission."

Regarding Feng Si's elegance, the three of them could only exchange polite greetings, they were not stupid, the other's gentle eyes showed undisguised chill and threats.

As long as they dare to be disobedient, they will definitely not be able to leave the general's mansion.

"Our wife's energy is limited. The three gentlemen still sat in the front hall to discuss the next countermeasures. They didn't sleep all night. I'm afraid that my wife's body won't be able to survive."

As Feng Si said, he stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation, and directly asked the people around him to lead him to the meeting hall in front.

"The little general is right, we will leave."

The three gentlemen nodded. Although the madam made a decisive decision, she was a pregnant woman after all and couldn't stand the long hours.

After the people left, Feng Si bowed and saluted, "Madam, although my subordinates are not talented, it's fine to guard Zhangzhou Mansion together with the seventh son. Madam, please rest assured."

"Before my subordinates set off, the mining of Yushi Pit has been suspended. Everything is normal in Lingjiao Peak. Bashan Village is also under control, and no abnormalities have been found for the time being."

Listening to Feng Si's report, Bai Ningxiang finally let go of her heart, "That's good, thank you for your hard work."

"It's all a subordinate's job. Madam, please take care of yourself. The general will be fine."

As Feng Si said, his eyes flashed sharply, "This subordinate has already contacted Uncle Liang. We only need to wait for Feng San's reply to find out where the general is."

"Okay, let me know when you receive the message."

As Bai Ningxiang said, she covered her mouth and yawned, drank the tocolytic, and let Yun Ni lie on the bed.

He stayed up all night with all his heart, and he really couldn't bear it. This sleep, he slept directly from daytime to late night.

At this time, in an abandoned yard, Han Jing led a group of people, sitting under the dim light, looking at his father who was sallow on the hospital bed, his eyes were bloodshot.

Feng San stood at the door, looked at the absent-minded look of the master, and then looked at the letter in his hand, it seemed that Feng Si had already controlled the Zhangzhou Mansion, with him watching, his wife's safety would not be a problem.

Among the four of them, only Feng Si looked harmless, and he could control the overall situation instead of the master.

"Master, there is news from Fengsi that Zhangzhou Mansion is under control."

Han Jing: "..."

Uncle Liang has already sent him back, and he should be able to join Feng Si soon.

Unfortunately, he was still late,
Hiding his identity all the way, before he entered the city, he met a group of people. After circling for several days, when he was about to enter the city again, he received the news that the Han family had been wiped out.

The anger at that time can be imagined, when he was going to visit the palace at night to question him, he was stopped by Mr. Lou.

"Brother Han Ting, calm down. If you rush over like this, you will only confirm the rumors of the Han family's rebellion. The old general is being held in the sky prison, and no one is allowed to approach him. If you rush to save people at this time, you will only kill the old general."

"Brother Xiuqing, it's not that I don't listen to your persuasion, but look, the monarch is not benevolent, why should I take these things into consideration? My father's life and death are uncertain, and my mother died on the spot. At this moment, I have no righteousness in my heart, only the scene of the tragic death of my relatives."

Han Jing clenched his fists, his eyes were bloodshot. Originally he was uneasy and wanted to check it out, but he didn't expect the monarch to be more ruthless than he imagined.

Suddenly, Han Jing couldn't help laughing up to the sky, "Haha... these years, the Han family has worked hard and fulfilled their duties. As long as the monarch can be less suspicious, the Han family will retreat again and again, but what will they get in return at the end?"

"It's Miemen. He actually dared to destroy my Han family. Yin Yi, I, Han Jing, swear here that the Han family and the Yin family are inseparable. I will not avenge this revenge, and I swear not to be a human being."

Han Jing clenched his fists, swearing to the sun and the moon, weeping blood, the cold wind blew his messy hair, under the cold moonlight, Han Jing's eyes were scarlet, showing unprecedented fierceness.

This was the first time Lou Xiuqing saw Han Jing like this, and while he was shocked, he couldn't help feeling sad for the Yin clan.

Wouldn't it be nice to treat the minister of the brachial thigh well?If you have to make such a fuss, it's all right now, the monarch and his ministers are eccentric, and the prince has been turned over, do you really think that your position is secure?
What a joke, what a big joke.

"Brother Hanting, don't get excited. If you trust me, let me help you find out and see the situation of the old general. The third brother happens to be in charge of the prison at Dali Temple. I will go to the prison to compete with you." easier."

Now the three brothers of the Lou family have all entered the court. Although their positions are not obvious, everyone is at an important hurdle, which can be regarded as a fat job.

Hearing Lou Xiuqing's reminder, Han Jing was taken aback, and suppressed the gratitude in his heart, "Brother Xiuqing, I don't want to thank you for your kindness, I only hope that Han can live, and I will definitely come to the door to thank you for your kindness."

"Brother Hanting is serious, you wait for my news, at most two days, and I will be back."

The world has changed, and people's luck is indescribable. Five years ago, their brothers used the Han family to quietly gain a foothold in Qingdu. in spite of.

Otherwise, under the nine springs, he would have no face to face his father.

With the help of his third brother, he made it to the sky prison smoothly, and was stunned when he saw the dying old general.

"Brother, don't be surprised. After the monarch knew that the old general was injured, he directly ordered the doctor to stop treating him and let him fend for himself."

(End of this chapter)

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