Chapter 1107 The Return
"Why? So mean, not afraid of the world's ridicule?" Lou Xiuqing was very disdainful of the monarch's actions, so cruel to the humiliating minister, it really felt like a chill.

"Brother, why did you forget? The Lord waited for him to die in prison, and directly announced to the world that Han Dong committed suicide in fear of crime, and everything was consummated."

Lou Xiuqing: "..."

He knew that the old general was injured, so he only brought the golden sore medicine, but now he saw that the old general was burnt and confused, and the wound had deteriorated seriously. cure.

Moreover, they found that the warden had obviously received the order, and they didn't even look at it, obviously waiting for the corpse to be collected.

After figuring out the situation, Lou Xiuqing and his third brother made some plans and told Han Jing about the situation.

"Heh~, my father has fought in the battlefield these years, and he has become sick from overwork, leaving behind many unmentionable diseases, old diseases and new injuries, it is basically a dead end."

Han Jing clenched her fist, grinding her back molars, Yin Yi, sooner or later I will let you taste the pain of today.

With the cooperation of Lou Xiuqing, Han Jing visited the sky prison at night, rescued the old father, left the city directly, and recuperated in an abandoned yard.

After finding a doctor for diagnosis and treatment, he took his father back to Zhangzhou and let Wei Zixian take care of him personally.

Lou Xiuqing has already sent Xiao Qi out of the city, and Feng San also received the news that Xiao Qi has arrived in Zhangzhou.

I don't know if Xiangxiang can bear it when she hears about the Han family's situation?
The more she thought about it, the more worried Han Jing became, and the more she hated Yin Yi's despicable methods.

But my father took the medicine for two days in a row, but there was no effect at all. His complexion became more and more sallow, and the time he could wake up in a day was getting shorter and shorter.

Han Jing had no choice but to use the vulture to send a message to Wei Zixian, telling him to rush this way, hoping that there would be time.

"Ahem...Brother Ting." Just as Han Jing was deep in thought, the old general woke up.

"Father, what's the matter with you? Are you feeling better? The medicine has been boiled, the doctor said, take another day and you can go on your way."

Han Jing looked at his father, reluctantly pulling his face, hoping that Wei Zixian would come over soon.

Han Dong looked at his son, especially the bloodshot eyes, and sighed slightly.
"Brother Ting, I know my situation, so I don't need to say more. Besides, my father has lived a good life, and your mother took the first step for me. I keep this tone just to ask Yin Yi face to face, where is our Han family?" Are you sorry for him?"

Han Dong said a lot in one breath, and couldn't help coughing again, "Ahem...the old man is not convinced...and unwilling."

"Father, you don't need to say it. My son understands. Even if you don't ask, my son will." There is no such cheap thing in the world.

"Ahem...I waited and waited, but Yin Yi didn't come. He actually wanted me to die in prison."

Yin Yi's IQ, he knows better than anyone else what is going on in his mind, and this time he was also careless. He did not expect that the gentle and virtuous monarch who usually pretends to be a virtuous monarch would really dare to kill the Han family.

Thinking of Yin Yi, Han Jing wanted to chop him up, "He has a guilty conscience, he feels guilty, he has no face to face his father, the Yin family is sorry for the Han family."

"Brother Ting, I'm exhausted for my husband. I can't wait for you to take me to see my grandson. It's a pity to say it. Your mother said a few days ago that she would secretly go to Zhangzhou to see her granddaughter after the limelight. Grandson ...Since I don't have this blessing, I can only wait for the next life..."

Han Jing held his father's hand, seeing the blood and tears flowing from the corner of his eyes the moment he closed his eyes, his heart was broken.

Just guarding silently for a long time, from dark to dawn, and then to dark again, the figure didn't move.

It wasn't until the people around him were afraid that something would happen to him that they walked to him silently.

"Master, everything is ready, you can bury the old general."

Han Jing moved his eyeballs, and then woke up from the memory, looking at his father who was no longer breathing, Han Jing suppressed the violence in his eyes, cleaned his father's body, arranged his disguise, and put on clean clothes himself , and then directly dug a temporary cemetery in the courtyard, and buried his father himself.

Looking at the tomb bag without a tombstone, Han Jing kowtowed heavily, whispering like an oath or promise.

"Father, wait until the day your son returns, and then I will bury you and my mother together, and we will never be separated."

In this way, an old general who fought on the battlefield and spent half his life sleeping in this abandoned yard became an unknown person without a tombstone.

Feng San looked at his master's cold expression, then looked back at the slightly protruding grave in the yard, pursed the corners of his lips tightly,
"Master, Mr. Lou sent someone to send a message that the old lady's body has been replaced. In order not to attract attention, it was directly buried in this yard. This is the title deed of the yard."

"Thank him for me, and tell him by the way, don't mention the friendship with the Han family in the future, so as not to be implicated."

Han Jing took over the title deed, kept it close to her body, got on her horse, and rode to Zhangzhou Mansion.

Father, mother, wait for your son, wait for the day when your son becomes successful, and you will surely return with honor.

Because of the matter of the old general, they delayed for a while, and when he walked halfway, he happened to meet Wei Zixian who had rushed over. After learning about the matter of the old general, Wei Zixian was silent for a while, and patted Han Jing's shoulder.

"At first, I thought that my sister-in-law raised the banner on the side of Lord Qing without waiting for you to go back. I was a little impulsive, but now I feel just right."

"Madam did a good job this time." He only knew it after he had dealt with his father. When he heard Madam's decision, for the first time in these days, he laughed from the bottom of his heart.

Those who know me are indeed my wife.

The Han family broke up with the Yin family, and if they wanted revenge, they would naturally overthrow his dynasty.

Doesn't Yin Yi value his throne very much?Then he would pull the man down with his own hands and witness him prostrate on the ground with his own eyes.

Galloping all the way, when he led people to the gate of Zhangzhou Prefecture, he saw Xiao Qi who was guarding the city at a glance.

After being welcomed into the city, the two brothers briefly said a few words, and Han Jing led them back to the mansion.

However, at the gate of the mansion at this time, the magistrate and the magistrate were negotiating with Mr. Mu.

"Mr. Mu, I am the magistrate of Zhangzhou personally appointed by the King of Daqing. Why did Mrs. Han put us under house arrest without a word of explanation?"

"Yes, why, she is a woman, she is really beyond her control."

"Mu also asked the two adults to see the situation clearly. It is already preferential treatment to put you under house arrest in the mansion. If you feel that you are threatened, you can break out. It's just that the sword has no eyes, and the general's mansion is irresponsible. .”

"Aren't you messing around? How can we let a woman manipulate the officials at our dignified court?"

(End of this chapter)

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