Chapter 1108
The Zhifu and the Tongzhi looked at the mansion angrily. Under the control of heavy soldiers, they didn't even have a chance to enter the door.

There is also that young general Feng, who looks smiling, but is not sympathetic at all, so he won't let him go anyway.As a last resort, today he had no choice but to contact his acquaintance while he was away, and came to the general's mansion under pressure of death, but was turned away by an aide.

Usually, I don't see people in the general's mansion being so difficult to speak. Just now something happened, and they went to war. A martial artist is a martial artist, and his behavior is rough and shameless.

The majestic imperial court ordered the officials to say that they were under house arrest, which is really lawless.

No wonder it was said in private that Han Ju's intentions were unpredictable, and it really wasn't groundless.

When he turned back, he passed the booklets to his superiors and referred to them for a copy.

Mr. Mu looked at the panic-stricken expressions of the two, but his tone was still gentle,
"My lords, it's better to go back and rest. The civil strife in the court will inevitably affect the Zhangzhou Mansion. The general is not here, so it is the general's wife who can make the decision. Fortunately, our general's wife is modest and doesn't want to embarrass you. I just want to wait. When the situation stabilizes, make plans again, you are all civil servants, and the protection of the palace will naturally be undertaken by the general's mansion."

"You... I think you really have bad intentions. Zhangzhou Mansion's internal affairs are decided by this mansion. Even if the General's Mansion wants to intervene, you have to discuss with this mansion. When is a woman who is qualified to escape from prison and act on her behalf?"

Liu Zhifu flicked his sleeves, his expression was very bad, if people knew that they were planted in the hands of a woman, how would they have the face to face others?

Besides, they were placed under house arrest indiscriminately, and they were not even allowed to go out. In Zhangzhou Mansion, no one dared to treat him like this.

Mr. Mu looked at Liu Zhifu's expression, and a sarcasm flashed in his eyes. It is really stupid to dare to play the magistrate's prestige at this time.

I have to say that Madam has the foresight to act directly before everyone reacts, otherwise it is really difficult to deal with these old stubborn people.

However, the division of civil and military rule should really be abolished, especially when it comes to the security of border areas, disagreement is the biggest drawback.

If their wife hadn't acted quickly and stabilized the situation in advance, if this group of people had learned of what happened to the Han family in Qingdu in advance, they might have made things difficult for the General's Mansion.

"My lords, Madam has issued a death order, and no one shall disobey it. Besides, our Madam is a first-rank Madam appointed by the lord, and her rank is below the two lords."

"Nonsense, the rank of a woman in the inner house is just a decoration, it's just a face to go out, how can it be compared with the imperial court order? You staff, you really don't know how to measure, we are all important officials of the court, what do the women in the inner house know?"

Master Liu pinched his waist, his beard raised in anger.

What a group of warriors who don't know the so-called, dare to say anything, and are not afraid of making people laugh.

"I don't think you are a person who doesn't understand anything. I advise you to see the situation clearly. After all, the general's wife is a girl. This Zhangzhou Prefecture is the one that has the final say. As a staff member, you are knowledgeable and talented, so you don't know. What does the prefect represent?"

Liu Zhifu snorted, he is the magistrate of Zhangzhou bestowed by the emperor, except that the Lord can withdraw him, no matter how powerful the General's Mansion is, he can't do anything to him?
"Prefect Liu, you may be right. You really have the final say in Zhangzhou Mansion, but the peace of the frontier is in the hands of my general. There is no General Mansion to guard the border. Prefect Liu thinks that you still have a chance to sit safely in the prefect's position. Is it?"

Mr. Mu put his hands behind his back, his eyes were calm, "To be honest, Mr. Mu admires Liu Zhifu's courage and dare to fight with his life...but courage belongs to courage, it is better to face the reality."

Do you really think it is safe to rely on the monarch?

The monarch has forced the Han family to the point of rebellion, and the monarch's prestige has disappeared when something happened to the Han family.

It's just that the general's mansion blocked the news, and they knew it a little later.

Alas, the disadvantage of the division of civil and military affairs is that when major decisions are made, opinions are left and cannot be unified.

With his hands behind his back, Mr. Mu looked at the two adults with flushed faces. He was about to send the guards to send them back when he looked up and saw the general standing outside the crowd.

The general came back, and his heart was finally at ease.

"General, you are back."

When everyone heard the word general, they immediately came back to their senses, especially when the prefect and the prefect saw Han Jing, they couldn't help but thump in their hearts, and took a step back unconsciously.

Such a coincidence?
Han Jing glanced at the people guarding the door, and finally set his eyes on the magistrate and the two magistrates, then slowly handed the reins to Feng San, walked slowly towards the steps,
"The general is not usually in the mansion, so I don't know that the two adults are so presumptuous and dare to surround my general's mansion?"

"The general misunderstood, the lower official didn't mean that... no, it wasn't the lower official who surrounded the mansion, but the general's wife, the lower official came early in the morning, and couldn't leave the house together, and was besieged for several days in a row. The lower official was puzzled, so he wanted to come and ask the truth."

As Liu Zhifu said, he wiped the sweat from his forehead, "General, please check clearly?"

Han Jing looked at him quietly for a moment, then turned to the people on the street, his eyes gradually became painful and chilling

"Fathers, folks, brothers and sisters, you all know that my Han family, as a general, has been guarding the frontier for Daqing and resisting the invasion of the southern barbarians. There was no chance, so he directly sent the Prince Shaojian and Habayashi Guards to encircle and suppress the Han family."

"It's a pity that my father has been a soldier all his life, my mother is unarmed, and my sister-in-law has only been in the family for more than a month, and she was hacked and killed in the mansion like this... How can the monarch be convincing if he doesn't know people clearly and has a loyal minister's heart?"

People: "..."

What, the Han family was besieged?

The old general and his family were killed?
How can this be?

"I was in such a hurry that I didn't have time to rescue the Han family. The Han family was wronged for nothing. As the son of the Han family, I naturally want to clear up the wrongs for the Han family. Therefore, this general wants to take the side of the Qing emperor and tell the world that the prince's sudden death really wants to be known. "

Listening to the general's words, Mr. Mu's eyes flickered, and he immediately took a step forward and bowed to the bottom.

"My fellow countrymen, listen to the next sentence. The Han family has been loyal to the court for generations, and cannot be wronged for nothing. The monarch listens to slander and framed Zhongliang. Naturally, we cannot ignore it. Eliminate the treacherous little people around the monarch, and give the Han family justice. The crown prince is innocent, and he wants to make the world clear."

The people on the street listened to Mr. Mu's words and nodded in agreement.
"Yes, General Han's family can't be wronged. We frontier people can live a stable life because of General Han's unparalleled bravery, so that the southern barbarians dare not take half a step."

(End of this chapter)

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