Chapter 1123
As Wang Shuo said, he stared gently into Pei Hongyi's eyes. Although his tone was mostly teasing, the eagerness in his eyes couldn't hide from her eyes.

"Hehe, Husband Gao also said that was in the past, after all, it is different now. When the Han family died, I was not by my side. Now that the family is flourishing, I don't have the thick skin to go over there, just adding more jokes."

You are shameless, I still want to leave something for myself.

"It's easy to add flowers to the icing on the cake, but difficult to send charcoal in the snow. I have never given charcoal to my sister in the snow. I don't have the face to do the icing on the cake. What do you think, husband?"

Pei Hongyi looked at Wang Shuo with a smile, the ridicule in his eyes was never concealed.

Wang Shuo: "..."

He didn't expect Han Jing to be so powerful, and he turned the game over when he said it was over.

It only took less than a year for a mere warrior and courtier to become emperor. Before, he would not believe it even if he was killed, but the facts were in front of him, so he had to believe it.

That's why he had the cheek to ask his wife to go and pick up the alienated feelings in the past. Even if he recovered a little, it would be enough for the Wang family to live and drink in Zhangzhou Prefecture.

But now seeing his wife's rebellious attitude, although Wang Shuo was embarrassed, he still patiently tried to persuade him.

It's a pity that Pei Hongyi didn't enter, just when he couldn't help it and was about to get angry, an untimely sweet smile came from the door.

"Ah, it's not the right time for my concubine to come."

Xia Qing stood at the door in green clothes, walked in with a smile, and saluted.

"My concubine greets my wife, and my master."

Pei Hongyi looked at Xia Qing, his face darkened, "Who told you to come into my wife's yard at will? You are a concubine, you came here uninvited without a summons, are there any rules?"

"Madam, please calm down. I wanted to let the girl know, but the door was open and no one was guarding the door. After waiting for a while, I had to come in by myself."

Xia Qing innocently waved his hand and pointed to the gate of the yard.

At this moment, I happened to see the gatekeeper lady running over in a hurry, clutching her stomach from time to time, as if she was suffering.

"Look, ma'am, my concubine didn't lie, did she?"

Pei Hongyi frowned and glanced at her, "Are you here for something?"

"Cough~, the concubine was just passing by, and overheard the conversation between the madam and the master. After thinking about it, the concubine couldn't help but walk in."

Xia Qing said, her face turned red, and she looked at Wang Shuo who was beside her with crooked eyes.

"Master, I still remember that my concubine said that there was someone who changed my fate. It was she who made my concubine understand that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky."

Wang Shuo was annoyed, but Aunt Xia made no mistake, and he couldn't get angry innocently, so he could only nod slightly,

"Well, I said it, it seems that your previous master gave you a book for a year."

"Master has a good memory. It was that man who changed my life. It's a pity that my concubine is an unlucky person. She broke up with her family and ran out privately. That's why she ended up in a high-rise building. It also made a marriage between my concubine and my master."

As Xia Qing said, regret flashed across her face. If she hadn't been so stubborn at the time and had learned about current affairs earlier, maybe her status would have been different.

It's a pity to think about it, the girl has the queen's life, if she stays with the girl all the time, she will definitely be a court lady with face in the future.

Even those officials' wives, looking at the Queen's face, have to be polite to them.

It's a pity that she missed these honors.

If she had more stamina, maybe the ending would be different.

However, she still has one chance now, if she succeeds, she can still be prosperous and rich for a lifetime.

Thinking of this, Aunt Xia plopped and knelt on the ground, "I have been hiding something, and I'm guilty. Now I see the master hurt by this matter, and I can't bear it."

"Speak the key."

Pei Hongyi snorted coldly, desperately wanting to attract a man's attention, not seducing him for a moment, and feeling itchy in his heart, he really is a scumbag.

"Forgive me, ma'am. I know the general's wife. She was my former master."

Pei Hongyi: "..."

Wang Shuo: "... What did you say?"

"The master forgives my concubine's crime of deception. I lived a hard life when I was a child. When I was about to be beaten to death by my parents, I was bought by a girl, the general's wife, and named Xia Qing. She let my concubine read and write. She is a concubine. reborn parents."

As Xia Qing said, not only did her eyes turn red, but she also shed two lines of tears.

"It's just that the concubine was wayward at the time, and didn't understand the good intentions of the master, and felt a little wronged in her heart, so she ran out in anger, and ended up meeting bad guys and being arrested into the building."

Not only Pei Hongyi was shocked by Xia Qing's narration, but even Wang Shuo was also shocked.

What kind of luck did he hit, that both women could have something to do with the general's wife.

Aunt Xia did mention her former master to him, but he didn't pay attention to it at the time. He never thought that the prostitute he bought from the building would hide such a shocking secret.

"Xia Qing is the name the general's wife gave you?" Wang Shuo put away his fan, helped her up himself, and looked at her with surprise.

"Well, at that time, the first batch of girls around the girl started with the word Xia. Besides me, there were Xia Xue, Xia Yu, Xia Qiu...because she was older, everyone called her Qiu Niang."

Xia Qing said, looked at Wang Shuo very sadly, then lowered his head.

Wang Shuo looked at her quietly, and finally couldn't help laughing after a while,
"Haha... God really treats Wang well, Qing'er don't need to be sad, your former master is still in Zhangzhou Mansion, I have prepared a generous gift for Qing'er, you go to visit, maybe Madam wants to see Qing'er too .”

"Thank you, master, but I haven't known you for so many years, does Madam still recognize me?" Xia Qing wiped her eyes with a handkerchief, smiling through tears.

"Don't you know if you recognize it or not?" Wang Shuo said, took Xia Qing's hand and left directly. He didn't say a word to Pei Hongyi until he walked out of the yard.

Seeing the figures of the two people disappear before her eyes, Pei Hongyi put away her indifferent expression,
"This fate is really... I just don't know what attitude my sister will have when she knows that the former servant girl has not only been relegated to the loft, but now she is also the concubine of the Wang family?"

Zhi Zhi snorted indignantly at the side,
"It's really bad luck. If the general's wife recognizes her, Aunt Xia will not be able to be a domineering figure in the mansion in the future. It's really unreasonable. How can we meet any kind of bad luck?"

"It may not be bad luck, just wait and see."

Hearing Zhizhi's complaints, Pei Hongyi's heart skipped a beat. She seemed to have mentioned Aunt Xia to her elder sister. At that time, her elder sister even asked her a question, but she didn't care about it. Now that she thinks about it, it's clear.

My sister had known for a long time that Xia Qing was a concubine in the Wang family's backyard, but she didn't even mention it, which showed that their master-servant relationship was normal.

As for what Xia Qing said about running away from home, if it was a servant girl, running away from home would be equivalent to betraying the master.

(End of this chapter)

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