Chapter 1124
It would be more interesting if there were other reasons mixed in.

Thinking of this, Pei Hongyi felt at ease.

After a few days of tidying up, more than a dozen carriages were loaded in large and small cages, and some items had already been transported to the dock in advance, loaded on the ship, and set sail to leave.

Small items, as well as those for personal use, boarded the ship together with the people and were transported to Qingdu.

Bai Ningxiang also knew that if she left Zhangzhou this time, whether she could come back in this life is another matter. As for this mansion, she had already written to her cousin Bai Zhimin, asking him to bring his wife to live here, and help him take care of Zhangzhou Mansion's properties.

In the main courtyard, Bai Ningxiang was flipping through the ledger, Yun Ni walked in with a complicated expression,

"Ma'am, Xia Qing is asking to see you at the door."


"Xia Qing, the one who works as a concubine in Wang's family brought a lot of presents. She said that she only knew the identity of Madam, so she came here to see her."

"Tell her that our master-servant friendship has long since ended, and now we are strangers, so we don't need to see each other anymore."

Bai Ningxiang shook her head, she ignored Pei Hongyi's post, let alone Xia Qing.

It's not because of her status, she really doesn't like merchants like the Wang family.

Hearing Madam's attitude, Yun Ni immediately grinned, so what did she say, how could Madam still pay attention to such a person?

Seeing Yun Ni going to send someone away, Ding Yang couldn't help but say,
"Madam let her live, but she still dares to think about it... Such a person does not deserve to live."

The existence of a stain like a stain should have died a long time ago. If it weren't for the many and complicated things recently, the grass on Xia Qing's grave would be waist high.

"She chose the path herself, let her go." Bai Ningxiang smiled, she knew how much Yun Ni annoyed Xia Qing, and she would settle down after a scare.

Sure enough, Yun Ni walked to the door with her hands behind her back and sneered.

"Sure enough, the Wang family doesn't know etiquette. In order to cling to them, even the concubine is released to use it. There is really no limit and it's annoying."

Listening to Yun Ni's tone, Xia Qing suddenly raised her head, "Sister Yun Ni, don't you remember me?"

"Who do you think you are, why should I remember the name of a cat or a dog?"

Yun Ni said, walked down the steps, looked her up and down,
"Tsk tsk~, I advise you to leave quickly. Wouldn't it be good to be your concubine? You have to toss, and finally get fished out from that kind of place. If you are thrown out again because of your big heart, you will be beaten like a chicken. gone."

Xia Qing looked at Yun Ni in disbelief, why is it different from what she thought?
Madam hasn't seen her for a long time, even if she is curious, she will let her into the mansion to meet her. She doesn't want much, as long as she can walk around the general's mansion, no matter whether she can help the Wang family or not, she is just trying to bear the burden of the past. The master-servant relationship can also allow her to enjoy a lifetime of happiness in the Wang family.

"Sister Yun Ni, I know that I was too willful and ignorant before. Now I have figured it out. I just want to see Madam again. I heard that you are leaving. I want to say goodbye to Madam. I was young. Regret for ignorance."

If she couldn't even enter the gate of the mansion today, there might be no place for her to stand in the Wang family's backyard.

"Sanya, do you think I'm stupid?"

Yun Ni looked at her, sneered, took a step forward casually, lowered her head slightly, and leaned close to her ear,

"You ran away quietly back then. Your sister once begged Madam to find you. At that time, Madam asserted that you are a girl, and you can't get far at all. You will either be trafficked or become prostitutes."

"Madam also said that you choose your own path, and you have to follow right and wrong... But I think your existence is a stain on Madam. In fact, I really want you to shut up forever and live as Madam's maidservant. That also depends on whether you have the life to enjoy."

Xia Qing: "..."

Yun Ni wanted to kill her?

"Don't look at me in such shock. You are no different from the stray dogs and cats adopted by your wife. It's all because of a moment of pity. They throw in some bait, but those stray dogs still know how to repay their kindness and help take care of the home. Can you do what?"

"Just your small thoughts are not enough for me. I can crush you to death with a single move. So, I advise you, from today on, you'd better keep your mouth shut, don't say you know my wife, lest you die Gone."

After Yun Ni finished speaking, she straightened her body, looked at Sanya's pale face, and before turning to leave, she stopped again,

"Oh, by the way, you'd better change the name Xia Qing as well. It doesn't suit you. I wish you a happy concubine."

Sanya stared blankly at Yun Ni entering the mansion, thinking of what she said just now, a layer of cold sweat suddenly broke out on her forehead.

That's right, she only wanted to benefit, so why did she forget that the madam will be the queen in the future, and her reputation must not be flawed.

And she was not only sold into a building, but also became a merchant's concubine. These things are irrelevant to my wife. If people find out, the joke is a small joke, and the main thing is whether she can save her life.

Thinking of this, Xia Qing shrank in her heart, and couldn't help but look back. Fortunately, she was far away from the girl who came, and Yun Ni still gave her a way out, so she didn't announce it loudly.

It seems that I will be a man with my tail clamped in the future.

"Since Madam is busy, I won't bother you. Let's go back." Xia Qing wiped his face with a handkerchief, turned around and got into the carriage, urging the driver to leave quickly.

Although the girl who came with her didn't know why, she was now the young master's favorite, so she couldn't offend her.

Watching the carriage leave, Yun Ni stepped out, leaned against the door, and sneered, "Coward, I'm afraid I'll get my hands dirty if I kill you."

"Assuming she's sensible, otherwise, I don't mind giving her a ride." Standing under the tree, Ding Yang said in a cold voice.

"Okay, she was scared by me just now, I'm afraid she won't dare to mention this again." Hmph, the opportunity has been given, it's because of her own poor fortune that she dares to cling to her, that's too much life.

As soon as Xia Qing returned to the mansion, Wang Shuo was already waiting at the door, looking at her expectantly, but was stunned when he saw the gift in the carriage.

"Madam didn't see you?"

On the way back, Xia Qing kept thinking of excuses, but now that Wang Shuo asked, he forced a smile,
"Sister Yun Ni, who is next to Madam, came out to see me, and said that since I have entered the Wang family, I should stay well, which is also my luck."

"What about after that?" Wang Shuo's complexion improved a bit, waiting for her to continue.

"Sister Yun Ni said that Madam was busy, so she disappeared. The friendship between master and servant was exhausted the moment I left, so don't force it."

After Xia Qing finished speaking, she wiped her tears sadly. Although Wang Shuo was dissatisfied with what she had said so much, he would not embarrass her too much.

It was the only way she could think of.

Sure enough, listening to Xia Qing's tone, Wang Shuo pursed the corners of his lips, and his eyes flashed disgust, but it made sense after thinking about it. After all, Xia Qing had entered the Wang family and became Aunt Xia, so wouldn't that be the end of her fate?

"In that case, don't think too much, go back to the yard first."

"The concubine didn't help the master, I feel really guilty, after all, the concubine's fate is unlucky."

(End of this chapter)

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