Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 114 It's Not Good For No Reason

Chapter 114 It's Not Good For No Reason
He also said that he should entertain well, and he must not be neglected.

Bai Ningxiang looked at Shopkeeper Dong's overly enthusiastic attitude, and was puzzled, there must be a monster in the abnormality!

"Shopkeeper Dong, it's not my first time here. You don't have to be polite. Please inspect the last batch of spring tea first to see the quality. We're talking about the price."

Shopkeeper Dong heard the girl's polite tone, and felt a little regretful in his heart. If he knew that the master valued her so much, he should have established a good relationship earlier.

"Haha...Miss Bai is polite, you don't know, our young master went to the tea fight meeting and came back with the title of leader. As expected by Miss Bai, good tea will shine."

So that's the case, did she just say that?
Zhao Xian did not show affection for no reason, and Zhao Xian shined in the tea fight and won the first place.

It also raised the Zhao family's reputation to a higher level and stabilized the pressure on other tea merchants. Afterwards, orders would fly over like snowflakes, and the profits alone would be immeasurable.

The ancients always said that it is not unreasonable for opportunities and risks to coexist. Of course, there is also luck.

"That's really congratulations to the Young Master's family. With the title of leader, the Zhao family will surely have a prosperous business and a wealth of wealth."

If the business is good, the supply of goods must be sufficient, which is good news for her.

"Haha... I would like to borrow a good word from Miss Bai, but our young master also said that thanks to the good tea brought by the girl, we can say that Miss Bai has contributed a lot."

Speaking of this, Shopkeeper Dong looked at Bai Ningxiang with more complicated eyes. There is no way, some people's opportunities are always hard to come by.

Originally, he wanted to get close to other girls and let people call him Uncle Dong.

Now that the master has come forward, it will be difficult for him to make such a head.

Hearing Shopkeeper Dong's undisguised intimacy, Bai Ningxiang picked up the teacup and took a sip lightly, taking the opportunity to suppress the meaning in her eyes to mock.

The last time I delivered tea, Zhao Xianming's swaying warning is still vivid in my memory, telling her to keep her own place and not be greedy.

It's only been a few days of hard work, and his tone has completely changed?

"I don't dare to take the credit. When I sold the tea to the Zhao family, I also liked the reputation of the Zhao family. It has a good reputation. However, since I sold the tea and got the money, I have paid both the money and the goods, and there is no debt to each other."

"No matter what the Zhao family does with the tea, it has nothing to do with me. Therefore, shopkeeper Dong won't mention the credit or anything. It's just a fair deal between me and the Zhao family."

"Haha... You're right. Miss Bai and my Zhao family are indeed a fair deal. It's really admirable to have such a heart at such a young age."

While speaking, a gray-haired old man walked in with his beard stroked. Behind him, Zhao Xian, the second generation ancestor, followed.

Bai Ningxiang looked at Patriarch Zhao who came in, and wondered if it was her own illusion, this person was much more energetic than the image in memory.

"Patriarch Zhao Liao Zan, I'm ashamed to be a little girl, I'm just telling the truth."

She makes money with her handicrafts, never in arrears or in arrears, and the business world is ups and downs. She dare not say that she is a good person, but she has never broken her bottom line.

It has been so before, and it will be so in the future.

Patriarch Zhao stared at Bai Ningxiang for a while, then nodded silently in his heart, no wonder the girl who was protected by the major general had an extraordinary spirit and heart.

"Haha... not bad, neither arrogant nor impetuous, the prospects are limitless."

Given how much the major general cares about this person, he probably won't stay in this corner for a long time. If we make friends today, when she soars into the sky, it will be worth it if she can read well.

(End of this chapter)

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