Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 115 Excessive enthusiasm makes people panic

Chapter 115 Excessive enthusiasm makes people panic

Thinking of this, Patriarch Zhao's eyes on Bai Ningxiang changed a lot.

"It's all about talking, doing and doing, some love still has to be inherited. For some reasons, the Zhao family can't supply new tea. It's also fate to meet Miss Bai. Otherwise, this Daba Town would not have a foothold for the Zhao family. landed."

Does this mean you have to get involved with yourself?
Is it because of tea to win the top spot?

Or is there something she overlooked?

Bai Ningxiang frowned, and couldn't help thinking in her heart. Suddenly, she remembered something.

At that time, she was married to Jiang Wenxue. In order to facilitate Jiang Wenxue's study, she opened a tea shop in the county, and the family moved to live in Ba County.

She was the only one who ran around the tea garden, the town, and the county every day to know what happened to the Zhao family.

At this time in the previous life, the Zhao family was indeed in trouble. The tea factory seemed to be attacked by barbarians and bandits.

Because Patriarch Zhao was also in the tea factory at that time, he was seriously injured, and has been in a bad mood since then.

In addition, the supply of new tea was not available, and Zhangjia Tea Shop was overwhelmed by it, and almost closed down.

Because of this matter, the second ancestor Zhao Xian was so angry that he brought someone to beat the young master of the Zhang family, but he was caught straight and locked in the town office. It took a lot of effort for the master of the Zhao family to get him out.

After that, the Zhao family was hit hard by the Zhang family one after another, and they did not recover for many years.

Until she moved to Qingdu with Jiang Wenxue, the Zhao family was still struggling. Later, when she returned to her hometown to worship her ancestors, the Zhao family had a turnaround, which was supported by Zhao Xian.

Thinking of this, Bai Ningxiang's heart skipped a beat, because her rebirth changed the fate of the Zhao family?

When she came to sell tea last time, shopkeeper Dong mentioned that apart from some problems in the tea factory, the supply of tea was slow.

The head of the Zhao family mentioned it again just now, but it can be confirmed that there is really a problem with the Zhao family's tea factory. As for whether it is bandits this year, I don't know.

Thinking of this, Bai Ningxiang sighed unintentionally,

"Speaking of which, the people living on the border are also working hard. They are always harassed by barbarians and bandits. I heard that bandits are rampant this year."

Patriarch Zhao was obviously taken aback when he heard Bai Ningxiang's emotion. Could it be that the Major General even told this to a girl like her?

"Who says it's not? Fortunately, the soldiers and horses of our Daqing Kingdom are not vegetarians. With the help of the soldiers and civilians, they drive away the barbarians and bandits, and restore the health of the people."

Every year when there is a shortage of crops, there are always barbarian bandits grabbing food and harassing the people.

The garrison guards deal with it, and they are always not as familiar with the terrain as the locals.Therefore, those barbarians are also a headache for the garrison guards.

Fortunately, there is no danger this year, and the nobles will help them, otherwise, their Zhao family will be in trouble.

Hearing the excitement in Patriarch Zhao's tone, Bai Ningxiang knew that brother-in-law was the general guarding the army, since brother-in-law left without saying goodbye, there was no news about bandits.

Maybe they have already smashed those people into pieces.

Thinking of these two points, Bai Ningxiang's eyes lit up. If because of her rebirth, she rescued her brother-in-law in time and avoided the Zhao family's disaster, she could accept Patriarch Zhao's thanks with peace of mind.

It's a pity that only she knows all this.

Faced with Patriarch Zhao's overly enthusiastic attitude, Bai Ningxiang accepted it calmly, whether it was overt or covert, it had something to do with her.

"Patriarch Zhao, I'm here to deliver the last batch of spring tea today. Now that you're here, why don't you give us a review?"

(End of this chapter)

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