Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 1143 Is it to reconcile or leave

Chapter 1143 Is it to reconcile or leave

"Empress, our prince will definitely be a good emperor with both ability and political integrity." Seeing the prince walking away, Yun Ni praised with a smile.

"Your majesty is right. Mo'er is the crown prince, and he will shoulder more things in the future. Calmness is a compulsory course for him."

Although intelligence is born, but later guidance is also very important, just like what Zheng Xiucai told Le Sheng, hard work can make up for one's weakness.

Used on the prince, it can also exercise the mind.

There is an old saying that children from poor families are the first to be in charge of the family. This is true, but she has a different opinion.

Being in charge of the family early can only say that the children are sensible, hardworking and motivated, and do not add burdens to the family, but it limits their horizons and stops many dreams. Once they become powerful, many people will not be able to withstand the temptation.

Conversely, those who fell into the honeypot from birth, lived affluently from an early age, learned a lot, and met good things, so they have less desire.

Such a person can often keep his heart and do a great job.

Of course, spoiled dudes don't count.

Just like her Mo'er, who is not lacking in status and status now, coupled with the guidance of a famous teacher, and with more experience in the future, she will definitely be a good king in the future.

Yun Ni listened to her master's emotion, and agreed with her,
"The empress is right. Although the prince is young, he is not spoiled at all. He can stay in the palace and sleep in the hut. Not everyone can possess this kind of quality of being happy with the situation."

"Poor mouth, even though I know you are praising the prince, I am still happy, because Mo'er has really done a good job in this regard."

Bai Ningxiang glanced at Yun Ni, got up and went to the inner hall, washed and dressed, and changed her dress.

In the past, in order to raise more money for food, she was so busy that she kept her feet off the ground every day. She communicated directly with her children, and she had no time to spoil them.

Sometimes when children are crying and crying, justify it if you can. You can't just take the two of them to do things together, sleep in the countryside together, borrow a farmhouse together, and drive through the night with the stars and the moon.

At the beginning, her idea was very simple, that is to let the children know that no matter what they do, it will take hard work to complete.

Then she got used to it, and so did the children.

From the beginning the children had no opportunity to be arrogant, but now the habit has been formed, and everything will follow its own course.

After washing up, Bai Ningxiang put on the fringed phoenix crown, and just sat down when she heard the report from the palace that Mrs. Lou and her daughter came to see her.


Bai Ningxiang sat at the main seat, watching the two people approach slowly.

"The ordering woman pays respects to the empress, and greets the empress."

"Be flat, give me a seat." Bai Ningxiang smiled and raised her hand. She hadn't seen Lou Chenlu for several years, and her appearance had changed a lot.

"Thank you madam."

Under the guidance of the palace staff, the two sat down.Only then did Lou Chenlu look at Bai Ningxiang who was sitting on the main seat, with a smile in her eyes,
"In a blink of an eye, I haven't seen you for many years, and the empress is even more imposing."

"After Sister Lu'er got married, not only her body became healthier, but her mouth also became more powerful." Seeing her former friends, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help but tease her.

"The Queen's mother is respectful to the world, and she is a role model for ministers and wives. Naturally, she has to speak nicely."

Lou Chenlu curled her lips and smiled brightly. Fortunately, their friendship still exists.

Before entering the palace, she was very uneasy. Now that her identity has been turned upside down, can her former boudoir friends still get along as before?

Seeing her now, apart from the change in address, she can still feel the friendship in Bai Ningxiang's eyes, and she immediately feels at ease.

"Looks like you're having a good time, naughty ghost."

Mrs. Lou watched the two teasing back and forth, but didn't answer, and just drank tea quietly.

But I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, my daughter has good eyesight, and she can still meet such a noble person after traveling so far.

"I almost forgot to tell my mother that my aunt has already replied and said that she will be back soon after the year, so let me let you know in advance." Lou Chenlu took the letter from the girl and asked someone to present it.

When Bai Ningxiang saw the result, she immediately laughed,
"That's great, let's clean up Aunt Ping together later."

The three of them were talking, and the palace servants came in to report.

"Report to Empress Empress, Mrs. Feng brought the eldest daughter-in-law, the girls are here."

"please come in."

For the Feng family, Bai Ningxiang had no special feelings, and for the sake of the emperor, she gave them preferential treatment.

But the other party also has to be sensible, otherwise, there will be no room for presumptuous people here.

Wang Shi led the crowd in and looked at Bai Ningxiang who was in the first place with complicated eyes.

All kinds of women she looked down upon in the past are now superior and have become existences she can't afford.

"The minister's wife and the children greet the empress, and the empress is safe."

"Feng Gong is exempt from courtesy, and I will give you a seat." Bai Ningxiang smiled gently, and Qinglian immediately asked the maids to lead the seats.

The mother and daughter of the Lou family looked at each other, knowing in their hearts that the empress is just like the Feng family.

When Wang Shi heard Bai Ningxiang's address, she was stunned. Although she was dissatisfied, she didn't dare to show it right now.

After all, today is different from the past, Bai Ningxiang and her are far apart.

"Thank you, empress, I should have entered the palace early to congratulate my empress, but thinking that my empress must be busy and not easy to disturb, I have waited until now, and I still hope that my empress will be happy."

"Mr. Gong, you are being polite. To be honest, I have been really busy since I entered Changchun Palace."

Bai Ningxiang said politely, picked up the teacup and took a sip of the tea. When she saw Feng Yuyun, she couldn't help being taken aback.

Isn't this person sent abroad with her husband's family?

Haven't heard of them coming back?

Looking at Bai Ningxiang's eyes, Feng immediately smiled,
"Except for Yuyun, the empress may seem unfamiliar to the empress. You guys, hurry up and greet the empress, so that you can get familiar with each other. Otherwise, there will be no chance for you to walk here in the future."

Listening to Feng's half-joking and half-serious words, Bai Ningxiang frowned directly. At this moment, the girls stood up again and walked to the center of the hall.

But before the girls opened their mouths, Feng Yuyun leaned over and saluted, "Yun'er pays respects to the empress, this is the concubine sisters Huiyun and Hanyun. They are young, entering the palace for the first time, timid, please don't blame the empress." .”

When Feng Yujun said this, the two girls blushed, silently blessing their bodies, and did not speak.

Bai Ningxiang looked at Feng Yuyun's behavior, her eyes flashed, she hadn't seen her for several years, she was still the same.

"When will Sister Yun return to the capital, but I haven't heard the news of the Li family's return to the capital?"

As soon as Bai Ningxiang said these words, Feng Yuyun's face turned pale, her lips were tightly pursed, her body was a little shaky, as if she could faint at any time, even the sitting Feng Shi's face tightened.

They suspected that Bai Ningxiang was deliberately embarrassing Feng Yujun, so she mentioned her husband's family.

But looking at her indifferent expression, it seemed that she really didn't know anything about Feng Yuyun.

(End of this chapter)

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