Chapter 1144 Dress Up
During this brief silence, Feng Huiyun, who was wearing a water-red dress next to her, slightly bent her knees.

"If you go back to the empress, the eldest sister was divorced by the Li family... and left, and she has been back for a while."

After finishing speaking, Feng Huiyun timidly lowered her head and hooked the corners of her mouth.

Hmph, an abandoned woman still wants to overwhelm them, she deserves it.

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

And away?

what's the situation?
"Girl Hui, don't talk too much, it will pollute your mother's ears."

Mrs. Feng looked at her daughter's embarrassing expression, and glared at the concubine. If the old lady hadn't spoken, she would never have brought the two concubines into the palace.

Now in front of the empress, she dared to expose the shortcomings of my sister-in-law.

You bastard, sure enough, you didn't follow your good intentions, and looked back and didn't tear her up.

"The empress doesn't know anything. The Li family is bullying people. I heard that something happened to Qingdu, and she even implicated sister Yun. She blamed her every day and wanted to divorce her. Naturally, sister Yun didn't want to wrong herself, so she proposed to reconcile her." Li, it took quite a while before Sister Yun came back safely, but she suffered a great crime."

As Feng Shi said, she pressed the red corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, and at this time Feng Yuyun was already in tears.

Looking at the mother and daughter, Bai Ningxiang felt indescribably bored.

However, according to Mrs. Feng's tone, Feng Yuyun's marriage has turned bad, which seems to be caused by an accident in the Han family.

What did they specifically point out?
Let her understand that Feng Yuyun was implicated by the Han family?

Let her take care of her?
Or let the emperor feel guilty and prefer more?
"I didn't know that Sister Yun and Li had returned home. As far as I know, the Han family had already drawn a clear line with the Feng family before the incident, and I was afraid that the Yin family would cause trouble for the Feng family."

Bai Ningxiang said with a sigh,
"The Yin family didn't trouble the Feng family, but the Li family couldn't help it."

Listening to Bai Ningxiang's tone, Feng's face was startled. Has the Han family separated from the Feng family?

Why doesn't she know?
No wonder after the Han family's accident, the father-in-law claimed that he was ill and had never been to the court. At first, she thought that the father-in-law wanted to avoid suspicion, and she was quite happy at that time, because the Feng family was not blamed from the beginning to the end.

Waiting until the gate of the city was opened, the Han family changed dynasties, and the father-in-law re-entered the Imperial Academy.

Although she didn't leave the house, she happily ate an extra bowl of rice.

As relatives of the imperial family, the Feng family's good days are coming, and no matter what happens, they have to be dutiful with their titles.

Now the queen actually said to draw a clear line with the Feng family, how could this be possible?

"What the empress said is right. The majesty of the Han family in the previous dynasty did not dare to bother the Feng family. What is the Li family? It is also blessed by the prince's wife's family to be able to achieve that position. I really think I am a She's a character, she's afraid that we'll hurt her if something happens to her, and she's going to do everything possible to divorce her wife, her heart is terrible, it's just a pain for Sister Yun."

Looking at Feng's face, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help sighing, among other things, Feng's skin is really thick.

"Ma'am, don't be angry. What are the facts? After the palace banquet is over, I can send someone to investigate. If the Li family gets married to Lizheng's wife for no reason, I will definitely seek justice for sister Yun. The Li family should also give up The big sedan chair welcomes sister Yun back to be the head mother of the Li family."

As soon as Bai Ningxiang said this, Feng Yuyun was taken aback, and refused without thinking.

"No, I don't want to go back." As soon as these words came out, not to mention Bai Ningxiang looked at her in confusion, even the mother and daughter of the Lou family also looked over.

Those present couldn't tell that the empress was just saying a polite word, and they would definitely send someone to investigate later, but those who had already reconciled said that letting her go back was just to make her look good.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yujun not only didn't appreciate Xie En, but even objected, there was something really wrong.

Feng Yuyun also knew that she was in a hurry, so she knelt on the ground with a miserable expression on her face.

"Reporting to Empress, it's not that Yun'er doesn't know what's good or bad, the Li family is a den of wolves, they made things difficult for me before, and they finally made up with each other. If I go back again, Yun'er might die out."

As Feng Yujun spoke, tears couldn't stop streaming down her face, and in just a moment, her eyes swelled into peaches.

"Sister Yun, don't be too sad. The palace banquet will start soon. I'm afraid it's inappropriate for you to look like this. Let the girl take you down to clean up, so that people won't see a joke. Yun Ni, bring a hibiscus flower hairpin and give it to me." Sister Yun put it on."

Bai Ningxiang looked at her, reminded her lightly, her eyes glanced at the plain white dress on her body, and the ornaments on her bun, two old silver hairpins, exquisite workmanship, elegant and restrained, if matched with other accessories, they would also complement each other , It is not impossible to wear it alone, but it is more suitable for older ladies.

The Feng Yuyun in front of me is the best time for a woman, and she can't hold back such a simple old silver jewelry. Coupled with a crying expression, she looks like a miserable woman who sees me especially pity.

If it's normal, it's just like this.

But wearing a suit to attend a palace banquet is a bit out of date.

"Yes, Miss Feng, please come with me." Yun Ni glanced at her, then summoned a girl and led her to the unused side hall next door to redress and tidy up.

Feng Yujun's eyes were red, she looked at Bai Ningxiang in disbelief, and tightened the handkerchief in her hand, as if unwilling.

Mrs. Lou put down the teacup and reminded me gently,
"The young lady of the Feng family is indeed infuriating because of this incident. She is in a bad mood. Naturally, she is not in the mood to choose clothes, but this outfit is indeed a little plain, and she is a little bit lacklustre in the palace banquet."

For Jianguo's first palace banquet, she wore this outfit, no matter what her intentions were, she couldn't be liked.

Hearing Mrs. Lou's gentle tone, Feng Yuyun bit the corner of her lips and retreated silently.

Under Yun Ni's leadership, together with Feng Yuyun's girls, she quickly rearranged her makeup, and Yun Ni personally put on the hibiscus flower hairpin for her.

"Well, at a young age, they still look good. The Li family doesn't know what to do, it's because they are blind."

"Thank you, sister Yun Ni."

Feng Yujun looked into the glazed mirror, decorated with hibiscus flower hairpins, his complexion was rosy, and the corners of his lips were smudged with the same color of lip balm, and his whole person suddenly became brighter.

Now the situation is stronger than others, and the girl she looked down on before now has to call her sister aggrievedly to show her humility.

"Miss Feng, our aunt is now a fourth-rank female official. You should call me aunt to be appropriate."

The little maid pursed her lips, flirting with her relatives.

Feng Yuyun was taken aback, looked at Yun Ni who was smiling gently, and blushed, "It's the little girl who is trespassing, please punish me, aunt."

"Miss Feng is too polite. It was the empress who gave her a rank. Miss Feng, the daughter of the Feng family, naturally cannot be compared."

Yun Ni gave a polite voice, and led the people back to the main hall.

At this time, the hall was full of joy, and Yun Ni saw that Mrs. Lu and her daughter were chatting happily with the Queen.

However, after Lu Wei came, she sat behind Mrs. Lou, chatting with her sister-in-law with great interest.

(End of this chapter)

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