Chapter 1145 Praise
Mrs. Lu, who was watching, shook her head and sighed, saying that the girls are outward, which is really true.

She worked so hard to raise her grown-up daughter, once she got married, she completely changed her sex. She not only showed off how harmonious her in-laws and family were in front of her every now and then, but also staged their deep love between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law from time to time, throwing her mother-in-law aside and ignoring her. , Look at it and get angry.

"Oh, it's said that the married woman poured water, look at it. My mother-in-law drove her back, saying that Sister Wei would accompany me into the palace. Look at it, and in a blink of an eye, she ran away again."

Lu Wei listened to her mother's nagging, and grinned,
"Mother has buried me, and I've been sitting with you in front of the empress, why don't you allow me to talk to my little girl?"

"This girl, don't care." Mrs. Lu gave her a coquettish look, and took a sip of tea.

Bai Ningxiang looked at their way of getting along, without asking, she knew that the two families got along very well, otherwise, it would be impossible to be so casual.

"It's really pleasing to see you like this. When we have time in the future, let's drink tea together, even if we chat, it's also refreshing."

With tempered people, no matter what you say, feel free.

"What the empress said is that the spring will be warm and the flowers will bloom in the coming year. The empress will hold a flower feast. I heard that there are many rare and rare herbs in the imperial garden. The court lady wants to feast her eyes on it."

Madam Lu pressed the corner of her lower lip with a handkerchief, glanced at Feng Yuyun who was silently returning to her seat, and suggested softly.

"Naturally, when the spring is warm and the flowers are in full bloom, I will hold a feast of flowers and invite my wife to come and watch."

Mrs. Lou glanced at the hourglass and put down her teacup, "It's almost time, so I won't gossip, I'll go ahead and wait for your empress in the Xuanbao Palace."

"Mother-in-law, let's go together." Mrs. Lu stood up, and a group of people saluted and walked away hand in hand.

Mrs. Feng sat at the bottom, seeing that Mrs. Lu and Mrs. Lou didn't invite her, she was annoyed and got up embarrassingly.

Before leaving, she looked back at Bai Ningxiang who was drinking tea in the main seat, her eyes flickered, as if she had something to say but didn't know how to say it, seeing that Bai Ningxiang didn't keep her, she took her daughter-in-law and left.

"Your Majesty, do you think there is something wrong with Madam Feng?" Yun Ni couldn't help but look at the man's hesitant footsteps.

"Zuo just wants to benefit himself or the Feng family, so don't worry about it."

The Feng family's appearance today was not right, they brought three daughters to the banquet, two of them were concubines, with Feng's way of suppressing concubines, how could they be willing to bring concubines into the palace?
Not to mention allowing the concubine's daughter to dominate the limelight of the concubine's daughter.Therefore, today I can see two concubine daughters, among them there must be Mrs. Feng's handwriting.

Judging from the looks and ages of the two girls, they probably wanted to find a good marriage through the banquet.

It's not surprising that many marriages of her daughter's family were met through banquets, but Feng Yuyun was the only one who made her feel weird.

"Ding Yang, order me to go down and check Feng Yuyun to see what's going on."

With Feng Yuyun's skills, he should be doing well in the Li family, but now that He Li returns home, no matter how you look at it, it's not normal.Especially Feng Huiyun's tone of reluctance to speak, I'm afraid it is not simple at this time.


After a while, Han Jing came with the little prince, "Empress, are you dressed up? The banquet is about to begin."

Bai Ningxiang looked at the father and son who appeared at the door, both of them were dressed in black brocade clothes, with gold thread auspicious clouds embroidered on the cuffs and collars, vermilion belts around their waists, and white jade waist pendants on them, with elegant temperament and compelling aura .

The only difference between the two is the hair accessories. As the king, Han Jing wears a crown.The prince was young and did not reach the crown. He fixed his hair in a bun with a red hairband inlaid with broken jade. The long hairband fluttered behind him, and he also had a charming and handsome appearance.

"As expected of a father and son, they both look handsome." Looking at the two closest to her, Bai Ningxiang praised them without hesitation.

"The empress is as beautiful and elegant as the princess, and her aura is overwhelming." Han Jing looked at the empress and his Princess Zhaoxia with gentle eyes that seemed to wring out water.

Today's palace banquet, the mother and daughter also wore the same style of purple palace attire, which was extravagant and elegant.

The difference between the two is also in the bun. Bai Ningxiang wears a high bun and wears a nine-tailed phoenix hairpin. On the phoenix mouth, there is a red gemstone pendant, which is just at the center of the forehead. No matter how you look at it, she looks graceful and luxurious. Qi.

Princess Zhaoxia tied up two manes, wearing a light purple bead flower, with a pink east bead on each of the two flower stamens, a white jade collar around her neck, and a red gemstone pendant in the middle. Full of vigor.

After the family of four praised each other, they couldn't help but smile at each other, "Let's go, it's getting late, Xiaoqi has been sent by me to guard the place."

In the imperial palace on a snowy night, the lanterns glowed with orange light, illuminating the entire corridor, and everywhere they went, there was a touch of warmth.

As soon as the group arrived, the palace guards at the entrance of the main hall sang congratulations loudly.

"The Emperor is here."

"The Empress is here."

"The prince is here."

"Princess Zhaoxia is here."

All the courtiers in the hall knelt together, "Kowtow to the emperor, long live the emperor. Kowtow to the empress, the empress is a thousand years old."

"Kowtow to the prince, kowtow to Princess Zhaoxia."

"Everyone is flat." Han Jing led the queen to the main seat, accompanied by the crown prince and Princess Zhaoxia.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After everyone was seated, they looked at the family of four sitting on the high platform. After being surprised, they were left with envy.

Han Jing glanced around, and raised his hand with a gentle expression, "The new dynasty has just begun, and the end of the new year is approaching. Double happiness is coming. You don't have to be restrained, you can enjoy singing and dancing, and have a good time."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

As the music played, the dancer came in graceful steps, dressed in colorful clothes, stepping on light lotus steps.

With the melodious music, dancing waist, colorful clothes flying, lotus steps, just like delicate flowers blooming gently between the heaven and the earth, with the dancers' flying movements, the refreshing fragrance of flowers permeates the whole The palace is mesmerizing.

Dozens of dancers spread out like blooming flower buds, like a rain of flowers all over the sky, like orchids in an empty valley, beautiful and magnificent.

At the end of the song, everyone still had an intoxicated expression. The dancer was beautiful, her dance was graceful, and the aroma was compelling, making people intoxicated.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the expressions of the crowd, raised the corners of her lips slightly, and glanced at Han Jing, their eyes just met.

"Okay, the choreography is good, let's go down and receive the reward." Han Jing took the lead in applauding, and all the officials echoed and praised together.

As the dancer slowly retreated, the palace servants brought up the dishes one after another.

The monarchs and ministers celebrated together, and congratulations were endless.

The first one to get up was still Zhongshuling, holding the wine glass and raising it high.

(End of this chapter)

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