Chapter 1147 Unwilling
However, what made her happy was not the dancing posture, but the resentful eyes of the female relatives next door.

At first, she didn't think much about it, but now that she saw the turbulent competition in the undercurrent, she finally understood.

These people tried their best to show their faces, and they all dressed up beautifully like flowers, but now their faces have collapsed. It's no wonder that they were robbed of the limelight and the opportunity to show their talents.

As soon as a round of fan dance was over, someone stood up and showed the lyre. Everyone took turns to play, all of them were teenagers. You come and go, it's like a competition, and no one wants to bow their heads.

The result can be imagined, from the beginning to the end, there was nothing wrong with the female relatives.

Bai Ningxiang looked at it with great interest, while appreciating it, she also looked at the expressions of the officials, not to mention, this palace banquet is really unique.

There is only a curtain between the male guests and the female guests, which does not block the line of sight at all.

Bai Ningxiang could feel several pairs of resentful eyes, sticking to Han Jing's body and unwilling to leave, until Bai Ningxiang followed her gaze, they lowered their heads in embarrassment.

In that position, they were all the family members of fourth- and fifth-rank officials, including the Feng family.

Bai Ningxiang frowned, she didn't expect the Feng family to be the ugliest eater, it's really ridiculous.

No wonder the Feng family gritted their teeth and brought the concubines into the palace today. The children of the first line are all old, and there is no suitable one. Only the two concubines are sixteen or seventeen years old. They are tender and young. If they enter the palace, they will be in their prime.

Bai Ningxiang sneered, but it's a pity that without her stopping, Han Jing would absolutely prevent Feng's daughter from entering the palace.

I just don't know whose attention the Feng family wanted to send their daughter into the palace?

When the country was first established, it was indeed necessary to consolidate the imperial power, but the Feng family was not suitable and would not allow it.

I don't even want to think about it. The Han family was in trouble, and Han's mother was among them. If the Feng family didn't get the news at the beginning, they could still talk about it. After that, the whole Qing knew it. I don't know?

However, from the beginning to the end, the Feng family avoided suspicion and did not speak up for the Han family. Mother Han is the daughter of the Feng family. It shouldn't be difficult to seek honor for her daughter, right?

It's a pity that in the end, the unrelated Lou family came forward to replace the mother-in-law's body and temporarily bury it.

The Feng family thanked guests behind closed doors, in order to avoid suspicion in their reputation, but in fact they avoided danger.

It doesn't matter whether they are trying to preserve the Feng family, or for righteousness.

After all, nothing was done.

The Lou family also knows that wealth and wealth are sought in danger, but don't the Feng family know?
Therefore, Han Jing's ability to place his grandfather in the Imperial College is considered broad-minded.Now they still want their daughter to enter the palace, so they don't need to think about it.

Just when Bai Ningxiang was distracted, she suddenly felt a chill go down her back, and when she turned her head to look over, she saw Feng Yuyun's resentful eyes that were too late to retract.

Bai Ningxiang looked at her and smiled.

There are many smart people in the world, but there are always some people who are willing to jump out and be a clown.

In the final analysis, it is the greed in my heart that is at work, always wanting things that do not belong to me.

Greed makes people wise, and greed makes people ugly.

Seeing that the banquet was coming to an end, and the teenagers attending the banquet were still trying their best, Bai Ningxiang looked at her two sons and daughters, beckoned Princess Zhaoxia to her side, and asked softly.

"My queen's little princess, are you sleepy? Do you want my queen to let Ding Yang send you back to rest?"

"The queen mother, the children are not sleepy. It's interesting to watch them perform." Han Xi leaned against the queen mother, his big eyes were full of excitement, and he seemed a little sleepy.

"But, children who stay up late will not grow tall, and will become ugly, so Zhaoxia is not afraid?" Bai Ningxiang pinched her little face, and said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Han Xi immediately hesitated. As a little girl, she already knew beauty and ugliness, and when she heard that she was about to become ugly, she immediately became worried.

"Is it okay for Erchen to go back with the elder brother of the prince?" If the elder brother is not afraid, she is not afraid either.

"Little clever ghost."

Bai Ningxiang suppressed a smile, patted her little hand, and watched as Xi'er rubbed against the prince's ear and said something.

I don't know if they are not together. The two little guys rubbed against each other. They have similar outlines and the same big eyes. The only difference is their demeanor.

As a boy, Han Mo's lips were pursed, his jaw was tightened, and his eyes were as serious as Han Jing's.Xi'er has a chubby face, with baby fat, and looks more like a mother.

The emperor gave birth to two pairs of dragon and phoenix twins in succession, which is well known throughout the world, and Han Mo and Han Xi also made their debuts for the first time today.

Originally, it attracted a lot of prying eyes, but now that the brother and sister got together, those boring family members immediately looked over.

After seeing the faces of the two, I couldn't help whispering,
"The empress is really blessed, and she has two pairs of twins, which is auspicious."

"Who says no, look at Princess Zhaoxia, she must be very much loved by the emperor and the empress, except that her clothes are the same as the empress's empress, look at her collar, it is the same quality as the jade pendant on the emperor's prince, especially the one inlaid on it The ruby ​​must come from the same rough stone as the ruby ​​on the Queen's forehead."

After being reminded like this, everyone will see it, right?

Although there are not many accessories on Princess Zhaoxia, all of them are high-quality goods, showing nobility everywhere, which shows how much the emperor and queen love her.

"It's not surprising. Any family who wants to have such a pair of dragon and phoenix twins will have to suffer pain to the bone."

"Why don't you say that the empress is blessed, with two sons and two daughters, this status cannot be shaken by anyone."

"That is, I heard that Si Tiantai has already deduced it, saying that the empress is one of the four spirits, the Suzaku, who is the master of the south, the lord of the seven constellations, and the god of the south. The blue dragon, the white tiger, and the Suzaku Xuanwu are the creators of the world and the co-lords of the heavens and the earth. , any one of them has the power to maintain the universe."

"Suzaku's five elements belong to fire and belong to the phoenix family. The calendar official of Si Tiantai said that a person with this fate, if born male, is the emperor, and if born female, he will be the empress."

"Really, isn't our queen from the south? Sure enough, the life of the phoenix is ​​the life of the phoenix. Even if you hide in a corner, you can still be encountered by the emperor."

"Who says it's not? It's all fate, God's destiny."

Listening to the whispering voices of the crowd, especially the envious tone, Feng Yujun felt no hatred in her heart.

A group of villains who are stalking people are talking nonsense, Bai Ningxiang is not a phoenix, if she hadn't robbed her cousin, the person sitting on it now would be herself.

If Bai Ningxiang hadn't seized love, how could she have become an abandoned woman?
Even if everyone was right, the Han family was responsible for her downfall. If the Han family hadn't suddenly rebelled, would the Li family despise her?
Just because the Han family was feared by the monarch, the Li family, as the wife of the prince, will be careful everywhere. If there is any trouble, they will find all kinds of excuses to embarrass her. If she is not convinced, they will give her the name of jealousy and make her husband Divorce.

After the Han family was wiped out, she also got a divorce letter in her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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