Chapter 1148 Fatty Meat
It was the grandfather who thought about the reputation of the Feng family and resolutely refused to allow it. He forced the Li family to exchange the divorce letter for the divorce letter, so that she could return with the dowry.

Even with the He Li book in her hand, anyone who knows the inside story will say that she was abandoned by her husband's family.

Being abandoned, she rolled her eyes more times. She shed so many tears by herself. Now that her cousin is enthroned as emperor, no one dares to say anything about her. If she doesn't take this opportunity to turn around, she will only suffer more rolled eyes in the future .

Therefore, she thought back and forth, only by making her cousin feel guilty for her can she win sympathy, coupled with her past affection and her grandfather's reputation, entering the palace as a concubine is her only way out.

But I didn't expect that Bai Ningxiang would destroy it in the end, it's really hateful.

The more Feng Yujun thought about it, the more unwilling he felt. He raised his head and looked at his cousin in the main seat. He was full of vigor and heroism. If he could stand beside him, who would dare to look down on her, who would dare to laugh at her?

Just when she was dazed, her eyes met Bai Ningxiang's, and when she saw the corners of her lips curled up, her heart skipped a beat.

In just a split second, when she raised her head to meet her, Bai Ningxiang had already looked away, the mockery just now was like an illusion.

"Sister Yun, restrain yourself, don't be laughed at by others." Looking at her daughter's straight eyes, Feng couldn't help but remind her.

The ladies sitting next to her glanced at her several times, and their eyes were full of mockery. Feng was still very embarrassed when her daughter made a fool of herself in front of everyone.

If sister Yun was still a big girl, that would be fine, but now that she is in harmony, her reputation is greatly lacking.

Looking at the malicious eyes of those people, I always feel uncomfortable.

Feng Yuyun looked at her mother's complaining expression, and immediately lowered her eyes with a sad expression.

Now that she has returned to her natal family with Li, everyone avoids her like a snake's blood, for fear that her reputation will be affected. If her grandfather did not allow the Feng family's reputation to be damaged, and was ridiculed that such a big family cannot accommodate a Heli woman, she might have already He was sent to Zhuangzi to fend for himself.

Even so, her life in Feng's family was not smooth, and it was the time when she needed her mother's support, otherwise why would she endure these sarcastic remarks?

Seeing the disgust in her mother's eyes, the resentment in her heart increased. If her mother didn't help her, if her mother hadn't chosen a family like the Li family for her, how could she be looked down upon?
Now I feel ashamed of her, why did I go early?

If the mother was willing to help her marry into the Han family earlier, why would she have to face these supercilious looks?
In the final analysis, the Feng family has no guts, and they don't want to take any risks. Now that Han is gaining power, and want to be infected, don't you know if my cousin is willing to accept it?
Grandmother wanted to strengthen the Feng family, let the Feng family skyrocket in the capital, and let the two concubine sisters stand out and earn some honor for the Feng family. It was a beautiful idea. As long as she was around, this kind of thing would never be allowed to happen.

She is the only one who can enter the palace, and no one can block her way. This time, she will meet ghosts and kill ghosts, and gods and gods.

Thinking of this, she looked up again at the first cousin, and the seat was empty.

After scanning around, I realized that my cousin was being toasted by a group of people.

At this time, the performance was over, and it was time for the emperor and his ministers to have fun together. Everyone in the male guests got up, holding wine glasses in their hands, shuttled through the crowd, and toasted with the people who were friendly with each other.

Feng Yuyun rested her chin, watching her cousin surrounded by people chatting and laughing happily, she couldn't help but imagine how happy she would be if she could stand beside her cousin.

Bai Ningxiang ordered Ding Yang to send the children back to rest, watching the emperor exchange feelings with his courtiers, originally she could leave the table, but looking at those staring eyes, Bai Ningxiang pulled the corners of her lips.

Invite Yun Ni and give orders.

"Let's keep an eye on the female guests, don't let the drunks on the male guests collide."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the maidservants have ordered them to go down, especially those few, who will be taken care of alone."

Yun Ni replied in a low voice, she was standing beside the empress to serve her, she already knew who was safe and who had impure thoughts.

Those hook-like eyes stared at the emperor all the time, making people angry just looking at him, I really wanted to pull him out and beat him up.

Hu Meizi's thing, dare to dig the corner of the empress's wall?
Listening to Yun Ni's gloomy tone, Bai Ningxiang stood up and held her hand, chuckled lightly,
"Don't be so hostile, who made our emperor so good? Recruiting is inevitable."

"That can't make people stare at it like fat meat, it's scary to watch." Yun Ni curled her lips, she must have helped the master guard it.

Bai Ningxiang scanned around and sighed inwardly, who could say otherwise.

When Han Jing was a general in the past, these people could not be avoided, for fear that Han Jing would die on the battlefield, become a widow, and ruin his life.

Now that the identity is different, it is not surprising to jump up on the pole again. People go to high places, and water flows to low places, just following God's will.

Bai Ningxiang walked up to Mrs. Lou and smiled gently, "Is Ma'am okay? If you are tired, there is a side room in the side hall next door, so you can rest for a while."

"Thank you, Empress Empress, for your compassion, my wife is safe, and besides, it's rare for us to get together recently, so I'm very happy."

Mrs. Lou got up and smiled lightly. Her son's outstanding performance today also aroused a lot of jealousy.She saw all these things, and was worried, but in the imperial court, there were some things she had to do.

"Mother-in-law, I heard that you were a famous talented woman in Kyoto back then. I didn't expect our Lord Sinongqing to be so outstanding in rhythm. It can be seen that you followed your mother."

Mrs. Lu chuckled lightly, and complimented her unabashedly.

"I made my mother-in-law laugh. That child likes to play with the flute in his spare time. Apart from these, there is nothing outstanding. It is the emperor's favor, otherwise, he might make a fool of himself."

Mrs. Lou said modestly, she was honored that her son showed his face, but she still had to save face, otherwise it would cause public anger.

Bai Ningxiang talked to the female relatives for a while, then turned back to her seat.

After a while, the emperor also came back.

Seeing that the time was not bad, Han Jing greeted,
"It's getting late, and it's still snowing outside. Today's banquet is over. You should be careful on the way back, so as not to slip. I'm tired, let's go ahead."

"Respectfully send the emperor, respectfully send the queen concubine."

Following the congratulations from everyone, Han Jing took Bai Ningxiang's hand, walked out of the hall, left the finishing touches to Xiao Qi, and brought his wife back to Changchun Palace.

The palace people waited on the master to remove the hair accessories and wash up. Bai Ningxiang was lying on the phoenix couch, feeling sore and tired all over.

"The queen is tired, shall I give you a massage?" Han Jing said, his palms had already touched her lower back, and she was gently kneading.

Bai Ningxiang glared at him, and then began to enjoy it humbly. She wished for someone who was willing to serve her.

(End of this chapter)

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