Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 1149 Check and Balance

Chapter 1149 Check and Balance
Bai Ningxiang squinted her eyes, lying on the neck pillow, squinting her eyes in enjoyment, although occasionally the claw would be dishonest, and after being twisted a few times, she would not dare to act like a demon.

"Today's palace banquet, what do you think of the emperor?"

"I don't think much of it. The soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth. I know the plans of those clans very well. They used to persecute Yin Yi in the same way. Now they want to use this kind of routine on me. It depends on whether I am willing or not. "

The Yin family is controlled by the clan, and many rights are restricted, but they are powerless to resist.

In his opinion, it was just stupidity, his lack of ability, and he couldn't think of any useful solutions except losing his temper.

Obviously sitting on the throne of the monarch, but let the clan overwhelm him.

Don't even think about it, when the power of the clan is higher than that of the king, the policies they propose must also be aimed at the clan, but it is not good for the common people.

Therefore, when he attacked the city, those clans were able to surpass the king and open the city gate. On the other hand, Yin Yi had no chance of turning things around except protesting with death.

Now those clans want to repeat the old tricks and control his words and deeds.

He has learned from the past, and if he still makes mistakes, he is stupid.

Therefore, from the day he ascended the throne, he has made it clear that the clan must not let the clan ride on his head and dominate him.If you want to be honored, you have to be loyal to the imperial court, attached to the imperial power, and be able to propose policies that benefit the people.

As for the plan to admit the noble daughters of the clan into the palace, it never appeared in his plan.

Not only can't he accept it, but he has to stick to it, and he can't let people take advantage of his loopholes. As long as he is torn open one by one, his harem will become an arena.

Thinking of this, Han Jing pinched Bai Ningxiang's waist and chuckled, "It is enough for me to have the queen Xiangxiang. Now that we have both children, we naturally don't need other women to come in and make trouble."

"Really? You can refuse for a day, a month, or even a year. What should you do if you are impeached by the censor?"

Bai Ningxiang slapped his hand off, the new emperor ascended the throne, and he couldn't deal with those entrenched clans drastically, because they were deeply intertwined in the capital, and every move would affect the whole body.

In case of emergency, those clans unite to put pressure on the new emperor, which is really embarrassing.

"So, I want to gather power as soon as possible, weaken the power in the hands of the clan, and use more humble bachelors. At that time, the two sides will restrict each other, and it will be fine."

Han Jing lay sideways on the phoenix couch, holding her in her arms.

"Don't worry, there is only an alliance of interests between the clans, and it is impossible to unite as one. Whenever their interests are threatened, without us taking action, the alliance between them will collapse."

"And as the helmsman, as long as I have the right wrist and handle it in a timely manner, even if they want to form a group, I will not give them this chance."

Bai Ningxiang blinked, stretched out her hand to draw circles on his chest,
"What if they use heirs as an excuse? Since ancient times, the reason why courtiers came to admonish them is to use the emperor's heir as an excuse. It is also the emperor's duty to recruit women, fill the harem, and extend the heirs."

"Heh~, my queen is so capable, they have lost this excuse. I have plenty of offspring, and now I have four. Regarding this point, I have always been proud of it."

Han Jing said, holding Bai Ningxiang's hand and kissing her lips,

"Looking at the women in the world, which one has the ability to be a queen, and give it to my four emperors twice."

Bai Ningxiang thought about it, she was right, they already had four children.No matter how thick-skinned those people are, they will not attack them with their children.

"Then what if someone says I'm jealous?"

"You have the capital to be jealous, so don't worry about it."

"It's almost there."

Hearing Han Jing's conniving tone, Bai Ningxiang raised the corners of her lips and raised her hand to tap his chest.

"Then you have to be mentally prepared. If I do anything, you will allow it."

As she spoke, Bai Ningxiang raised her head and poked his Adam's apple,
"Even if I trample all your cousins ​​under their feet, you are not allowed to intercede for them, otherwise don't blame me for being really jealous."

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's pointed tone, Han Jing directly grabbed her troublesome little hand and rubbed her fleshy place.

"There is something in the queen's words. I'm afraid for my husband. However, I know your temper, and I never do things that actively bully others. So, whatever you do, just do it. My husband will definitely not interfere."

Saying that, without waiting for Bai Ningxiang to open her mouth, she directly blocked her mouth, biting her mouth carefully, until the body of the person in her arms softened and no longer struggled, then let go of her.

"The night is dark, I don't think the queen is too sleepy, why don't you do something else?"

Saying that, without waiting for Bai Ningxiang's reaction, she put her under her body again, and started the road of life with ease.

At the beginning of human beings, the reason for sex~
When the two of them finally came to a stop out of breath, it was already dawn.

"Go to sleep, the pen was sealed yesterday, and there has been no court meeting for the past few days. You don't need to get up early, and you can finally rest for a few days."

Han Jing kissed Bai Ningxiang's cheek, and before he could leave, Bai Ningxiang brushed it away.

"Go away, don't stop people from sleeping."

Han Jing looked at the queen, and the corners of her mouth twitched. This woman who crossed the river and demolished the bridge really deserves to be beaten.

After working hard for most of the night, she was satisfied and threw it away when she was done using it.

Covering her with a quilt, Han Jing lay down on her back, stretched out her arms to wrap her in her arms, and closed her eyes.

Silver charcoal is burning inside the hall, making the whole hall warm and harmonious, and snowflakes are still whistling outside the window, the darkest hour before dawn is just before us, as long as we break through this barrier, we can see the newborn sun.

When Bai Ningxiang opened her eyes, it was already noon, she looked at the empty seat beside her, and raised her hand to pinch the space between her eyebrows.

"Empress, you are awake. This servant will help you change your clothes." Qinglian said, and with a wave, the palace servants came over one after another carrying the toiletries.

After washing up, Bai Ningxiang drank a cup of Xueyan and had some snacks. After lunch, she was ready to have dinner with the children.

"Your Majesty, His Highness the Crown Prince took people out of the palace early in the morning, saying that he was going to the Palace of the Seventh Prince."

"So early?" Bai Ningxiang was taken aback, thinking of Mo'er's bold words yesterday, could it be that she really went to live in an unknown bamboo house?
"Where's the emperor? Are you still reviewing memorials in Chengde Palace?"

Bai Ningxiang leaned against the beauty's couch, the snow stopped, the window was covered with whiteness, the plum blossoms embraced the snow, and the branches that couldn't bear the weight were blown by the wind, and fell in a rustle.

"Your Majesty is right. After getting up, the Emperor went directly to the Chengde Palace, and asked the servants not to disturb your rest."

Qing Lian said with a smile, "Master Supervisor came over just now to deliver a message that the Emperor will have dinner with you."

Bai Ningxiang nodded, picked up a classic book and opened it.

At dusk, I heard the voice of the maid welcoming the holy driver.

(End of this chapter)

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