Chapter 1154 Plan
That's why she brought the girls here early in the morning to pay New Year's greetings to the empress, so that Brother Ting could meet some cousins.

After all, it is to fill the harem, and the girls from the Feng family must be the first ones to come in.

Now, listening to the empress's flattering tone, needless to say, they must have had a rift with the Feng family.

But she didn't think about it. At that time, if the Feng family didn't protect themselves, they would inevitably follow in the footsteps of the Han family.

Something happened to my daughter, so do I have to pay for the young and old of the Feng family?

Not only did the master not allow it, but she also couldn't agree.

But no matter what, the Feng family is still the emperor's grandmother, which cannot be changed.

As long as she puts her face down and brings it up, can the emperor refute her face?

Thinking of this, Mrs. Feng regained her kind look,

"The empress is right. Everyone has their own regrets. Fortunately, everything is in the past, and people have to look forward. As long as you are all well, it will not be in vain to send a white-haired man to a black-haired man..."

Before Old Madam Feng could finish speaking, she was interrupted by the congratulatory voice of the palace maid.

"The princess of the county is here, and the head of the county is here."

As soon as the words fell, the two concubines brought their eldest daughters to the main hall.

"I wish the empress a happy new year, with a permanent face and good luck in everything."

"Pingshen, my family, get up and speak."

Bai Ningxiang smiled, and looked at the two pretty girls behind her, County Mistress Yingyue and County Mistress Yushan, both about fifteen or sixteen years old.

After the two concubines sat down, they nodded with a smile as if they had just discovered the Feng family.

"Hey, Mrs. Feng came early, I wish you good health."

"Thank you, princess of the county, and I wish the two princesses all the best, see you when you go out."

Old Madam Feng replied with a smile, although she was unhappy when she was interrupted, but now she is a relative of the emperor, and her status is higher than them.

There are too many people, so it is not suitable to say the sensational words just now, so as not to make people laugh at the New Year's Eve.

After a while, Mrs. Lou and Mrs. Lu also arrived, accompanied by Mrs. Guo Qing of Dali Temple.

After everyone saw the ceremony and took their seats, they exchanged pleasantries without any introductions. They were all acquaintances in the circle of noble ladies in Kyoto, so naturally they would not be unfamiliar.

For the Chinese New Year, all kinds of auspicious words are poured out like money, and occasionally some interesting things about Kyoto are mentioned, and the whole hall can burst into laughter from time to time.

As soon as the concubines and wives showed up, the Feng family had to stand back, and the sense of presence that had just entered the palace was immediately suppressed.

Seeing that the daughters-in-law had no chance to intervene at all, Mrs. Feng looked a little unhappy.

Not to mention daughter-in-law, even with her identity, she is not conspicuous in front of these people. Apart from being older, she really has no other advantages.

The more so, the stronger her desire to send the girl into the palace, if she wants to have a place in the capital, she must be able to speak.

Bai Ningxiang sat at the top, watching everyone talking and laughing happily, out of the corner of her eyes, she didn't miss the expressions of the Feng family, but she didn't have any thoughts in her heart. It is also reasonable to wait for the circle.

As far as she knew, apart from inviting Feng's parents-in-law out of face, the other two daughter-in-laws rarely appeared in public when the wives gathered.

Among other things, she didn't like the Feng family either, and it would only make people feel disgusted to use her dead daughter to sensationalize her during the Chinese New Year.

Thinking of her age, one can not care about her, but it can't make people respect her from the heart.

No wonder Feng Yuyun was brought up like that, no wonder her mother-in-law never asked the Feng family for help, maybe her mother-in-law knew the Feng family's attitude from the very beginning.

The water splashed by the married woman can be used as long as it can be used, and it cannot be used and discarded.

The mother-in-law is from the Feng family, so she has already seen through it. As the mistress of the Han family, the Han family is her home.

When I had a disagreement with Feng Yuyun, my mother-in-law was also on my side, and sent my niece away.At that time, she was grateful for her mother-in-law's kindness, but now that she thinks about it, she realizes that her mother-in-law is alive and well.

"The eldest princess is here, and the second princess is here."

Just when Bai Ningxiang was slightly distracted, the congratulations from the palace people rang out again.

Following the guidance of the palace servants, Bai Ningxiang saw two beautiful women in brocade clothes in their thirties approaching gracefully, and behind them were two younger girls.

"Congratulations to the empress, good luck, everything goes smoothly, and a happy family."

"Congratulations to the empress, the blessing of the family, everyone is happy, and the house is full of blessings."

"Thank you for the good words of the two eldest princesses. I also wish the two eldest princesses a happy family and everything goes well. Please sit down and talk."

Seeing the two eldest princesses for the first time, Bai Ningxiang walked down directly, stretched out her hand to help them up, and at the same time looked at them, she couldn't help feeling that they were indeed siblings with the same mother and the same robe, their eyebrows and eyes were very similar.

After the eldest princess married into the Zhao family, she was dispatched with her husband's family and gave birth to two daughters and a son.

Now Prince Consort Zhao was arranged by Han Jing to work as an editor in the Imperial Academy, but his position was not very high, he was at the seventh rank.But Zhao's parents and daughters were given the title of a princess.

The second eldest princess married into Tao's family and gave birth to a daughter and two sons. Tao's son-in-law was quite capable, and took the post of Shaoqing of Taichang Temple.

The Zhao family and the Tao family are both officials dispatched abroad. Currently, only the two eldest princesses have returned with their children. The others are still in office and will not return for a while.

It was the first time Bai Ningxiang met these two older sisters, and she deliberately asked them about their preferences.

It's a pity that even the emperor didn't have a clear impression of the two older sisters. He spent most of his time in the military camp when he was young, and when he came back occasionally, his older sister loved him, but they didn't get along very well. After that, the older sisters got married one after another.

Looking at it now, in addition to looks, personality has to be gradually understood, so Bai Ningxiang is very polite to the two eldest princesses, and the etiquette for the two nieces is specially selected.

At this moment, Zhaoxia came back quietly, before she could finish rubbing on the embroidered pier, she was stopped by Bai Ningxiang,

"Zhaoxia, these are two Aunt Huang, hurry up and send New Year greetings to Aunt Huang."

"Zhaoxia pays respects to Aunt Huang, and wishes the two Aunt Huang stay young forever and smile often."

"Thank you, Xiao Zhaoxia. She is worthy of being a first-in-law princess. She has courage." The eldest princess didn't like her so much, she immediately hugged her in her arms.

Apparently, the two eldest princesses and Bai Ningxiang also had the same thoughts, they couldn't be more polite, they called Zhaoxia over for a kiss, and then gave them a carefully prepared gift.

Even the Dragon and Phoenix Chengxiang who did not appear on the stage, they did not miss it, and prepared for it.

When the two eldest princesses returned to the palace to pay New Year's greetings, no one else could get in the way. Only after they exchanged enough greetings would everyone have a chance to say hello.

From now on, the two eldest princesses will settle down in Kyoto, and they will establish a good relationship, which will make it easier for them to travel in the future.

The emperor's direct sister, a serious relative of the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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