Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 1155 Entrusted with an important task

Chapter 1155 Entrusted with an important task
Seeing the two nieces, Mrs. Feng's eyes were red with excitement, and she pressed the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, "It's good to be back, it's good to be back, I'll tell my grandmother when I'm free, we haven't talked together for many years. "

"Grandmother said that she will definitely go to the house to bother her later."

Looking at the attitudes of the two princesses, Bai Ningxiang knew that no one told them about the Feng family's affairs. They were both women who lived in the back house, so the news was naturally blocked.

When there were too many people, the hall became noisy. Bai Ningxiang glanced at the crowd and chuckled lightly.
"Let's sit together and talk. I'm afraid the girls won't be able to stay longer. They are all at the age of flowers, so they should move around more. It's a pity that Princess Zhaoxia in this palace is still young, so she can't lead the ladies to play. Fortunately, This Palace has planned for a long time, and I have made an agreement with the princess of the county, so that the Lord Yingyue and the Lord Yushan will lead the people to the Imperial Garden."

"There have been two snowfalls in a row, and the plum blossoms are in full bloom. The girls can go and enjoy it."

The two county lords also got the news a long time ago. Hearing Bai Ningxiang's proposal, they immediately got up and called the ladies to leave together.

"The imperial garden has been prepared in advance, and girls who are not afraid of the cold can go with us."

The head of Yingyue County blessed Bai Ningxiang and smiled coquettishly.

The girls couldn't sit still for a long time. Hearing the tone of the county master Yingyue, they all got up and followed, including several girls from the Feng family.

"Queen, Zhaoxia is going too."

"Go if you want, follow Yingyue Yushan, don't run around, you are a princess, you have to maintain your dignity, understand?" Bai Ningxiang adjusted the bead flower for her, and explained softly.

Zhaoxia nodded, and whispered in her mother's ear, "Don't worry, mother, Zhaoxia will be obedient."

Looking at her daughter's big sly eyes, Bai Ningxiang nodded with a smile, and when she raised her eyes, she saw Feng Yuyun's figure disappearing at the entrance of the main hall.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the backs of the girls leaving, attracted Yun Ni, whispered a few words in her ear, and continued talking to the wives.

The imperial garden has the most plum blossoms, the flowers are in full bloom, and the fragrance is the most intense, in order to avoid collisions between men and women.

Bai Ningxiang blocked a layer of partition on the arch bridge leading to the front hall early on, and dispatched palace guards. As long as the girls have no wrong thoughts, they will naturally not meet those idle sons of aristocratic families, and naturally they will not meet the emperor.

Among the group of girls, apart from the two county heads, only Princess Chang's eldest daughter, Princess Zhao Man, has the highest status. I hope they can hold on to the situation.

"They're all about the same age as flowers, and I can't help being envious when I see them full of vigor, unlike us, who have old arms and legs, and have to be supported by girls when they get up."

Mrs. Lou looked at the distant figure, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Who says it's not?" Mrs. Guo Qing of Dali Temple glanced at her with a smile and agreed softly.

"Ms. Guo doesn't need to be jealous. Who made you so lucky to have four sons?"

Mrs. Lu looked at Mrs. Guo and couldn't help being happy.I have known for a long time that this person has been longing for a daughter, and at this age, he still hasn't got his wish.

"Mrs. Lu, knowing that you have both sons and daughters, you can't poke my heart... But, don't laugh at me. When my daughter-in-law is well-educated, she will definitely give me a good granddaughter in her next child."

Mrs. Guo said, and looked at Mrs. Lou with a smile, "Mother-in-law, do you think so?"

"Cough~, what my mother-in-law said is reasonable." Mrs. Lou looked helpless, with her in-laws on both sides, what could she do.

"Anyway, our empress is amazing. Not only are her sons and daughters perfect, but she is also a dragon and a phoenix. We are beyond our reach." Mrs. Lu looked at the first queen and changed the subject directly.

As soon as this remark came out, no one dared to object. Although it was suspected of being flattering, it was the truth and it was not an exaggeration.

Bai Ningxiang looked at Mrs. Guo, and suddenly thought of Guo Zihuai who was dancing with a fan,

"Mrs. Guo is also blessed. It can be said to be a blockbuster for the young master to perform a fan dance."

Hearing the empress's praise, Mrs. Guo blushed, "Empress, please don't praise me, I'm really ashamed, the dog has no shape, I was rude at the palace banquet."

The stinky brat was not ashamed, he just provoked people directly, and even opened his mouth to ask Sinong Qing to accompany him. Fortunately, the two families are related by marriage, so he doesn't care about it, otherwise it would be really embarrassing and thrown home.

After the palace banquet, the stinky boy was punished by the master and sent to the ancestral hall.

"Ms. Guo's words are wrong. Your son is young and talented, full of vigor, capable, and he will not admit defeat. He is a model for a young man."

Bai Ningxiang couldn't help but want to laugh when thinking of that young boy who was not afraid of tigers, because of his guidance, the whole banquet became an arena for young masters to compete for talent and skills.

Since the palace banquet was held, it was the only banquet where no noble lady appeared.

Just in line with the emperor's taste.

Therefore, the emperor praised him without hesitation.

Mr. Guo is bold and talented, and he can be called a model of talent.

As soon as these words came out, Guo Zihuai's reputation as the number one talented man in the capital spread like wildfire. Naturally, with the emperor's golden words, no one would dare to snatch the title of Guo Zihuai's number one talented man.

"Thank you for the empress's praise, and the minister's wife kowtows on behalf of the dog to thank the emperor."

"Empress, there is still some time before the banquet, why don't we also go to the imperial garden to enjoy the plum blossoms. The dark and cold plum blossoms must have a beautiful artistic conception." Madam Lu put down her teacup and suggested softly.

"That's very kind, ladies."

Bai Ningxiang got up, supported Qinglian's hand, and walked in front, followed by a group of wives, heading for the imperial garden in a mighty way.

At this time, in the imperial garden, the ladies had already dispersed. The imperial garden was big enough, and the girls were suffocated in the main hall. When they came out, they laughed like birds letting the wind out.

Everyone found their acquaintances to take a walk together, and they could hear laughter like silver bells from time to time.

Yingyue watched the noble ladies get together in twos and threes, admiring the various plum blossoms blooming in the garden.

While breathing a sigh of relief, she couldn't help but move closer to her cousin, "Yushan, I'm a little nervous."

"Silly sister, there is nothing to be nervous about. Aunt Queen asked us to lead the noble girls to the garden. As long as they keep their own place and don't run around, they will be fine. Besides, except us Zhaoxia, who is not a big girl, we need you." worry?"

"Then what if someone is restless?" Before leaving, the concubine mother said, watch carefully, don't let people plot.

"I'm restless, if I get bumped by a male guest, I'll be unlucky." Yu Shan raised her chin and snorted.

Looking at Yingyue's worried eyebrows, Yushan couldn't help but patted her hand,
"Sister Yingyue, don't think too much, Aunt the Empress has already taken precautions in advance. Look, isn't there a fence blocking it? If anyone else gets close, she is courting death."

If you are lucky enough to meet a young and promising son, if you are unlucky to meet an old man, you deserve to be a concubine.

(End of this chapter)

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