Chapter 1156 Cao Peipei

County Lord Yingyue listened to her cousin's reminder, nodded, and finally felt more at ease, "Although the words are good, my sister thinks, let's check around the fence, we can't live up to the Queen's aunt's entrustment."

"Seeing how worried you are, okay, go and have a look."

County Lord Yushan saw her cautious look, so he could only compromise, just walk around, anyway, he was out for a walk anyway, it was better than sitting in the hall properly and not being allowed to move around.

While talking, the two walked forward slowly, smelling the fragrance of plum blossoms, listening to the soft sound of silk and bamboo, and the sound of charming laughter and slapstick from time to time.

In the past, the two had almost no chance to get in touch with these things, because their parents were bastards, and they were born shorter than other noble girls.

Now their identities have undergone earth-shaking changes, and they have become the royal noble daughters of Kyoto.

Moreover, as the eldest daughter of the county prince's mansion, she has her own title, directly crushing the noble daughters of the capital, and becoming the object of worship for everyone.

It took them a while to get used to such a reversal.

Just as the two were walking leisurely, there was a commotion not far ahead, as if there was a girl crying.

"Go, go over and have a look, is the girl having a conflict?"

After all, Princess Yingyue is one year older than Yushan, and is entrusted with a heavy responsibility by the queen's aunt, so naturally she can't just sit idly by.

"what happened?"

"Master Yingyue County, this is Miss Cao, she accidentally slipped and tore Miss Feng's dress." When the palace servant saw that the county lord had arrived, he immediately narrated the ins and outs?
"The rain and snow have just passed, and the road is slippery. Ms. Cao certainly didn't mean it. I don't know if Ms. Feng has brought a dress? The county lord will take you to change it, so as not to delay the banquet."

Feng Huiyun's complexion was very bad, she pouted,
"I did, but Miss Cao broke my jade pendant." It's really bad luck, this silver-red dress is her favorite one, and it's also the one with the most meticulous workmanship.

The grandmother prepared it for her herself, saying that she has fair skin, and wearing silver and red can highlight her temperament, and the white jade pendant she wears is also carefully prepared. According to my aunt, this jade pendant is worth 80 taels of silver.

Miss Cao listened to Feng Huiyun's accusation, her eyes were red, she wanted to reach out to rub her sore buttocks, but she was afraid of being laughed at, so she could only bear the pain and cried aggrieved,
"I really didn't mean it, but my foot slipped, and Miss Feng happened to pass by here. I was too scared at the time, so I grabbed it."

"Cut, shouldn't I start here?"

Feng Huiyun's face turned dark with anger, not only her clothes were torn, but also a piece of jade pendant was lost, which is really unlucky.

"No, I didn't mean that, I was really careless, woo woo..." Miss Cao blushed and waved her hands repeatedly.

The county magistrate Yingyue looked at the large water stain behind Miss Cao, and knew that the fall was serious.

"Miss Cao is going to the side hall with me. Your dress is dirty. If you don't have spare clothes, I'll help you find one."

Before Miss Cao could open her mouth, the two little girls ran over like flying,

"Girl, what's the matter with you? Where did you fall? Whether it hurts or not, it's all the fault of slaves. You shouldn't eat indiscriminately."

"I'm fine, I just slipped and tore Miss Feng's dress."

Cao Peipei wiped her face with a handkerchief, then waved her hands,
"Magpie, didn't you bring me two sets of dresses? Give one to Miss Feng as an apology, and my hibiscus stone pendant as an apology."

Magpie looked at Feng Huiyun and nodded, "Yes, girl."

Princess Yingyue looked at Miss Cao with a smile in her eyes,

"You two, please follow me, and I will take you to change your dresses."

Feng Huiyun looked at the three masters and servants in front of her, and followed them reluctantly. She was all to blame for this surname Cao. If she hadn't rushed out suddenly, she would have already reached the fence.

Before departure, the grandmother told them that the emperor was young and promising, but there were many people in the harem, if they had the ability to make the emperor look at them differently, they would surely have a noble life in the future.

He also said that the Royal Garden is the most suitable place to meet by chance. If you can meet halfway, it will be a blessing after a hundred years of cultivation.

But when they arrived at the imperial garden, they found that a good garden was blocked by a fence, and they had to bribe the palace guards to go to the next door to see it.

Just when she was thinking about how to get over, her skirt was pulled. Fortunately, she reacted quickly and pushed the other person, otherwise, she would have fallen with her.

"Miss Feng, this set of clothes is given to you, and with this hibiscus stone waist pendant, it will definitely look good."

Seeing Miss Feng's dazed expression, Magpie couldn't help frowning, stuffed the clothes into her arms, and went back to wait for the girl to change.

Feng Huiyun came back to her senses, looked at the clothes in her bosom, touched the silky feel, her eyes flashed surprise, it was better than the material of the clothes she was wearing.

He picked up the hibiscus waist pendant and looked at it. It was half-moon shaped with a small star on it.

The workmanship is exquisite, and the color is soft and lustrous through the light. Even if she doesn't understand it, she knows that this waist pendant is more valuable than her jade pendant.

When she changed her clothes and looked in the mirror, she was startled. The orange dress really matched her. It made her cheeks fairer and she looked more lively.

Moreover, the material of this texture is very comfortable to wear on the body, it drapes naturally and feels soft like cotton.

When she opened the door and came out, she happened to see Cao Peipei from the next door coming out. She changed into a green dress with mutton fat and white jade Ruyi buttons, which was also very outstanding.

"This dress suits you very well. It looks good." Cao Peipei looked at Feng Huiyun and praised her without hesitation.

"Not bad, which family are you from?"

Feng Huiyun is a concubine's daughter, and her aunt suppressed her severely, not to mention her careful teaching, and she rarely even went out.

My aunt is also a concubine who came from a small family, so she has limited things to teach her, nothing more than how to make a living under the aunt's hands, if she shows weakness, if she pretends to be pitiful and sympathetic...they are all clever and can't get on the stage.

If it wasn't for the fact that her grandmother had made up some etiquette and rules for them these days, she wouldn't have known that what her aunt taught them was just the concubine's way of life, and it was useless to communicate with noble ladies in the capital.

The grandmother said that the etiquette education of the noble girls is started from an early age. They are cramped, just pretend to be good, and learn slowly later.

Therefore, when she saw Miss Cao at this time, she was no longer angry. She must be a noble daughter of a big family to be able to make such a generous move.

"My girl is the daughter of the Cao family, Minister of the Ministry of Industry." Magpie raised her chin slightly. She already knew just now that this girl is the concubine of the Feng family.

She is not on the same level as her girl at all, today was just an accident, and there should not be many chances to meet her in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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