Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 1159 entanglement

Chapter 1159 entanglement
"Cousin, I'll go to Xuanbao Hall with you. Grandmother and mother should have arrived. I just go there to meet them."

When Han Jing heard this, she couldn't help frowning, and before he could make up her mind, Han Jue shook her head.

"Cousin Feng, it's inappropriate for you to appear in the Xuanbao Hall with the emperor. I heard that you just returned home with Li. If you rashly appear beside the emperor, will you lose your reputation?"

Feng Yuyun: "..."

She just wanted to let everyone know that her cousin valued her, even if they divorced, she would still be cared for.

As long as she appeared with the emperor today, it would be a matter of course for her to enter the palace in the future.

As for reputation, as long as one enters the palace, who would dare to gossip?

"Cousin Feng, let's go. I'll take you to the side hall. If you don't feel well, you don't have to go to the palace banquet. My king will send someone to bring you some food."

After Han Jue finished speaking, he walked to her side,

"Let's go, I will see you off."

Feng Yujun looked at Xiao Qi's uncompromising tone and his eyes, and couldn't help but flinch in his heart. The once playful Xiao Qi had disappeared, and the prince in front of him was no longer a stranger.

"Okay, I have Lao Xiaoqi."

Feng Yujun forced a smile, and blessed Han Jing,

"Cousin, Yun'er take a step first."

Han Jing pursed the corners of her lips, watched the two disappear around the corner, and then looked back at the carved window. After a long silence, she turned and left.

The wind picked up, and the plum petals rustled to the ground again. Several people waited for a while, making sure that no one came out lightly.

Call ~
That look is terrifying.

Everyone took a long breath and was relatively speechless for a while.

After a while, the magpie gently touched the girl's arm,
"Girl, let's go, the palace banquet is about to begin."

"Ahem... just now, you pretended you didn't hear anything, and you can't talk about what happened today, you know?"

Bai Xingyu was on fire in his heart, looking at Cao Peipei's master and servant, he spoke coldly.

"Don't worry, even if you don't explain, we won't say anything." It's fine to bump into the emperor's tryst by accident, and overhear things that shouldn't be heard.

If the news leaked out, wouldn't her life have to be explained?
Looking at the Xiao Guojiu in front of her again, she seemed very angry, she is not stupid, why would she find it difficult for herself?

"Remember your words, let's go."

Bai Xingyu glanced at her, and clenched his fists hidden in his sleeves. At this time, he was also very conflicted. If he told his sister, she would be very angry. If he didn't tell her, if something went wrong, his sister might not know what to do. Grumpy.

The more I think about it, the more irritable I become. That woman in the Feng family is really annoying. She can't provoke anyone if she has nothing to do. Why do she have to provoke her brother-in-law?

"Cough~, little brother, I think you'd better tell the Empress Empress what happened today, and let her drive that woman out of the palace. Be careful if someone pries the corner of the wall, you will cry."

The woman just now looked like she wanted to hook up with the emperor, and she talked about her cousin, which made people get goosebumps.

Seeing her longing eyes and her bold manner, she almost pounced on her and made cooked rice with raw rice.

This woman is bolder and thicker-skinned than those around her father.

Cao Peipei's complexion suddenly became stinky when she thought of the women at home who tried every means to pounce on her father.

Everyone wants to be the mistress of the Cao family, but it depends on whether they can pass her test?
There are goblins at home who are making noise, she can tell whether she is a good woman at a glance, and she is very experienced.

Hearing Cao Peipei's reminder, Bai Xingyu's face immediately darkened, "Don't worry about it, girl, you'd better leave first."

"Hmph, I don't know good people."

Cao Peipei gave him a supercilious look, and took the girl away.

Han Mo blinked his big black eyes, paced under the tree with his hands behind his back,
"Little uncle, why don't I ask the guards to throw that bad woman out of the palace, so that the queen mother won't be angry when she sees it."

Although he didn't quite understand why his uncle was so angry, he knew that Feng Yuyun was not a good person.

Bai Xingyu looked at his nephew, and took his hand, "Don't meddle in adults' affairs, children, uncle has his own plans."

It was extremely easy for him to deal with a woman.

"Little uncle, I have grown up, and I understand many things. Just now, that woman pestered the emperor and wanted to stay in the palace... She is so beautiful."

Turning around, he went to Uncle Seven and asked if he could kill that woman?

"It's true that she can't be kept in the palace." Bai Xingyu agreed, and the two left here holding hands.

"Heh~, I didn't expect that everyone is a genius. It's really lively. It's really not a waste of time."

With a soft reprimand, a white figure reclined on the top of the white plum tree.

The white robe is hidden between the white plums, and it is a seamless one. If you don't look up, there is really no trace.

Feiran picked a white plum, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it, and pulled the corner of his lips.

"In this huge imperial palace, this white plum tree is more pleasing to the eye."

While speaking, his figure flashed, and the person had already drifted out of the palace.

Han Jue sent the person to the gate of the side hall, looked at Feng Yuyun's thin figure, lowered his eyes,

"Cousin Yun, take a good rest, I'll send someone to bring you meals."

Feng Yuyun froze and turned her head reluctantly, "Xiao Qi, do you really want to be so different from me?"

Or is it because her identity has changed and she is no longer worthy?
"The Feng family is our maternal ancestor's family, and this will never change. But cousin, you should know that there are some taboos that cannot be touched. Once this piece of paper is pierced, who do you think will suffer in the end?"

Looking at the pale cheeks, Han Jue spoke lightly.

"In my heart, cousin Yun has always been a smart person, so don't do stupid things anymore."

Feng Yuyun: "...Does Xiao Qi also think that I am not good enough for my cousin now?"

"It's not a question of whether you deserve it or not. It shouldn't be involved anymore."

Han Jue looked at her indifferently, not to mention that the emperor had no extra affection for her, even if he did, with her status, would the emperor be ridiculed by the world and impeached by the censor?

Looking at Xiaoqi's indifferent expression, Feng Yujun's face became paler and paler, and even his body was a little crumbling.

"Xiaoqi, you have to know that I'm just a boudoir girl, and I can't make decisions about marriage. I resisted and was troubled at the beginning, but finally I followed the family's arrangement and married into the Li family. But the Li family was afraid because of my cousin's rebellion. Get implicated, throw me a paper of divorce."

"I didn't break the rule of seven. It was my grandfather who was afraid of damaging the reputation of the Feng family and forced the Li family to put pressure on the Li family, so he changed the divorce letter to the divorce letter. When I encountered this, not only did I not complain about my cousin, but I also secretly rejoiced. Finally out of the wolf's den."

"Xiaoqi, you should know my heart. My cousin has liked my cousin since she was a child, and she has never changed her mind. Now that I am free, I don't want to compete with the emperor's wife. I just want to stay by my cousin's side quietly. Can't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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