Chapter 1160 Wonderful~
Han Jue looked at her quietly for a moment, his expression was colder than before,
"Do you feel that we are responsible for being reconciled?"

"I didn't mean that." Feng Yujun was taken aback and denied it directly, but the dodge in her eyes revealed her thoughts.

"There are too many girls married in the Feng family, why are you the only one who was divorced? It's because you met people badly, and it's also because the eldest aunt doesn't know people well and clings to power."

When interests are threatened, one will naturally avoid it. This is human nature, and my grandfather may not know it.

"Xiaoqi, what do you mean? Do you still blame me for failing?" Feng Yuyun looked at Han Jue in surprise, her eyes hurt.

Han Jue looked at her with a solemn expression,

"Although I have been stubborn all these years, I also know that my father has always protected the Feng family. When something happened to my family, your Feng family closed the door to thank guests and let my mother leave the dead body outside. Therefore, from the beginning to the end, the Han family never owed the Feng family anything. ?”

"You are talking nonsense. Grandpa has been helping you all these years and dealing with the Han family."

"Oh~, that's because my grandfather has always known that the generation of the Feng family is mediocre. Only when the Han family is better can the Feng family be better sheltered and the grandchildren grow up. If the Han family is a young bird, the Feng family will It's the soft fur under the wings."

Han Jue snorted, looked at Feng Yujun's wide-eyed eyes in shock, and flipped off his sleeves indifferently.

"Some things can't be seen through, do you really think we are stupid?"

"Come on,"

"The servant is here."

Han Jue looked at her with a taunting smile on his lips, "Ms. Feng is not feeling well, please send her back home to recuperate."

"Yes, my lord."

When the palace people waiting not far away heard this, they looked at Miss Feng sympathetically, and immediately called for someone to bring a soft cap,
"Miss Feng, please."

Before Feng Yujun could resist, he was stuffed into the sedan chair with support and frame, and carried away towards the palace gate like flying.

Feng Yuyun was lying on the sedan chair, crying silently, hating her to death, but more people were really helpless.

Han Jue stood there quietly, moved his body after a while, looked aside,
"How long do you want to hide?"

As soon as the words fell, Bai Xingyu led Han Mo out from the corner,

"Cough~, we didn't come here on purpose."

"I know, you came here on purpose."

Han Jue glared at his nephew before looking at Bai Xingyu, "Brother Huang is sitting in this position, it's normal to encounter such a thing, not to mention the Feng family, all the families in the entire capital want to send their daughters to the palace , as a concubine and a concubine, to earn a bit of glory for the family."

"So, the queen's wife will face many problems like this in the future, so you don't have to worry about it. The queen's wife is a smart person, and she has the final say on the world of the harem."

Even so, the imperial palace is not a place where ghosts and ghosts can enter.

Listening to Han Jue's narration, Bai Xingyu fell silent. Yes, there have been three thousand beauties in the emperor's palace since ancient times, and now there is only one elder sister in the entire harem.

The brother-in-law may not have any ideas in a short time, but after a long time, can he keep his original intention?

"Uncle Qi, my mother and queen are enough in the harem. What are other women doing here? If they hurt younger siblings, my mother will definitely be angry."

Han Mo let go of his little uncle's hand, and walked in front of Qi Shu.

"Seventh Uncle forgot, Master said, only villains and girls are difficult to raise."

Han Jue looked down at his nephew's serious look, and couldn't help curling the corners of his lips.
"You're right, women are too troublesome, don't worry about it."

Something went wrong, and when the three of them appeared together, the banquet was already halfway through.

Bai Ningxiang sat on the main seat, looked at the expressions of the three people, her eyes flickered, and she didn't ask any more questions until the banquet was over and everyone left.

She just returned to Changchun Palace exhausted. After washing, she lay lazily on the beauty couch.

"Tell me, how exciting is it?"

Yun Ni and Ding Yang looked at each other, and then narrated what happened today.

"Your Majesty, don't be angry, everyone is on our side."

Bai Ningxiang pulled the corner of her lower lip, "The Feng family is determined to bring their daughter into the palace."

"Looking at the posture, it should be."

"The Feng family has stayed in the capital for too long, since they don't want to stay, they might as well be sent abroad."

As for the few uncles of the Feng family, if they are sent abroad, they can only serve as county magistrates at most.

Ding Yang's eyes lit up when he heard Empress's plan, "Empress, this idea is the best idea, we might as well send them directly to the Southwest Border Pass, or get them to the Northwest. I just don't know if they are brave enough or not, will they be scared out of their wits? ?”

"Who is frightened?"

While speaking, Han Jing had already walked in, his face was slightly red, he must have drunk a lot of wine.

"Is the emperor drunk?" Bai Ningxiang stood up and ordered someone to prepare hot water.

When Han Jing cleaned up and came out of the bathroom, there were already a few side dishes on the small coffee table.

"Drink a stomach full of wine, eat something to pad your stomach, and save your stomach from feeling uncomfortable."

"The queen is still caring."

Han Jing sat across from her, looking at her with deep eyes,

"I have a woman as considerate as the queen, this life is enough."

"You know that I'm talking poorly, and you almost got entangled."

Fortunately, she lured away all the people in the palace today, those restless members of the Feng family were able to penetrate every corner.

One was intercepted on the road, one got into the male guest meeting place, and the other was directly knocked out by Ding Yang and thrown into the hall.

Today, the entire Feng family was wiped out, and their old face was thrown into it. I don't know if they will restrain themselves?
Hearing the queen's complaint, Han Jing reached out and rubbed her cheek, "Don't worry, queen, I'm free to plan."

After eating, it was getting late.

On the first day of the new year, I got up early and kept busy, so I was naturally very tired.

Lying down on the phoenix couch, Bai Ningxiang fell asleep without even saying a few gossips.

Han Jing looked at her peaceful sleeping face, and thought of what the Feng family did today, one or two were restless, so naturally she couldn't be the youngest daughter.

As the queen said, the Feng family has been in the capital for a long time, so it's time to go outside.

According to the custom, the second day of the Lunar New Year is the day when a married woman returns to her natal home.

Therefore, she only needs to receive the two eldest princesses.

Early in the morning, the two eldest princesses dragged their families into the palace. In order to show their closeness, Bai Ningxiang held a banquet directly in Changchun Palace.

After the banquet, the two sons-in-law were called by Han Jing to the study to talk and play chess, and they got up and left at the last moment.

Third grade,

A small sacrificial priest, to comfort the ancestors of the ancestral temple.

After that, there will be no important festivals in the palace, and the courtiers will not have to enter the palace frequently.

Bai Ningxiang finally had a few days of quiet life, and after that was the Lantern Festival Lantern Festival.

In previous years, the Lantern Festival was the busiest time in Kyoto.

In this year's Lantern Festival, in addition to the lanterns sent by the palace, each family will also make lanterns and hand them over to the Kyoto Yamen, let them hang on the long street, and show them to the people of Kyoto. There are lantern riddles on it. Those who guess correctly can take the lantern away.

For this reason, Bai Ningxiang ordered the internal servant to prepare well for this year's lantern festival, so don't be sloppy.

(End of this chapter)

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