Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 1161 Depression dissipated

Chapter 1161 Depression dissipated
The Lantern Festival lasted from the tenth day of the Lunar New Year to the Lantern Festival on the 15th. On the last day, Han Jing changed into a black uniform and invited Bai Ningxiang to watch the lanterns together.

"The emperor wants to have fun with the people?"

"Why, the queen doesn't want to go out?"

Han Jing looked at her, pointed to the palace lantern hanging in the corridor outside,
"This year, those clans spent a lot of money to congratulate the new emperor on his ascension to the throne. A lot of thought was spent on the lantern alone."

Thinking of Xiaoqi's narration, Han Jing couldn't help but twitched the corner of her lower lip,

"Since they have worked so hard, if we don't join in, wouldn't we have failed the courtiers?"

"To be honest, there are too many people, and I don't want to be crowded with them. Compared with the crowded scene, I still like to lie under the window sill and watch the lanterns in the palace."

Bai Ningxiang lay lazily on the beauty's couch, her whole body was warm and comfortable, how could she be willing to be pushed around when she was lying down.

Seeing her lazy expression, Han Jing couldn't help but chuckled, and lowered his head to her ear,

"Our prince and princess have already gone to Xiaoqi's mansion early, and Kang Pingbo went with him. If the queen really doesn't want to move, I will accompany you. Fortunately, no one will disturb you, and you and I will be more happy."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

The dignified emperor is becoming more and more dishonest, thick-skinned, and more and more flirtatious.

"Thinking about it this way, I still feel that the queen's attention is better."

Han Jing reached out and tapped the corners of her lips, her brows were slightly raised, her deep eyes were shining with a golden luster, and Bai Ningxiang just wanted to brush away this face that was so close at hand.

"Cough~, I thought about it for a while, since the Lantern Festival is so grand, I will naturally go to see it."

As Bai Ningxiang said, she moved to a comfortable position and looked at the sky outside.

"It's still too early. I'll take a short break. When the time is up, ask Yun Ni to call me. Your Majesty, just go and get busy. Let's meet at the gate of the palace."

Do you really think she has no temper, let ghosts and snakes pounce on her, and make her act as if nothing happened?
If it weren't for the boys who were all on her side, even if they were older, she would still be able to throw people into the deep mountains and old forests.

Seeing her slightly squinted eyes, Han Jing got up a little bit. Since the palace became quiet, the queen seemed to have ignored him.

"I serve the queen to rest, how about it?"

Han Jing said that she lowered her head and kissed the corner of her lips, but Bai Ningxiang covered her mouth before touching the corner of her lips.

"I heard that the emperor likes the white plum tree in the palace very much. Taking advantage of this moment of free time, the emperor asked the palace people to serve tea under the tree, so that we can taste it to our heart's content."

Bai Ningxiang let go of her hand, as if helpless,
"This palace is different. I like red plums the most. The redder the color, the more I like it. The stronger the fragrance, the more I can't put it down."

Han Jing: "..."

The queen is angry?
No wonder the queen has been extraordinarily dignified and elegant these days, with a forceful aura that made him feel ashamed to speak.

It turns out that people are trying to make faces for themselves.

After figuring this out, Han Jing couldn't help being happy.

While Bai Ningxiang wasn't paying attention, he lowered his head and pecked her lips, "It smells so vinegary, how can my dignified and elegant queen be so lovely?"

"There are too many lovely places in this palace, ah..." Before Bai Ningxiang could fight back, her body flew into the air, startling her, her hands subconsciously hooked Han Jing's neck.

"What are you doing?"

"Of course it's to find the queen's sweet spot." Han Jing smiled softly, carried the man into the inner hall with strides, and put the man on the phoenix couch, and the whole person fell on it.

"As a king, prostitution in the daytime, be careful to be impeached by the censor, um..."

Bai Ningxiang looked at Han Jing in shock, this guy dared to be serious.

"Now is the period of sealing the pen. If you don't go to court, the queen will worry too much." Han Jing fixed the person under her body like an octopus, and began to attack the city without any explanation.

With such a temper, let's see how to deal with her.

The sound of arguing slowly disappeared, and what followed was the physical activities of the two of them.

The sound of the inner hall came out, and the servants in the palace blushed and retreated silently. By the way, they asked people to prepare hot water and summoned them at any time.

Inside the Changchun Palace, the quiet and elegant incense is burning. Inside the golden curtains, hazy figures are entangled with each other, just like a shadow puppet show, making people blush and heartbeat, and have endless reveries.

The palace guards at the door looked at the sky and felt that today's temperature was warmer than usual.

On the red plum tree in the garden, the snow has already begun to melt, and the snow water trickles down the petals, seeps into the soil, and then disappears.

The plum blossoms that have been soaked in snow water are more clear and delicate in color. The breeze blows, and the petals shake tremblingly, carrying an intoxicating fragrance, permeating the Changchun Palace.

At dusk, the setting sun was red through half of the sky, and the palace returned to calm.

Bai Ningxiang was lying on Han Jing's chest covered in sweat, with one leg still resting on his abdomen, she was too tired to speak.

Fortunately, this kind of physical work can not only exercise the body, but also make people feel happy physically and mentally. The depression in the heart, even scratching, is finally released.

Han Jing kissed her on the forehead, feeling the tingling pain in her shoulders, with a smile in her eyes, the queen was holding her breath in her heart, and he didn't mind biting or scratching to make Xiaoqi a little bit.

At this kind of moment, the smaller the wild cat is, the more wildness in his heart can be aroused, and he will fight hard and happily.

"I asked the girl to prepare hot water for the queen to soak in a petal bath, go to sleep, and then go out of the palace to see how the lights will turn out." Han Jing held her waist, his voice was low and hoarse.

Bai Ningxiang raised her eyelids, if she could, she really wanted to sleep until dawn.

"Has the queen calmed down?"

"I'm not angry at all."

Bai Ningxiang blushed and made a fuss, the anger in her heart dissipated long ago.

Sure enough, there is nothing that can't be solved by sweating in one round. If one round doesn't work, then two rounds will eventually solve the fire.

Under the service of Yun Ni and the others, Bai Ningxiang soaked in a flower petal bath comfortably, changed into a set of autumn-colored soft smoke, and simply tied up a single spiral bun, fixed with a mutton jade plum flower hairpin, which is simple and expensive gas.

Among the four colors, the soft smoke of autumn fragrance belongs to the colder color, which always gives people a noble, gentle, calm and restrained temperament, and is very popular among high-class ladies.

When Bai Ningxiang showed up with the maids, Han Jing had already had the carriage ready.

Han Jing was dressed in black brocade clothes, embroidered with dark patterns of gold thread, low-key and luxurious. The two of them were dressed like a rich man and his wife coming out of the palace. Even the carriage they were riding in was modified, and it could not be seen that it came from the palace. Ouchi.

A group of people dressed lightly and left the palace. The accompanying people either rode horses or sat on the shafts of chariots, keeping a low profile to the extreme.

The carriage stopped at the Prince's Mansion, Han Jing helped Bai Ningxiang get out of the carriage, and Butler Qi had already trotted over to greet her.

"The old slave pays homage to the emperor, empress empress."

(End of this chapter)

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