Chapter 1162 Lamp King
"Going out, don't need to be called like that, what about your prince? Don't you take the children out already?"

"Back to the fifth son, the two young masters can't wait to watch the lights, so the prince and uncle Guo had no choice but to go ahead and say we'll see you at the old place." Butler Qi bowed, seeing the two most honorable people in the world, he was a little nervous .

Bai Ningxiang glanced at Han Jing, her eyes helpless, Xiao Qi and Brother Xing, one is an uncle, the other is an uncle, there is no bottom line for indulgence.

"No wonder those two troublemakers are so diligent. I'm afraid they have planned it long ago."

"That's fine, I'll go around with my wife, so as not to have to take care of the two children." Han Jing took Bai Ningxiang's hand, gave instructions, and took his daughter-in-law out.

It was rare for the two of them to have a leisurely time, and he wished for it more than anything.

If it weren't for these people who would rather die than leave, don't worry about them acting alone, otherwise he would even dismiss the protectors.

It's really a shame that you can't go out and enjoy it to your heart's content.

"You didn't send the children away, did you?"

Bai Ningxiang was suspicious, did he plan to send the child away in advance?
Looking at Bai Ningxiang's suspicious eyes, Han Jing smiled softly, "Madam can do whatever she wants."

Anyway, now he is very comfortable.

When she came to the main street, Bai Ningxiang was stunned. All kinds of colorful lights were hung on both sides of the whole street. Looking from a distance, it looked like a long dragon, emitting dazzling light.

Looking at the posture, there are tens of thousands of lanterns hanging on the street.

Relying on the clan alone, I am afraid that such a large amount cannot be completed.

Seeing Bai Ningxiang's question, Han Jing didn't hold back, "Ma'am, you are right. In addition to the lanterns provided by the clan, there are also merchants' houses in Kyoto, such as nobles. All wealthy families make lanterns and hang them up. I showed it, just to get a good omen for my family."

"This year's lanterns are not only beautiful, but they can also be used as a lottery. In the end, a lantern king will be elected."

"Lamp King? How do you choose?" Bai Ningxiang looked at the dazzling lights, did she still feel dazzled after a while?
"Have you seen the little red flowers in the hands of the common people? At the entrance, the yamen distributes them one by one, one for each person. When you find one you like, you put the little red flowers in the basket next to the lamp. Get red flowers Mostly the Lantern King."

"The person who guesses the lantern riddle of the Lantern King will be rewarded no matter what his status is. For example, if he is a scholar, he will be exempted from training for one year. If he is a farmer, he will be exempted from land tax for one year. If he is a merchant, he can also Tax exemption for one year."

Listening to Han Jing's narration, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help being surprised, "Such a big win? Who thought of it?"

Although there is only one person who wins the lottery, he can be regarded as one in a million lucky ones, but this kind of news can make everyone excited together.

No wonder this year's lanterns are so lively, under the heavy colors, there must be lucky ones.

"Guess?" Han Jing looked at Bai Ningxiang with a smile in his eyes.

"There are so many people in the capital, how could I have guessed it?" Bai Ningxiang looked at the crowd of people and glared at Han Jing.

"It's really ridiculous. We Kang Pingbo came up with this idea. It is said that the government will participate and have fun with the people."

Han Jing let out a low laugh, and had to say that his uncle was indeed a smart one, who didn't spend much and could make the people happy.

When the lucky ones show up, the government will issue a reduction or exemption document, which will definitely make the people boil.

There is no harm at all, if you are a brother-in-law, you are smart.

Hearing Han Jing and You Rongyan's tone, Bai Ningxiang was taken aback, brother Xing thought of this idea?

"Why, you still don't believe it? Not only did he pay attention, but he also got a lot of money."

"It's really a little surprising. The child is usually too gentle, as if he doesn't know how to get angry. Sometimes I wonder if there is a problem with my teaching method, which caused Brother Xing's personality to fluctuate so little."

Bai Ningxiang shook her head. Although her family's affairs have affected Brother Xing's growth, she has always taken good care of her and has been with her all these years, just because she is afraid that the child's personality will deviate.

Although it looks good now, but for some reason, she always feels that Brother Xing, who is as gentle as jade, is not his nature.

"You think too much, Xinggeer Zaohui, he just doesn't want you to worry, so he appears calm. In fact, he is still a child at heart."

Because of this, he also has a special preference for this brother-in-law.

"After all, he lacked some regrets."

Bai Ningxiang sighed, looking at the lights of Wanjia, she felt depressed, and the corners of her lips curled up slightly. Fortunately, they have been working hard, and time finally did not treat them badly.

There were many pedestrians on the street, and there were constant calls of hawkers. Bai Ningxiang noticed that even the peddlers were wearing a small red flower on their hands.

"Why don't we have little red flowers?"

After listening to Han Jing's narration, Bai Ningxiang looked around and couldn't help reminding her.

"Who said no, Feng Yi." Han Jing called out, and Feng Yi immediately brought up the prepared little red flowers.

"Qinglian, take it, you guys haven't visited the streets of Kyoto yet, today I will give you a holiday, just go back to the palace after the lantern festival."

Qinglian and the others were all brought by her from Zhangzhou Mansion, and they have been serving by her side all the time, and they haven't given any holidays yet.

"Thank you, master."

Looking at the bright street, Qinglian and the others unceremoniously took the little red flower in Fengyi's hand, giggling and squeezed into the crowd, and disappeared with the flow of people in a blink of an eye.

"Sugar man, sweet and crunchy sugar man,"

"Sachet, a sachet to ward off evil spirits, take a look, the stitching is amazing, and the embroidery is exquisite."


Bai Ningxiang and Han Jing strolled on the street, watching all kinds of people, listening to all kinds of strange cries, they didn't feel panicked.

"Brother, give me those two strings of candy figurines." Bai Ningxiang looked at the candy figurines of the twelve zodiac signs, and made them so lifelike, it was quite interesting.

"Okay, ma'am, please take it, ten copper coins."

Xiaoer smiled and handed over the candy figurine enthusiastically.
"Madam, please feel free to eat. These sugar figurines are made by my brothers from the old honeycombs in the deep mountains and old forests. They are absolutely genuine and extremely sweet."

Bai Ningxiang smiled, took a look at the sugar figure, and said it sounded good.

Yun Ni took out ten copper coins and handed them over. As her master, how could she bargain with her for ten copper coins so as not to attract attention.

The peddler happily thanked him again and again, "Thank you, Ma'am, for your appreciation."

"Why is the little red flower on your body useless?" Bai Ningxiang looked at the little flower on his waist and asked curiously.

"Returning to Madam, I'm going to look at the lanterns while selling sugar, and give them away when I see the lanterns I like, but there are no memorable lanterns yet."

Xiao Er glanced at the little red flower, and explained, "Lantern Festival Lantern Festival is the most joyful festival."

(End of this chapter)

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