Chapter 1163 Fei Ran
"The officials have said that to choose the most beautiful lanterns, the winner of the Lantern King can also reduce money and so on. People in the whole capital are waiting to see who is the lucky one. Therefore, the little one also wants to put Flowers are thrown to the most beautiful lanterns."

When the peddler said this, his expression was a little shy, completely different from the attitude of the sugar peddler just now.

"I see, I hope you get what you want."

Bai Ningxiang held the two candy figurines and smelled them, then handed them to Yun Ni, "Here, let Xi'er Mo'er taste it later."

A group of people walked around the street, seeing more and more people, Han Jing took Bai Ningxiang into his arms, walked into a slightly dark narrow alley, and prepared to take a shortcut to meet Xiao Qi.

The main street is brightly lit and bright, and this small alley looks much darker.

Even so, there are still people in the alley, and they are all one-on-one.

After getting used to the darkness in the alley, Bai Ningxiang glanced around, and couldn't help but laugh.

A pair of young lovers, taking advantage of the Lantern Festival to come out to relieve the pain of lovesickness, it is a good occasion.

Naturally, if there are young couples, there will be wild mandarin ducks who take advantage of the opportunity to fish. In short, under the cover of night, several couples can be perfected, and some ugliness can also be covered up.

"Is this trip worthwhile?" Just after walking out of the alley, Han Jing chuckled and asked in a low voice.

He didn't miss the curiosity in his wife's eyes just now, especially the pair of little mandarin ducks kissing fiercely, she looked at it several times.

It's a pity that there are too many tails around him, otherwise, he can also let the queen have a taste of the novelty.

Hearing Han Jing's unscrupulous tone, Bai Ningxiang directly slapped his hand off, and gave him another supercilious look.

"I think you really like it, do you want to stay and watch?" The thick-skinned guy is not afraid of the eyes of a needle.

"Cough~, I made a mistake for my husband. I didn't expect that everyone would be so enthusiastic in such a cold weather."

Han Jing coughed uncomfortably, took Bai Ningxiang's hand, and walked forward solemnly.

As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the restaurant, they saw Qi Huai, the guard next to Xiao Qi, "Fifth Young Master, madam, please come inside."

"You didn't go out to watch the lanterns?" Han Jing glanced at Qi Huai, with two naughty eggs by his side, can Xiaoqi be free?
"Go back to Fifth Young Master, Seventh Young Master has just taken the two young masters out for a stroll, and they are having dinner upstairs at the moment."

Qi Huai bowed and bowed, unable to say anything in his heart, the two little masters almost exhausted them to death.

Looking after children is not something everyone can do.

Physically and mentally exhausted.

Bai Ningxiang looked at Qi Huai's look of bitterness and hatred, and knew that the two little guys hadn't stopped.

In the private room on the second floor, near the window, the two children were sitting obediently, watching the lantern festival below while eating, shaking their little feet happily, and they knew they were dizzy without asking.

As for Han Jue and Bai Xingyu, they were sitting at the Eight Immortals table in the middle, drinking tea and chatting.

"Fifth brother and fifth sister-in-law, you are finally here."

Seeing the two people appear, Han Jue breathed a sigh of relief, and pouted at Han Jing, "Fifth brother, didn't I also restless when I was young, jumping up and down?"

"You don't know the price of rice if you don't manage a family, and you don't know the kindness of your parents if you don't raise children. You have finally experienced it. When you were young, you didn't make much trouble. You climbed trees to dig bird nests, went down to fish in lakes, and even gave a pair of mandarin ducks raised by your mother to you. You baked it and ate it, but your mother chased you three or four times with a feather duster."

Han Jing sat down opposite him, and opened her mouth to make a few accusations, which made Bai Ningxiang giggle. Now she finally understands that destroying things at home is also a ancestral tradition.

Having been exposed in front of so many people, Han Jue was a little embarrassed.

"Fifth brother, it's been so long, why do you always hold on to the mandarin duck? Besides causing trouble, I have also done many good things."

"You're right. You do a lot of good and bad things. How about you succeed in making everyone in Kyoto remember you as a little dude?"

Han Jing shook her head, poured a glass of water for Bai Ningxiang, and curled her lower lip.

"This kid is very active. Although he is not a bad person, many things he does still make people's teeth itch."

"Ahem... Fifth brother, let's not talk about me. Look at this street. It's been a long time since I saw this scene. I took this opportunity to let the people in Kyoto see it. Under Brother’s management, it will get better and better.”

Xiao Qi pointed to the bustling street below, with undisguised confidence in her eyes.

"Well, well done, thank you Brother Xing." Han Jing nodded, looked at Bai Xingyu, and praised him.

"Brother-in-law Liao Zan, I only come up with ideas, and the ability to execute depends entirely on Brother Seven." Bai Xingyu blushed and repeatedly refused. In this place in the capital, his ability is not as good as Brother Seven.

"Don't be humble, you are all capable." If you do well, you should be praised, and it has always been his principle to distinguish rewards and punishments.

"For the sake of your hard work, I will grant each of you a wish. Go back and think about it carefully. As long as you don't violate the rules, Fifth Brother will satisfy you."

"Thank you Fifth Brother."

Han Jue's eyes lit up, and without waiting for Bai Xingyu to be polite, he pulled him and nodded in agreement.

"Such a big breath, if you want your country, will you give it?"

While speaking, a man in a white robe appeared at the door, with a cynical smile on his face and a folding fan pinned to his waist. No matter how he looked, he looked like a rich man.

Only the wanton arrogance in his eyes made people dare not underestimate him.

Everyone was stunned and looked at the door in unison, especially Xiao Qi, who had a very bad expression on his face. With their vigilance, they didn't notice anyone approaching.

This person's martial arts must be above him.

Han Jing leaned against the door, and after being baptized by everyone, he couldn't hide the smile in his eyes.

"Shocked to see me?"

"Feiran, why did you show up?" He appeared like a ghost every day, appearing normally every time.

"I heard you talking, so I came over to say hello." Fei Ran innocently shrugged his shoulders, looked at the crowd, and walked in with a smile.

"Why did you come to Kyoto? Why didn't you come to drink with me?"

Seeing Feiran, Han Jing was not surprised at all, picked up the teapot and poured him a cup of tea, "Since we're here, let's stay a little longer, and we'll have another cup later."

"Okay, I don't mind. The boy Zuo Ben is going to come back to spend the New Year with his father. If he insists on inviting me, it's not worth the kindness, so he will follow."

Feiran took a sip of tea and explained a sentence by the way.

Bai Ningxiang looked at Feiran with somewhat complicated expression, the past and present were mixed together, she couldn't decide whether Feiran was good or bad.

But people are stuffed with black sesame balls, there is no doubt about it.

"Xiangxiang, why do you always stare at me?" Feiran said, took out the fan at her waist, and smiled at her.

Unfortunately, before Bai Ningxiang could speak, Han Mo and Han Xi had already rushed over, "Uncle, Uncle, have you come to see us?"

(End of this chapter)

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