Chapter 1164 Attacked
"Yeah, uncle misses you, little clever ghost."

Feiran caught the two pounced children, pinched his cheeks, and took out two purses from his sleeves.

"Here, one for each person, New Year's gift."

"Thank you, uncle."

The two of them took the purse without being polite at all, still holding a sleeve each,
"Uncle, when will you take us out to play again?"

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

"Haha... Then it depends on whether your mother agrees." Feiran said, looked at Bai Ningxiang, and smiled very dissatisfied.

Looking at the two big eager eyes, Bai Ningxiang choked, these two troublemakers really didn't care about anything when they met.

"You can play if you want, as long as you finish the homework assigned by your father, mother doesn't care."

"Okay, uncle, you wait for me, I will have time soon."

"Okay, Uncle has nothing else but too much time." Fei Ran smiled and nodded the little noses of the two of them, looking extremely happy.

After the agreement, the two children continued to look at the lanterns by the window, and then Feiran looked at Bai Ningxiang.

"Xiangxiang seems to have an opinion on me?"

Bai Ningxiang looked at him steadfastly, and then smiled after a while, "It's not that I have opinions on you, it's just that I have some emotions. Ever since I met you as a friend, I haven't thought about anything else."

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's tone, Feiran was stunned. He thought that after his life experience was exposed, Bai Ningxiang would question him.

At the very least, his existence does have many purposes. Although he has never done anything to harm their mother and daughter, as long as he is around, there will be certain risks.

So, after his background was revealed, he didn't want to show up anymore.

It's a pity that the Yanzimen was taken care of by that boy Zuo Ben too well, nothing happened at all, and he couldn't help thinking about it when he was free.

After much deliberation, he had no choice but to take Zuo Ben back to celebrate the New Year.

The old man Zuo Daojin was happy to see his son, and he was very enthusiastic when he saw him. He treated him as a guest of honor, which made him feel ashamed to do bad things.

It was really boring, so he had no choice but to be a gentleman on the beam, and watch a goblin fight... Not to mention, after a while, he discovered a lot of interesting things.

For example, the sister-in-law sneaked into the uncle's bed, and the daughter-in-law entered the father-in-law's room...

"Hearing you say that, I'm really touched. Of course, my uncle is not useless at all. At least I have experience in raising children. Compared with this uncle, uncle, I am not inferior at all. "

As Feiran said, she couldn't help but curled up her lips and laughed.

"Uncle, Xi'er likes you." At this moment, Han Xi suddenly turned around and smiled sweetly at Fei Ran.

"Yo~, uncle also likes our little princess Xi'er."

Feiran looked at Han Xi, and smiled even brighter. He looked at Bai Ningxiang, and innocently shrugged his shoulders, as if to say, look, I am so attractive.

Bai Ningxiang looked at him, showing a polite but uncomfortable smile, and said in her heart, my silly girl, this person in front of me is a lunatic.

Is it normal for a person who can sit in a cemetery to drink and look clean?
"Aren't you inseparable from Zuo Ben, where are you?" Bai Ningxiang looked at the door, except for Xiao Er who shuttled up and down, she didn't see Zuo's family.

"At the end of the corridor, the family is having fun."

Feiran pointed to the opposite side with the folding fan, "I was watching the moon on the roof, and I happened to see you."

With the addition of Fei Ran, the atmosphere is weird and lively. This person doesn't say anything else, but Coke's short stories and jokes are at his fingertips, and he can chat with anyone, just like a know-it-all.

Until there was a burst of cheers and shouts from the street, tonight's Lantern King finally appeared.

And some people guessed the lantern riddle hanging on the Lantern King.

Following Xiao Er's announcement of the good news, everyone knew that the Lantern King came from Qing Guo's Mansion in Dali Temple.

According to what was said earlier, the scholarship will be exempted for one year, and tomorrow morning, Zhuang Xiucai can go to the yamen to pick up the documents. Once he gets the book, he will probably become famous too.

"I heard that Zhuang Xiucai's family is poor, and he has been writing letters to others for a living. There is also a blind old lady at home, and his life is very poor."

When Xiao Er was refilling them with tea, when Xiao Qi asked, he couldn't help but tell everything he knew.

"It's great now. He can relax a little bit by exempting him from one year's training. Maybe Qiu Wei will be in high school this year."

After Xiao Er finished speaking, she happily went out with the water bottle again.

Listening to Xiao Er's narration, Bai Xingyu's eyes were filled with joy, "I'll see this Zhuang Xiucai later. It's true as Xiao Er said, even if you can help him finish his studies, it's fine."

"Silly boy, lantern riddles are meant for learned people. It's not surprising that Zhuang Xiucai guessed it right. It can only be said that he was lucky."

Fei Ran shook his fan leisurely, and looked at Han Jing who was drinking tea intently.

"What do you say, brother-in-law?"

Han Jing put down the teacup, but did not object, "Knowledge has nothing to do with character, Brother Xing needs to be cautious when making friends."

"Tsk tsk~, it's rare for us to stand on the same front. Boy, don't listen to people's advice to eat enough."

Feiran twitched the corner of his lower lip, looked at Brother Xing's silent expression, shook his head, and got up directly.

"Go, go back to sleep."

Watching Feiran leave, Bai Ningxiang walked to the window and looked down at the still busy street. Because of the appearance of Lantern King and Lucky, the whole street boiled.

As for the two children, when they went out to watch the excitement for the first time, they seemed to be full of energy, as if they had taken a Budao pill.

"Aren't you two dozing off?"

"Mother, we're not drowsy at all. The lantern festival is fun. I'll come back tomorrow." Sister Xi raised her head and said happily.

"Silly sister, the Lantern Festival is held once a year. If you want to see it next time, you have to wait another year." Han Mo stretched out his hand and rubbed her crotch, speaking like an old mother.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go back too."

Han Jing put on the cloaks for the two children, gave orders, and the group went downstairs. In order to avoid crowding, they left directly through the back door and took a detour to the back street.

Passing by the dark alley again, Han Jing couldn't help frowning just halfway through.

"Xiaoqi, be on guard."

Feeling the undercurrent surging around, Han Jing's face was gloomy.


"Whoever he is, if he dares to block the way, kill him."

Holding the soft sword at his waist, Xiao Qi stood directly in front of the crowd,
"Qi Huai, Hua Qing, after the end."

"Yes, master," the two of them immediately pulled out the weapons at their waists after hearing the order, and broke the back.

Han Jin and Xiao Qi stood side by side in front, staring at the front with cold eyes.

Suddenly, a gust of wind hit, and Xiao Qi threw out the soft sword at his waist, only to hear two ding ding sounds, the two finger-like nails were intercepted and fell to the ground, making a crisp collision sound.

(End of this chapter)

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