Chapter 1193 Fool
When Mei Song said this, she glanced at Wei Zixian vaguely, but unfortunately, that guy was hit by Yun Ni's brain and didn't react for a while.

Bai Ningxiang even doubted whether he heard Mei Song's words or not.

But it's inconvenient for her to participate in his own private affairs.

"Your idea is right. People in the world like to chase after the sun. Only when they stand in front of them can they know the warmth and coldness."

After Bai Ningxiang said this, she stood up straight away, "I'm sorry to bother you today, but I hope to see you again in the future."

Although she won't interfere, she won't facilitate it either. As for how far the two of them can go, it depends on God's will.

The Buddha said, there is great love in the world, there is no male and female, and everything has love.

Yun Ni pushed the door in with a plate of dishes, put the plate on the table, her expression was a little stiff, she didn't look at Mei Song, she just glared at Wei Zixian viciously, wondering if she heard the conversation between the master and Mei Song .

Wei Zixian just came back to his senses, when he looked up and saw such a ferocious appearance, he trembled in fright, and subconsciously leaned against Mei Song.

"Grandma Yun Ni, what are you going to do? A gentleman can't move his mouth, but you can't do it. Madam must have something to do when she goes out, so I can't delay it."

Really, just like this tigress, if you give him away, you don't dare to ask for it.

"Grandma, I don't eat people, so I need you to hide?"

A heartless idiot, after all these years of acquaintance, she can be regarded as being sentimental and meddling in other people's business.

Isn't it just being hurt by someone who doesn't love you?

I broke my sleeve in a blink of an eye, what a shame.

A woman like Qingqing who is in two boats is not worthy of being sad at all. This idiot is not only heartbroken, but also has changed her orientation. It is difficult to dispel her hatred without a beating.

During these years of getting along, in his eyes, he has become a tigress that he avoids and fears.

Hmph, stupid guy, do you really think she is rare?
She followed the empress and was honored as aunt every day. I don't know how happy she was. Following him, she might be pissed to death one day.

After thoughts popped up in her heart, Yun Ni snorted, and seeing the two cuddling each other, she smiled brightly again in the blink of an eye.

"Grandma admires your courage and wishes you to grow old together forever and be united forever."

Mei Song: "..."

Wei Zixian: "..."

Is my aunt really mad?They all started talking nonsense.

What the empress said was right, he really needed to prepare a bottle of commercial gold sore medicine in advance to prevent it, and he was afraid that he would not be able to hide from the speed at which his aunt changed her face.

Only when there were only two people left in the room, Mei Song said nah,
"Miss Yun Ni is really a fiery character, a hearty girl, Brother Wei may wish to think about it, maybe you can really get happiness and love for a lifetime."

"Don't scare me, this aunt can't bear being a brother... I'm not afraid to tell you, I have been beaten by her many times, and every time it is terrible."

Wei Zixian flicked his robe and sat up straight.

Seeing Mei Song's shocked look, Wei Zixian was not afraid of shame, he touched his nose embarrassingly,
"I can't say a word or two, just like Madam said, if you are destined, you will definitely see her again. If you meet more, you will understand."

Wicked woman, no matter how many times we meet again, the two of them will have nothing else.

Maybe that aunt would feel unhappy and vent her anger on herself.

Seeing that he was really scared, Mei Song couldn't help being happy, "If my guess is correct, the lady just now is Kang Pingbo's sister, right?"

Yesterday, he followed Wei Zixian to Kang Pingbo's residence for a follow-up visit. Kang Pingbo's expression was very similar to that of the lady just now.

"I know I can't hide it from you, so let's have dinner." Wei Zixian didn't deny it, adjusted his mind, and picked up sliced ​​winter bamboo shoots for Meisong.

Mei Song saw that he didn't say much, and didn't ask too much, the two sat side by side, eating quietly, when Yun Ni made a fuss, their minds changed slightly.

At this time, Bai Ningxiang had already walked to the street again.

"Ding Yang, do you know when Yun Ni fell in love with Wei Zixian?"

Bai Ningxiang looked at Ding Yang. This person was usually cold-tempered and taciturn, but his mind was the most penetrating among them.

"Before Qingqing appeared, he should have had a good impression, but it was not deep. At that time, Wei Zixian had just returned to the Wei family as a bastard. He should have been treated unfairly and escaped from the family. He was rescued by the young master, and gradually became familiar with him."

"We have been training together for a while. Wei Zixian is not a martial artist, so he just concentrates on studying medical skills. Afterwards, he will follow the young master. We won't see many opportunities."

"But it's true that Yun Ni has always taken care of Wei Zixian. As for when the love is deeply rooted, it's hard for my subordinates to judge. It should be after the fifth son sent us to you. At that time, everyone was in the southwest. many."

Ding Yang thought about it before and after, even if it was not accurate, it was almost the same.

Bai Ningxiang nodded, if that was the case, she would have to admire that this girl can really hide.

"Why didn't she say it earlier? If she had expressed her intention earlier, maybe the matter between Wei Zixian and Qingqing could have been avoided."

"The master doesn't know something. As a secret guard, he is not qualified to talk about these things. Until he followed the master to the Ming Road, Yun Ni seemed to have tested Wei Zixian. Unfortunately, that guy is a second-ranker, and he didn't respond at all."

"Don't look at Yun Ni who is usually grinning and grinning. She just said that she didn't know how to do it. She asked Wei Zixian to compete with Wei Zixian again and again. As a result, his skin was bruised and his face was swollen after being beaten by Yun Ni. After a long time, he I am especially afraid of Yun Ni."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

This way of expressing liking is really special, no wonder Wei Zixian sees Yun Ni like a mouse seeing a cat.

It turned out that I was really scared.

"You're really a silly girl. No wonder she looks at Wei Zixian with anger. Alas, now that Wei Zixian is like this, the two of them are destined to have nothing to do with each other."

With the current state, it is difficult for her to match up.

"Ma'am, I don't like that idiot. Anyway, I made him stupid. Don't mind."

At some point, Yun Ni suddenly appeared next to the two of them, raised her proud chin, and smiled stiffly.

"Okay, I will find you a husband who is better and more suitable for you in the future."

Bai Ningxiang took her hand, "You can also observe first, if you like someone's son, I will come forward to match, including Ding Yang, as long as you have a son you like, I will give you a marriage."

The two accompanied her all the way, and they were master and servant in name, but they were actually sisters long ago. When the time came, she would take the two of them as righteous sisters, and with titles, they would get married again.

"Thank you Madam, but the servant girl is not going to marry. The servant girl will always be by Madam's side and be your most capable assistant."

(End of this chapter)

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