Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 1194 The Little Girl Picking Mushrooms

Chapter 1194 The Little Girl Picking Mushrooms

Yun Ni pouted, what good is being married, in addition to being filial to her parents-in-law and being harmonious with her sister-in-law, it's better to be by her side and be the respectable aunt in charge of the entire Changchun Palace.

Whoever saw her had to be polite.

Ding Yang looked at Yun Ni's proud look, "That's the way to look, don't look at who we are around, we can't lose our momentum."

Bai Ningxiang looked at the expressions of the two of them and couldn't laugh or cry.

"Have you found out where I don't know?"

"Anyi has already told his subordinates," Ding Yang nodded and led the way directly.

Cross the main street, go north all the way, and cross two streets and three alleys.

The three people stood in front of a thatched hut not far from the gate of Biecheng. There was a fence wall, a small bamboo gate building, and there were only three thatched huts in the yard. The thatched roof seemed to be newly laid.

Under the porch of the main house, there is a dilapidated Eight Immortals table with a set of rough pottery tea sets on it. Not far in front of it, there is a small vegetable field with Mao Maocai growing in it.

Standing in front of the door, you can see the courtyard without any shelter.

"C'mon, this yard looks like it's guarding against gentlemen but not villains."

Yun Ni hugged her shoulders, looked at the decorations in the yard, went to the door and kicked the bamboo raft door, watched the door shake a few times, couldn't help curling her lips.

Fortunately, I didn't use any force, otherwise I would definitely be hit.

"It seems that no one is at home." Ding Yang looked around the yard, then came back and shook his head at Bai Ningxiang.

"It should be out of the city to collect firewood." Bai Ningxiang looked along the North Street, and it only took a cup of tea to get out of the city from here.

"Ma'am, shall we wait here or go out of town to have a look?"

Yun Ni looked at the firewood piled up under the thatched shed, and it was indeed as the prince said, the firewood they picked up was not wanted by others, it was thin and small, and could not withstand burning.

Thinking about the age of several people, old and young, it is not bad to be able to pick up firewood.

Bai Ningxiang glanced at the sky, and it was only three minutes later.

"Now that we're out, let's go out of the city to have a look. After leaving the north city gate and walking a mile, there is a hill. They should be near there."

Ever since, the three got into the carriage and went straight out of the city.

After crossing the moat and passing the Shili Pavilion along the official road, Bai Ningxiang and the others got out of the carriage, leaving An Yi to stay behind in the carriage, and they crossed the lawn and walked towards the opposite hillside.

In the weather at the end of February, the grass has turned green, and the willows on the hillside have sprouted green leaves like scissors.

The wild winter jasmine is still insisting on its last stubbornness, and there is a white apricot tree not far away. With the breeze, the petals are falling down on the ground, like colorful snowflakes.

"Only in the suburbs, the abundance of spring will be more intuitive."

Bai Ningxiang was standing on the hillside, and there were many scattered people digging wild vegetables. The most delicious wild vegetable in this season is Artemisia argyi.

What's the old saying?
In February, the wormwood grows in March, and in April, it is chopped for firewood.Others say that Artemisia annua in March and Artemisia in April are used as firewood in July and August.

No matter how it is spread, Artemisia annua is not only a good herbal medicine, but also a dish on the table of the common people in spring. Whether it is steamed with flour or boiled in water, it is delicious.

"Ask those women in a while, take a few copper coins for a basket of white wormwood, take it back, steam it, it's a rare time to come out, let's taste the taste of wild vegetables."

"Madam, don't worry, wild vegetables are the most abundant at this time, and they are easy to buy."

Ding Yang glanced at Yun Ni, this guy is not happy today, it is better not to provoke her.

A few well-dressed ladies suddenly appeared on the uphill. After being discovered, they couldn't help but look around, but no one dared to approach.

During this period, the common people were still very jealous of wealthy families, for fear of offending someone they didn't want to provoke and causing trouble to the family.

Of course, Bai Ningxiang knew what they were thinking, so naturally she would not provoke them.

After walking for another two minutes, the three of them finally came to a forest, where only half-grown children and old people collected firewood, and almost no young ones.

When she was about to pass by some old pine trees, Bai Ningxiang noticed a few pine mushrooms with sharp eyes.

This kind of mushroom has a good taste and is rare. Except for people who are very familiar with it, ordinary people dare not eat it even if they find it, for fear of picking a poisonous mushroom by mistake and dying.

"Collect these few matsutake mushrooms, add another meal tonight. Look again, see if there are any more?"

Bai Ningxiang took out a handkerchief, spread it on the ground, picked the few mushrooms she saw, and covered them with pine needles. As long as they are not damaged, new pine mushrooms will grow in the same place in a few days.

When they were in the tea garden, they often picked wild mushrooms in this way, and they already had experience.

Yun Ni and Ding Yang have been with Bai Ningxiang for a long time, so they naturally know which mushrooms are edible and which are poisonous.

After a while, the two searched the surrounding pine forest, and the harvest was not bad, with a visual estimate of more than three catties.

"Ma'am, are you picking mushrooms again?"

A timid voice sounded from the nearby pine tree.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the little girl who didn't dare to approach, she looked only eleven or twelve years old, and there was a basket beside her, with half a basket of wild vegetables in it.

"Yeah, I just found some edible mushrooms."

Bai Ningxiang waved at her, "I can teach you to know this kind of mushroom, but I must exchange it with your wild vegetables, do you agree?"

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's question, the little girl's eyes lit up, "Of course it's possible, the wild vegetables I dug up are tender and clean."

When she came over with the basket, Bai Ningxiang took a look, it was indeed good, but it was a bit messy, white wormwood, shepherd's purse, seven buds, everything.

"As far as I know, there are not many people who eat mushrooms. If you exchange wild vegetables with mushrooms, will the family members be angry?"

Wild vegetables are also the rations of many families when they are in short supply.

"I want to pick mushrooms and sell them to restaurants, and earn copper coins to treat my mother's illness." The little girl blushed, and quickly lowered her head after she finished speaking.

"What if you can't sell it?"

Bai Ningxiang was a little curious. Restaurants are very cautious in purchasing these things, and most of them are purchased from regular merchants. How could they accept scattered mushrooms from a little girl?

"The shopkeeper with Jiangnan flavor will accept it, as long as it passes the inspection." The little girl tugged at her sleeve and explained in a low voice.

It's Jiangnan style again. She ate there today, and she did try shiitake mushrooms and matsutake.

"Then you are careful, I will only teach you once, and you can only pick this kind of pine mushroom. If you are not sure about the rest, don't touch it. If you eat something wrong, it will kill you."

Bai Ningxiang said, and took out one to show her, "This kind of pine mushroom only grows under the pine tree, you remember the color and pattern, and you can sell it after drying in the sun. The price should be higher than the fresh one. "

(End of this chapter)

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