Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 120 Buying Longevity Locks

Chapter 120 Buying Longevity Locks

The mayor saw that she was so generous, so he generously waived a fraction.

The last procedure is to go to the town government in person to drive wooden stakes, make marks, and then hand over the red deed, which is considered to be completely completed.

Of course, the people in the town government used to make wooden stakes for marking, just for show, and they didn't bother to measure them at all. If they managed well, they would expand a little further.

According to the industry regulations, this can be regarded as an unspoken rule. The yamen servants work hard and give some benefits for mutual benefit. No one will come down to verify.

It was agreed to go to piling three days later, Wang Shirong asked Bai Ningxiang to take the white deed home first, and then exchange the white deed for the red deed.

Bai Ningxiang was so happy after buying the mountain top, she cut a few pork belly and bought some pastries.

When I met a jewelry store, Bai Ningxiang asked Bai Wu to watch the carriage outside, and went in to have a look by herself.

"Hello girl, some new accessories have arrived in the store, including silver ornaments, gold ornaments, and jade items. What kind of items do you need? I can introduce you to some popular ones."

Xiao Er took a look at Bai Ningxiang's clothes. Although she was plain and clean, she looked like she was from a wealthy family, so she greeted her with extra politeness.

"Look at the silver jewelry."

After earning money, she wanted to buy a silver hairpin for her mother.

It is not easy for a widow to be too gorgeous, plain silver is very good.

"Come on, girl, please look at this cabinet. It's full of stuff. I'll take out whichever one you like."

Bai Ningxiang lowered her head and took a look around. There are also many plain silver styles, magpies on branches, rich and noble, and various flower shapes, and the workmanship is not bad.

"Give me this orchid hairpin, and this wishful hairpin, let me have a look."

"Okay, the girl has a good eye. These two are new styles, especially the orchid hairpin. The petals are lifelike and vivid. It was made by a master craftsman for 20 years."

Xiao Er said, his eyes swept over Bai Ningxiang, and seeing that she was not unhappy, he felt relieved for the most part.

"The craftsmanship alone is worth a lot of money, and this Ruyi hairpin, although it is inlaid with broken jade, but the grains are all genuine good jade, coupled with the ingenuity of our master, it is definitely the most popular style nowadays. "

Bai Ningxiang smiled, "I know they are all good things, and I also think they are good, how much money, give me a reasonable price."

"Don't worry, girl, let's mark the price clearly, no one is cheating. The orchid is ten taels of silver, because the craftsmanship is troublesome. The Ruyi hairpin is eight taels of silver, a total of 18 taels. If you are satisfied, I will hug the small one for you and give it to you by the way." pair earrings."

With silver in the gift, Bai Ningxiang also has confidence, so she doesn't have to pick and choose to get by.

"Okay, wrap it up."

Gold and silver jewelry can be melted down to create new ones when they are out of date, and can also be replaced, so there is no loss.

After Xiao Er wrapped it up for her, Bai Ningxiang paid the money, and just as she was about to turn around and go out, she saw a set of gold and silver locks in the cabinet next door, a necklace and two bracelets to match.

Thinking of her unborn brother, Bai Ningxiang's eyes lit up,
"How much money is this set?"

"This is a new longevity lock. Although it is made of silver, it is trimmed with gold silk. The weight alone costs five taels of silver, one tael of gold thread, and the craftsmanship of the master. This set is priced at 30 taels. silver.

During this period, one tael of gold, ten taels of silver, plus craftsmanship, 30 taels of silver was still acceptable.

What's more, the meaning is good.

"Hold me this too."

(End of this chapter)

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