Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 121 This is how you grow justice

Chapter 121 This is how you grow justice
Longevity locks, auspicious necklaces, and wishful bracelets all mean longevity, and they happened to be given to the younger brother who hadn't met.

Xiao Er was very happy today, and met a big client.

Bai Ningxiang was arrogant today and returned home with a full load. As soon as she got into the carriage, she heard Xiao Er's shout.

"Girl stay, girl wait a moment."

Bai Ningxiang looked at Xiao Er who came running, and a girl beside her, puzzled, "What, did you miscalculate the money?"

"No, no, the girl misunderstood. This is how it is. This is Miss Zhang. She also fell in love with the long-life lock before, but she didn't expect to be late. Seeing that you haven't gone far, come over and ask, she I am willing to buy the one in your hand at a price higher than five taels of silver..."

Before Xiao Er finished speaking, Bai Ningxiang knew what it meant, and directly waved her hand.

"There is an old saying about things like silver jewelry and jadeware, which is to follow fate. Since I found it, I bought it, which proves that this set of longevity locks is destined for me. Why should the girl be persistent?"

"I just checked. There are several styles in the store. You can choose another set you like."

Miss Zhang wiped her sweat with a handkerchief, "Miss love, I have seen that set of longevity locks several times, because I am going to attend a full moon banquet, I just need it, please think about it."

Miss Zhang said with a hint of impatience in her eyes.

"As I said just now, this set of longevity locks is destined for me. Besides, I also want to give it away, so I can only say sorry."

The girl didn't seem to expect that Bai Ningxiang would refuse, not to mention that she offered five liang of silver more.

Although there are not many rich people, but for ordinary people, it is almost a year's chewing. It is because of this that she is confident that she will definitely fall into her own hands.

"The girl really refuses to give in?"

As Miss Zhang spoke, the brows twitched, and her eyes unconsciously carried a sense of persecution.

"Excuse me, we're leaving." Bai Ningxiang had nothing to say to this kind of person, and she didn't know her well, so why should she wrong herself.

Miss Zhang blushed, and anger flashed in her eyes, but before she could speak, a sneer came from beside her.

"Hey~, the so-called gentlemen don't take away the beauty of others. It seems that this girl really needs that set of longevity locks. She is in a hurry, so why not give in to Miss Bai?"

Following the voice, Jiang Wenxue's figure appeared in front of the carriage, looking extremely gentle.

Seeing this person she hated, Bai Ningxiang sneered, "Jiang Xiucai really doesn't hurt her back while standing and talking, and that set of longevity locks is also my favorite, what should you do?"

"Beautiful words, look at this girl who is so anxious, she must be in great need, how can you take the love that steals people's hearts?"

Jiang Wenxue looked at Bai Ningxiang with a stern look in his eyes. Last time he was beaten for half a month and couldn't get out of bed.

He has never forgotten this hatred.

At this time, they were all standing on the street, and there was a mess of people coming and going.

Now listening to Jiang Wenwen's tone of justice, the eyes of those who watched the excitement looked at Bai Ningxiang immediately changed, with bright contempt.

"Crafting and plundering? Jiang Xiucai, thanks to you, you are still a scholar. Can't you read the book in the stomach of a dog?"

"I obviously bought this set of long-lived locks for 30 taels of silver. Xiaoer can testify. How come it's a swindle when it comes to you?"

Xiao Er wiped the sweat off his forehead, feeling so annoyed, if he had known what he was doing all this time?
(End of this chapter)

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