Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 123 I want to return the goods

Chapter 123 I want to return the goods

Xiao Er looked at the people pointing and pointing, with contempt in his eyes, as if he wanted to poke him to death, his face turned pale immediately, if his boss knew about it, his job would be over.

Thinking of this, he quickly looked at Miss Zhang beside him, hoping that she would explain to him.

"Miss Zhang, do you see this?"

"Ask me what I'm doing, useless things, I didn't snatch anything, and I'm willing to pay five taels of silver more. You brought me here to humiliate me?"

Miss Zhang was full of anger when Xiaoer delivered it to her door by herself, and she scolded her head and face.

Xiao Er was roasted on the fire by two girls, and his forehead was sweating anxiously.

For this, Bai Ningxiang didn't feel sorry for him at all, he was the one who caused this situation, and he deserved to bear this embarrassment.

Just as she was about to take the car to leave, she heard Xiao Er yelling suddenly.

"Girl stay behind..."

When he yelled this, even he himself was surprised. Seeing Bai Ningxiang turn to look at him, he blushed again in embarrassment.

He didn't want to call people, but subconsciously opened his mouth.

"You won't let me go?"

Bai Ningxiang glanced at him, and sighed helplessly, "I originally came here happily to buy some accessories to please the elders... Now that's the case, I don't want it anymore, let me return it to you."

Saying that, Bai Ningxiang didn't wait for Xiao Er to react, she directly took out the packed box and handed it to him.

"I don't want to be the boss, do I?"

Little Two: "..."

He only wants to return the set of longevity locks, and the rest don't need to be returned. Really, please believe him.

Everyone watched Xiaoer finally force the girl to return the goods. Apart from sympathy, the impression of Jinrui Jewelry Store was even worse.

Because of this incident, the reputation of Jinrui Jewelry in Daba Town plummeted, and it was rejected by the whole town.

After learning about the specific situation, Lei Ting, the owner, was furious and told the shopkeeper and Xiao Erjuan to leave, and also wanted to compensate for the loss of the store.

This is something to say later, but right now, although Xiao Er was flustered, she didn't expect the seriousness of the matter.

Looking at the box that Bai Ningxiang handed over, she took it subconsciously,

"The girl only needs to return the set of longevity locks, and the rest don't need to be returned."

Bai Ningxiang pulled the corner of her lower lip, "It's all gone, it looks really bad."

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's tone, Xiao Er choked, and before he could open his mouth, he was sprayed all over his face by the saliva around him.

"Your Jinrui jewelry has such a big face, what do you ask people to refund? Others have to refund it? Such a terrible experience, no matter how beautiful the jewelry is, I don't feel in the mood to wear it. It's better to refund it all, and it's over."

"That's right, anyway, I will never step into Jinrui Jewelry Store in the future, it's so frustrating."

Xiao Er couldn't bear the accusations from everyone, her face turned red, and she felt a little better when she saw Miss Zhang next to her.

"Miss Zhang, this set of longevity locks..."

It's a pity that before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ms. Zhang, "Hey, what kind of longevity lock, I don't care about things that other people think are disgusting? What about Mai Tai? I have money in my hand, what do you want to buy? , do you want others to dislike you?"

While speaking, he took a deep look at Bai Ningxiang, snorted, turned his head and left.

Xiaoer looked at Miss Zhang's back, then looked down at the box in his hand, wanting to cry but not crying.

Why is it like this?

(End of this chapter)

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