Chapter 124 Sacks

"Xiao Er, don't be dazed, hurry up and return the goods with the girl?"

Looking at Xiao Er's brilliant expression, everyone was watching the excitement without taking too much trouble, and their gloating tone fluctuated with each other.

Bai Ningxiang coughed, "Go back quickly, I'm still in a hurry to go home."

Xiao Er pursed her lips, looking at Bai Ningxiang's mocking eyes, her face blushed suddenly.

"...Miss, you have a lot of adults, forgive me for once, if you return the goods, the boy's job will be lost."

"It's too late to regret it now. It's said that the money and the goods are not owed. If you can chase me out, the reputation of Jinrui Jewelry Store has dropped to zero in my heart. It's not my fault. If you still want to mess around, we might as well Take a trip to the town hall."

Bai Ningxiang looked at Xiao Er coldly, and paid money to buy it?
Is she sick?

In the end, under the pressure of everyone, Xiao Er had no choice but to refund Bai Ningxiang's money.

Looking at the carriage going away, Xiao Er sat on the threshold with a dejected expression, feeling scared and full of resentment in his heart, but at this moment he didn't know who to blame?

There was no excitement to watch, everyone gloated at Xiao Er, who was not worth the loss, and dispersed happily.

Jiang Wenxue stood in a corner with dark eyes.

Just now he clearly saw Xiao Er weighing 48 taels of silver and handing it to Bai Ningxiang.

It turned out that the Bai family was so rich that they casually took out 50 taels of silver to buy accessories.

In order to prepare for Qiu Wei, he saved food and money, helped people copy books, and prepared medicine for his mother, so he could barely make ends meet.

But copying books was a waste of time, his fingers were sore and his eyes were sore from tiredness every day, and most importantly, it delayed his study time too much.

Looking at the carriage in the distance, Jiang Wenwen's eyes narrowed slightly. It seemed that he would take some time to go to Bashan Village to ask Aunt Hua to set up a marriage with Bai Ningxiang.

With money, he only needs to study at ease, and he no longer has to spend his life copying books in the middle of the night, breaking his body.

Thinking of this, he immediately turned around and left. Just as he turned into the alley, his eyes suddenly went dark, and someone put a sack on his head.

"In broad daylight, the world is bright... Ouch, who are you, why did you hit me?" Jiang Wenxue curled up, protecting his head as much as possible.

Unfortunately, apart from the pain caused by punching and kicking, no one answered at all.

"Oh, ouch...don't hit me, don't hit me, I was wrong, I was wrong." The one who was beaten couldn't take it anymore, Jiang Wenxue begged for mercy very spinelessly.

The last injury was healed, but this time he was beaten again, and he couldn't see anyone, his eyes were pitch black, and the pain on his body was infinitely magnified.

It's like the bones are falling apart.

Bai Ningxiang saw that it was almost done, and then told Bai Wu to stop, "Remove the sack from his head."

Bai Wu twitched the corners of his lower lip almost imperceptibly, where did the agreed black hand come from?

Seeing Jiang Wenwen's bruised nose and swollen face, Bai Ningxiang took a step back in disgust, "Although my eyes are swollen, even if I can't see, you can still hear my voice, right?"

Jiang Wenxue tried hard to open his eyes, but he gasped in pain, "Hiss~, Bai Ningxiang, you poisonous woman."

"Heh~, you know I'm a poisonous woman, and you still dare to provoke me? It seems that you didn't have a long memory at all last time."

Bai Ningxiang snorted coldly, looked at him with disgust,
"I warned you a long time ago, stay away from me, don't provoke me, but you didn't listen, this pain of flesh and blood is the punishment for your nonsense."

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(End of this chapter)

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