Chapter 125 I beat you
At the entrance of Jinrui's jewelry store, if he hadn't played tricks and wanted to embarrass her, the incident would not have become a big deal.

The instigator was Jiang Wenxue, who thought he was just and outspoken, but in the end,

The store lost its credibility and lost its money, and she lost her accessories. Miss Zhang gained a reputation of being domineering and unreasonable.

No one benefits.

" dare to do something to me. As a scholar, I don't kneel when I see an official..."

Before Jiang Wenwen could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Bai Ningxiang's sneer.

"Cut~, what's so great about being a scholar, it's not like you haven't beaten him before, a selfish and greedy scholar like you, you won't lose even if you kill him, it's disgusting."

"This is the last time I will warn you. If you want to ruin your studies, just do it. I will beat you until you don't even know your parents."

As Bai Ningxiang said, she lifted her foot and kicked.

Bai Wu looked at the pair of embroidered shoes, and silently moved his eyes away.

"Your Majesty, I'm going to sue the officials." Jiang Wenxue narrowed his eyes and threatened angrily.

"Hey~, an idiot is an idiot. You just want to sue, but there is no evidence. The official is not stupid, and you can do whatever you say? That is a false accusation, and you will lose your reputation as a scholar by then."

Bai Ningxiang stared at Jiang Wenxue and sneered like an idiot.

"What are you staring at me for? I just want you to know that I know that I hit you, and you have nothing to do but sulk."

Jiang Wenxue: "...Poisonous woman."

"Poison? You haven't seen anything more poisonous. Anyway, there is no one around. Don't expect anyone to pass by to save you. If I pull out your tongue, or goug out your eyes, or pull out your nails, You said that in this way, can you still go on an official career?"

Looking at Bai Ningxiang's calm eyes, Jiang Wenwen felt fear for the first time. He never thought that a woman could say such vicious words so easily?

Who said she was gentle and human?It's just a devil, okay?

"Heh~, I'm so scared. Why didn't you think of this when you plotted against me?" Bai Ningxiang smiled softly, but her eyes were as cold as ice balls.

"Bai Wu, tap his Ya point."

Hearing the girl's order, Bai Wu stretched out his hand to touch the acupuncture points without thinking, and then looked at her with a confused face.

What is the girl going to do?
Bai Ningxiang squatted in front of Jiang Wenxue, looked at his frightened look, raised the corner of her lower lip, and said silently in her heart, you provoked me first.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly held his little finger, and slammed it on the back of his hand, with a click, the sound of bones breaking.

Jiang Wenxue's eyes widened with a cry, and beads of sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead.

Unfortunately, no matter how ferocious his expression was, there was no sound in his throat.

Bai Wu watched the girl's movements, frowned, and looked at her inquisitively, silent in his heart, the little white rabbit turned into a little wolf cub, and began to show its claws and teeth.

"This is the price you paid for calculating me. This time I broke one of your fingers, which can be healed before Qiu Wei. If you are still restless, next time I will break your entire arm."

Jiang Wenxue looked at Bai Ningxiang in fear, and shook his head again and again. At this moment, he felt a little regretful. He knew that he had changed to another woman, so why did he provoke her, a hag?

Bai Ningxiang took out her handkerchief and wiped her hands, sneered, and drove away.

(End of this chapter)

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