Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 126 I Just Watching You So Quietly

Chapter 126 I Just Watching You So Quietly

Jiang Wenxue covered his hands, his eyes burst out with incomparable resentment after being frightened, but he could only watch the person leave helplessly, helpless.

When I moved a little, my whole body was in unbearable pain, and I lay on the ground for a while before sitting up reluctantly.


Looking at this deep alley, no wonder he screamed like that before, and no one came to take a look.

"Tsk tsk... It's so miserable. The dignified and talented master was beaten up like a dog. This young master really didn't go out for nothing today." After watching a good show, I haven't enjoyed it yet.

Zhao Xian looked at Jiang Wenxue condescendingly, walked around him a few times, and shook his head gloatingly.

Tsk tsk, I didn't expect the little girl who usually smiles to be so ruthless?

Almost unrecognizable.

It's just that he was very curious, why did this talented master provoke the little girl, and let her be so cruel, breaking off one of his fingers abruptly?
Zhao Xian gritted his teeth, opened the fan and shook it, it hurts even thinking about it.

Jiang Wenxue looked at Young Master Zhao who suddenly appeared, his eyes lit up. This is the second generation ancestor who is not stingy.

If she could unite with him and deal with Bai Ningxiang together, she would definitely be ruined.

"Ah... First Young Master Zhao, help me." Jiang Wenwen covered his mouth with surprise, he was able to speak.

"Master Zhao, meeting you today is really eye-opening. Jiang is not talented, so I ask Young Master Zhao to speak up and seek justice for my subordinates."

"Let me seek justice for you, what should I say?" Zhao Xian raised his eyebrows, the excitement in his eyes was self-evident.

"Perhaps Young Master Zhao also saw who was beaten by me? Bai Ningxiang, from Bashan Village, the poisonous woman whose father died just now. As long as Young Master Zhao is willing to testify for me, I am willing to share half of the compensation with Young Master Zhao."

Jiang Wenwen gritted his teeth, unable to conceal the hatred in his eyes.

This time, he wanted to ruin Bai Ningxiang's reputation and never stand up again.

"Oh? Right? Your injuries look serious, and it won't take five taels of silver to recover. How many taels of silver do you think this young master lacks?"

Zhao Xian snorted softly from his nose, extremely disgusted.

This Jiang Xiucai is very different from the rumors!

Hearing Zhao Xian's disgusting tone, Jiang Wenxue's eyes flickered, and he gritted his teeth violently.

"As long as Young Master Zhao is willing to cooperate with me, a few taels of silver is not enough to accompany me in my official career. She broke my finger."

"I follow the law. People with disabilities can't take part in the scientific examination. I use this one. I want her to use the [-] acres of tea garden at home as compensation. As long as I get the tea garden, I'm willing to give half of it to Young Master Zhao."

Zhao's family is in the tea business, even if the second generation ancestor is as good as he is, he knows the profit of the tea garden, so it's strange not to be tempted.

Hearing Jiang Wenxue's plan and the scheming in his eyes, Zhao Xian slammed his mouth.

How ruthless, one mouthful can ruin your fortune?

No wonder someone broke off her fingers, she deserved it.

"Heh~, thirty acres of tea garden is not a small amount, are you sure you can get it back?" Zhao Xian stared at Jiang Wenxue, suppressing the disgust and contempt in his eyes.

"Hmph, I am a handsome and talented man. I can avoid kneeling when I see the county magistrate. My future is limitless. She will cut off my official career. A mere [-] acres of tea garden is not cheap for her."

Jiang Wenxue smiled viciously, he wanted Bai Ningxiang to crawl at his feet begging for mercy, and he wanted to break off her five fingers at once to avenge her.

Zhao Xian looked at Jiang Wenwen's sinister smile, and took a step back in disgust.

 Quietly ask, is five-star hard work~~
(End of this chapter)

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