Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 127 You Can Only Eat Coptis

Chapter 127 You Can Only Eat Coptis
"What do you want me to do?" This disgusting bastard usually pretends to be sanctimonious.

"It's simple. I'll file a complaint. It's good that Young Master Zhao will testify for me."

"With the witness of this young master alone, do you think the mayor will believe you?"

Ahem... It seems that his character is not enough for the mayor to adopt.

Hearing Zhao Xian's tone, Jiang Wenxue was taken aback for a moment, thought of the character of the second ancestor, fell silent for a while, his eyes lit up,
"This is easy to handle. Your Zhao family is also a prominent figure in Daba Town. As long as you operate a little bit, are you afraid of a mere village girl? As long as you can get the mayor to accept your testimony, I can promise to give you half of the tea garden."

Zhao Xian stared at Jiang Wenxue steadfastly, he had nothing, and wanted to use his power to plot against the white girl, thinking about white wolf.

"You want me to use the power of the Zhao family to help you?"

Zhao Xian looked at Jiang Wenwen and couldn't help but reflect on himself. Is he so stupid in Jiang Wenwen's eyes?
Looking at Zhao Xian's unkind eyes, Jiang Wenxue felt a little bit in his heart, "Whether or not to use the power of the Zhao family is entirely up to Young Master Zhao, as long as the mayor can trust the testimony of Young Master."

Isn't this bullshit?

"You also know that my family is a tea maker. If you can get more than ten acres of tea gardens for free, of course no one will refuse, but I think it would be better if you can find other evidence besides me."

Zhao Xian said, shaking his fan indifferently,
"Although this young master is a bit confused, he also has self-knowledge. If there is supporting testimony, this young master can lend his hand."

Jiang Wenxue looked at Zhao Xian, thought about what he said, and it was indeed reasonable, but no one saw that bastard Bai Ningxiang put on the sack.

He really has no other evidence.

He, the client, knew everything, but it was not enough to prove it.

It really made the bitch say it right, if there is no young master Zhao, he can only be dumb and eat coptis.

Looking at Jiang Wenxue's expression, Zhao Xian smiled secretly, but his eyes widened, "You don't have other evidence, do you?"

"Master Zhao, that bastard Bai Ningxiang has a powerful guard by his side. If he doesn't want people to find out, there's really nothing he can do."

Zhao Xian looked at Jiang Wenxue, his eyes changed from pity to ridicule, then to gloating, and finally went up and kicked Jiang Wenxue. He was struggling to sit up, but he staggered and lay down again.

"Are you fucking playing with me? You're still crazy about money. You dare to let me participate in things without evidence. Is this young master a person short of money?"

After Zhao Xian cursed, the entourage who followed him silently took a step back, turned his eyes away, and couldn't help lighting a candle for this unlucky Jiang Xiucai in his heart.

Don't you know that his young master protects the calf?
He just met a girl in the front, and this bastard Sun wanted to plot against her in the back, and it would be considered light to kill her.

"Ahh... Please forgive me, Young Master Zhao. I didn't lie to you. Really, your Zhao family is also a respectable figure in the town. As long as you are willing, the mayor will definitely stand by our side."

"Fuck your mother, do you want me to bully others, does this young master look like a bully?"

You are not like, you are bullying.

"You dare to fool me, and even instigate me to do bad things, but fortunately, I am clever, so I was not fooled. Otherwise, you, a poor scholar, would really have tricked me."

Zhao Xian cursed and punched and kicked at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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