Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 131 Am I Useless?

Chapter 131 Am I Useless?

Bai Ningxiang looked at Bai Laosan, she didn't make any progress, but her face was getting thicker and thicker.

"Don't worry about the third uncle, with Bai Wu here, it's still okay to entertain guests." After speaking, Bai Ningxiang directly welcomed him into the courtyard, and ordered Aunt Deng to serve tea to the guests.

Seeing so many people coming suddenly, Shen was puzzled and panicked, she took her daughter's arm and walked aside.

"Xiangxiang, what's going on?"

"Mother, these are the border guards and our guests. I'll explain to you later."

Listening to her daughter's answer, Shen felt slightly relieved, as long as they are not bad people, but she always felt awkward that both of them were men, or outsiders.

Bai Ningxiang looked at her mother's uncomfortable expression, and sighed slightly in her heart, "If mother is not feeling well, you can go back to the room to rest first, and I will entertain you."

Shen supported her waist, looked at the people in the yard with complicated eyes, nodded,
"Xiangxiang, you are a girl's family, don't stay with these people for a long time, send them out as soon as possible, so as not to be talked about again."

"I have a sense of proportion, Aunt Deng, help mother go in and rest." Bai Ningxiang glanced at Aunt Deng, ordered directly, and asked Baicha to boil water to make tea.

Feng Yi also knew that they should not stay for a long time, so he directly took out a list from his arms and handed it over, "This is a gift list from the master, please keep it."

Bai Ningxiang was not polite, and asked someone to carry the box to the warehouse in the west wing.

"Thank you, brother, how is it?"

"The master is very good, because the time is relatively urgent, the master has already left for Qingdu."

Feng Yi spoke truthfully, thinking of Da Zhuo's explanation, his expression became tangled, and he couldn't help but speak again,
"Master has urgent matters to deal with, and he should be back soon."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

According to the memory of his previous life, the things Yibro has to do are really tricky, otherwise, he wouldn't let people pretend to be the leader of the army.

But what did Feng Yi say to her?
Was it the righteous brother who confessed again?
The righteous brother in memory is not like this.

After drinking tea, resting their feet and talking, everyone was ready to leave, no matter how Bai Ningxiang tried to persuade them to stay, they would not stay for dinner.

Afraid of causing trouble to Bai Ningxiang.

Bai Ningxiang had no choice but to ask Bai Wu to send her to the entrance of the village.

When the yard became completely quiet, Shen came out of the house. Seeing her daughter ordering Bai Cha to clean up the mess, she opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say.

"What does mother want to ask?"

Looking at Shen's appearance, Bai Ningxiang knew what she was thinking.

Shen Shi walked up to the woman with guilt in her eyes, "Xiangxiang, do you think mother is too useless?"

"Why does mother think so? You are twins now. Doctor Yang said, you can't think too much, it's not good for the growth of the fetus."

Bai Ningxiang sighed, she didn't expect anything else, as long as her mother gave birth safely.

In the last life, she failed to protect her mother, and in this life, she will definitely not let anything happen to her mother.

Listening to her daughter's comfort, Shen's eyes turned red,

"Xiangxiang, mother can't help it. Every time I cheer myself up, but I feel guilty when something happens. My mother didn't do it on purpose. My mother is afraid of people's words. That kind of feeling makes life worse than death."

Bai Ningxiang supported her mother's arm, and the two sat on the chairs in the yard,

"As I said earlier, mother doesn't have to force herself, it's best for us to live comfortably together."

With that said, Bai Ningxiang took out a box from the carriage, and dragged her mother into the west wing.

(End of this chapter)

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