Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 132 Guarding Property

Chapter 132 Guarding Property
Originally, I wanted to surprise my mother, but was interrupted by Feng Yi. Now it is good to divert my mother's attention.

"Mother, look, today I went to the tooth shop and bought a mountain, the west peak of Daba Mountain, about [-] acres in size. Three days later, the yamen servants will come to drive piles and exchange for a red deed."

"The last batch of tea was of good quality. I happened to meet Patriarch Zhao to taste it in person. The price he gave was reasonable, and he sold it for a small two thousand silver. Then he sold it for 1000 taels, and now there are more than 2000 taels in the account."

"With Patriarch Zhao as the link, I also set up an honorary title in Huitong Bank, and I will deposit all the money I earn in the future, and withdraw it whenever I need it, which is convenient and safe."

Bai Ningxiang said, and showed her the stamp for withdrawing money.

With money in hand, she doesn't panic. She needs to let her mother know about her family background so that she can give birth with peace of mind.

Looking at the deed and seal that her daughter handed to her eyes, Shen was so shocked that she didn't know what to say.

The ancestors of the Bai family accumulated several lifetimes before saving a hundred acres of tea gardens.My own daughter bought a mountain in the blink of an eye.

It is said that money touches people's hearts, can the mother and daughter hold on to such a big mountain?

The [-]-acre tea garden was missed by people, and they wished to kill their mother and daughter before giving up. If people found out that her daughter had sold a thousand-acre hill at once, would her family still have a peaceful life?
The second-bedroom and third-bedroom people got the news, and they will definitely try to trick the old lady over again.

Thinking of some bad scene, Shen's face turned pale, "Xiangxiang, listen to mother, don't tell anyone about this matter, it is said that people die for money, and some people do everything for money. Can do it."

She didn't want to scare her daughter, but last time even the head of the village was alarmed, wasn't it also because of the tea garden?
Bai Ningxiang looked at her mother's expression, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Mother, don't worry, since I dare to buy it, I can keep it, and no one can take away an acre of tea garden from me."

"Actually, there is one thing I never told my mother. When picking Mingqian tea, my daughter accidentally saved a general and let him recuperate in our tea garden. In order to repay his life-saving grace, he married his daughter to Jinlan. Be sworn brothers and sisters."

"Feng Yi who came today is the guard of the righteous brother. Today they come here with great fanfare, in fact, they are telling everyone that our mother and daughter are also backers."

Bai Ningxiang said, seeing Shen's complex expression, shrugged her shoulders innocently,

"With a righteous brother who is a general as a backer, what is mother afraid of? In addition to your daughter's smartness and luck, let alone those in the Bai family, even the whole town, no one dares to provoke us easily."

As Bai Ningxiang spoke, she blinked slyly, and her mischievous tone dispelled Shen's worries a lot.

Speaking of which, the wind came just in time. As soon as she bought the mountain, the backer took the initiative to send it.

If it wasn't for his sudden arrival, I really didn't think of how to comfort my mother, now it's all right, an excuse to get the best of both worlds.

"Even so, you should be careful. Sometimes, far away water can't quench your near thirst."

Listening to her daughter's explanation, Shen felt a little relieved, but when she thought of those in the Bai family, she couldn't help worrying,

"It's fine for outsiders. I'm afraid that those people in the Bai family will suppress you with impure thoughts. My mother is incompetent and can't help you much."

Seeing her mother's frowning, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help but sighed, "Mother, take a look at that contract again."

(End of this chapter)

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