Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 139 In the end, one person bears it all

Chapter 139 In the end, one person bears everything

"Since that's the case, from today onwards, your eldest family will give me 20 taels of silver every year as filial piety, one piece of clothing for each season, and two gift boxes and two knives for festivals. As long as you do this, except for festivals, it will disappear in the future. "

Hearing her grandmother's tone, Bai Ningxiang raised her eyebrows, and then couldn't help but chuckled.

"We abide by the filial piety that grandma said, but now that I have said it, let me add that filial piety is fine, but it must be witnessed by the elders of the clan, so as to save troubles in the end, and make any troubles, it is just a joke for outsiders to see. .”

Lao Bai: "...Okay, I will do it tomorrow."

Speaking of this, it is considered a complete tear, and it is meaningless for everyone to stay any longer. Lao Bai stood up, couldn't help shaking his body, and Meng quickly helped him.

"Mother, you should be careful about this. Don't be as knowledgeable as the younger generation. Everyone is angry today. It will be fine in a few days."

"What the second sister-in-law said is that if you have a good or bad thing, sister Xiang will be guilty of a great crime." Liu Shi endured it for a long time, and finally caught the opportunity to speak.

"Third Aunt, don't label me indiscriminately. I am too young to bear it."

Bai Ningxiang stood up, glanced at the crowd coldly,
"If it wasn't for your greed and tricking grandma to run over, how would things happen later?"

"You really think that others are fools, so turn around and pat your conscience and ask, what is the purpose of you coming to my house today? Why do you want to throw sewage when you don't get any benefits?"

Liu: "..."

Bai Ruyan, who was standing by the side, watched her mother slump, her eyes flickered, she walked out, and said aggrievedly.

"Cousin, we are actually just curious today, and want to come over to see what gift Jun Ye gave you, we just want to open our eyes, who knows that people who talk too quickly have come to this point."

As she said that, Bai Ruyan sighed, "Don't be angry, cousin, it's actually nothing serious, it's all a misunderstanding, so it's fine if you let it go."

Bai Ningxiang looked at Bai Ruyan, who was also thick-skinned, and raised the corners of her lips.

"Cousin is really big-hearted, and Feng Liang's words are beautiful. You call me cousin, and I will give you a word. Don't persuade others to be kind without suffering from others."

Bai Ruyan's face turned pale, Nuonuo: "...cousin."

"Grandmother, go slowly. I will go to the Bai family ancestral hall on time tomorrow morning. At that time, under the witness of the clan elders, I will give you the filial silver. At that time, the second and third uncles will also be present, because they need to sign the certificate together. After all, honoring grandma The responsibilities of the three of us are the same."

Lao Bai: "...Good"

After finishing speaking, she threw off Meng Shi's support, turned and left.

The old lady left, and there was no need for them to stay. Bai Laosan's eyes were full of resentment, and he stared at Bai Ningxiang with hatred in his eyes, and his good dream was kicked to pieces just like that.

But Bai Er took a deep look at his niece, as if meeting him for the first time, and finally said quietly,
"Sister Xiang, sometimes being too hot-tempered doesn't do much good."

"What the second uncle said may be reasonable, but born in the Bai family, if it is like dough, maybe even the scum is gone."

Standing at the gate, watching the Bai family leave, Bai Ningxiang turned to the distant mountain peak with a calm expression.

Bai Wu stood quietly in the porter's room, looking at the girl's frail figure, clearly surrounded by relatives, but could only rush forward alone, at such a young age, she had shouldered a burden that did not belong to her.

 Meow, see you tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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