Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 140 2 Boxes of Good Things

Chapter 140 Two Boxes of Good Things

These situations are so similar to myself.

That's what it's all about.

The clutter in the yard has been cleaned up by Aunt Deng, and Mrs. Shen took her daughter's hand, "After such a disturbance, our mother and daughter will really become lonely."

Alas, let's have a good time, but why not make a fuss?
"Don't worry, mother, I'm prepared. In fact, I've wanted to say these things a long time ago. I'll just settle it once and for all, so I won't worry about it."

Compromise once, compromise again and again, and then there is no position.

Shen suppressed the sadness in her eyes, and smiled gently, "When this child is born, Xiangxiang will have company."

"Mother is right. When the time comes, we will raise him together." Bai Ningxiang looked at her mother's swollen belly and touched it lightly. There was a gentle temperament in the corners of her eyes and brows.

Shen sighed silently, reached out and rubbed her head, "By the way, didn't you want mother to see what's in the box?"

"it is good,"

Bai Ningxiang went back to the house to get the key, opened the warehouse directly, and opened the two camphor wood boxes.

There are two boxes, one is filled with various silks and satins, and the other is filled with various brocade boxes.

The mother and daughter looked at the neatly arranged skeins, Sujuan, and the few bolts of faille placed on the bottom layer, which were thick and comfortable to the touch, suitable for making clothes in autumn and winter.

"This Sujuan is not bad, and the color is suitable. My mother used it to make clothes. It can be worn after giving birth. This gauze is suitable for wearing now, and it is cool."

"Mother's current body shape is a waste of anything to wear. It doesn't look good, so let's make it for Xiangxiang." Shen touched the smooth Sujuan, lake blue, bean green, but the color was suitable.

"I have new clothes, all newly made by my mother. Besides, these two colors are suitable for my mother. However, this skein is good, and my mother can make me a coat."

"The outer shirt is easy to make, and it can be done in one morning." Shen nodded, watching her daughter smile again, and silently breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Ningxiang walked to the box containing the brocade box, reached out to take out a brocade box and opened it, she was stunned for a moment,

"Diancui's head and face are a complete set, so gorgeous."

Not only Bai Ningxiang was dumbfounded, even Shen Shi was shocked, this is too beautiful.

It's a pity that I can't wear it now, even if I can wear it later, it will be too eye-catching.

Bai Ningxiang opened a few more boxes, Jade hairpins, Ruyi hairpins, tassels of various styles, all in one set.

"Wow~, brother Yi is so generous, he won't bring me all the bottom of his box?"

As a woman, regardless of her age, she has a natural love for clothes and accessories.

Bai Ningxiang picked up a Ruyi hairpin and inserted it into her mother's hair bun. The milky white jade made her mother's expression more elegant.
"It's so beautiful, it matches my mother's temperament."

Shen also took out a budding white plum hairpin, and stuck it on her head, "It's a good jade to support others, so you should bring one too."

The mother and daughter each wore a jade hairpin, and smiled at each other, "If I didn't know Brother Yi, I would have thought that he had robbed a bandit's lair on some mountain top and ransacked his warehouse."

So many good things are not available to ordinary families.

"Greedy ghost, thank you later. Don't you still keep our good tea? Give it to your righteous brother later, it's also a gift."

Shen Shi looked at the two big boxes, and couldn't help muttering in her heart.

No wonder those people couldn't sit still and came to make trouble, it was really exciting.

(End of this chapter)

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