Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 141 Filial Piety Is Greater Than Heaven

Chapter 141 Filial Piety Is Greater Than Heaven

Fortunately, there was a stalemate, they didn't ask to open it, otherwise, they would have been snapped up by them.

"No one is allowed in this room except yourself, and don't speak out."

Shen asked her daughter to cover the box and lock it, and asked Aunt Deng to carry the cloth out, so she couldn't help admonishing her again and again.

"Remember, money is not revealed."

"Mother, don't worry, your daughter is not stupid." As long as you are secretly happy, don't you want to make trouble for everyone to know?
Early the next morning, after breakfast, Bai Ningxiang went to the patriarch's house with a small basket.

Patriarch Bai is more than 60 years old, holding a dry pipe in his hand, and he and his family can be regarded as relatives in Wufu.

"Grandpa patriarch, grandma patriarch is well,"

Bai Ningxiang blessed Fushen, and handed the basket to the patriarch's grandma who was sitting beside her,

"I went to the town to buy the pastry yesterday, for your sweet mouth."

"Oh, what a sensible girl." The patriarch's grandma looked Bai Ningxiang up and down, and put the pastry aside, "What's the matter with the girl looking for your grandfather?"

Bai Ningxiang was silent for a while, then slowly raised her head, and spoke clearly.

"Grandpa patriarch, you also know that grandma is getting old, and now she lives with the third uncle's family. Regarding the matter of filial piety, grandma made a request to me yesterday..."

Picking up what she could say, Bai Ningxiang described the general situation to the patriarch.

Seeing the patriarch's blushing of shame, he continued to speak with a sigh of relief.

"Grandfather Mingjian, my mother has worked hard to give birth to my younger brother, and she can't stand the continuous troubles. Since my grandmother proposed to pay filial money once a year, I directly agreed. Therefore, I want my grandfather to be a witness, so as to save the clues of future rebirth. "

Patriarch Bai was silent for a while after listening to Bai Ningxiang's explanation. He had heard a little about the affairs of the Bai family, but no one asked him to come forward, and he didn't bother to care.

However, since the girl came to the door today, he still has something to say.

"Girl, do you know that filial piety is greater than the sky?"

"Grandpa, I know that I want to honor my mother, and I will also honor my grandmother for my father who passed away. But my grandmother has two uncles and three uncles, but I only have one mother."

Bai Ningxiang said, her eyes darkened.

The grandma of the patriarch at the side looked at the serious atmosphere and couldn't help but glared at the old man.
"What are you doing so seriously? It scares the girl. Let me see what the girl said is reasonable."

"Lao Bai is confused. The girls, mother and daughter are already sad, so it's fine if they don't help, and let the two sons go to make trouble from time to time. Shen is pregnant with a child again. Heard that the fetus is unstable, and has invited doctors several times."

Patriarch Bai pondered for a while, "As required by the etiquette, clothes for all seasons are acceptable, but 20 taels of silver is a little too much. I will tell your grandmother later that ten taels of silver is enough. Besides, there are many filial piety from your second uncle and third uncle. gone."

"It's all up to the patriarch's grandfather to decide."

She also felt that 20 taels of silver was a bit much. If she relied on selling tea greens, all the tea greens for a season would be filial piety, and she could only eat bran and swallow vegetables.

Regarding this point, it is impossible for grandma not to know that the reason for asking for 20 taels of silver so stubbornly is nothing more than to make herself soft, and at the same time, she does not want people to think that she is treating the mother and daughter harshly.

It's a pity that grandma is doomed to be disappointed, she is bored, and doesn't want to force herself.

After the patriarch agreed, he sent someone to notify the three elders to come and testify together, and at the same time sent someone to notify Lao Bai to come and confirm.

After finishing writing the three documents, Mrs. Bai walked in accompanied by her two sons.

(End of this chapter)

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