Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 142 The Unfamiliar Eyes Between Relatives

Chapter 142 The Unfamiliar Eyes Between Relatives
The moment she saw Bai Ningxiang, the old Bai immediately looked over with sharp eyes. Although she had made an agreement yesterday, she thought that this girl must think about Shen.

Unexpectedly, she came here early in the morning, looking at her, it seemed that she was eager to get rid of them.

"Siblings are here, sit down quickly." The patriarch's wife looked at Lao Bai's eyes and shook her head secretly. How could this look at her granddaughter?

The enemy is more or less the same.

"Old sister-in-law, please excuse me. I'm incompetent, so I don't have the face to sit down." Facing the gaze of the patriarch's wife, Lao Bai forced a smile on his face.

"What did the younger siblings say? Although the old man assumes the title of patriarch, we are still a family." The patriarch's wife looked at Lao Bai and said politely.

While speaking, three clan elders also arrived. These three elders were of the same generation as the clan chief, including Bai Ningxiang's grandfather, who were all relatives who hadn't left the fifth suit.

The patriarch was the eldest of their generation, and Bai Ningxiang's grandfather was the sixth eldest.

Seeing the three people coming in, Bai Ningxiang blessed Fushen, "Grandniece and granddaughter to the third grandpa, the fifth grandpa, and the seventh grandpa, please greet me."

"Xiang girl is free."

The old man known as the third grandfather nodded, waved his hands, and turned directly to the patriarch, "Brother, what's going on?"

They were invited by the children, and they didn't say anything about it. Now that they saw the scholar's family, they vaguely understood.

The patriarch didn't hide anything, and calmly narrated the matter, "Since Xiang girl begged me, it's not difficult to think about it, so I'll ask you guys to come and be a witness together."

The three clan elders glanced at the dark-faced old Bai, fell silent for a moment, and nodded.

When Lao Bai received the eyes of his brothers, his face tightened, he shook off the arm supported by his son, and turned to look at his granddaughter.
"Sister Xiang, you rush to grandpa's house early in the morning to ask for filial money, do you know that you are slapping grandma in the face."

When Bai Laosan saw his mother questioning her, he also beat his chest and stamped his feet, "Sister Xiang, your grandmother has broken her heart because of you, why don't you know what to do?"

Seeing the mother and son acting together, Bai Ningxiang blinked with a confused look on her face,
"Didn't my grandmother tell me yesterday that our eldest family pays 20 taels of silver as filial piety every year, one piece of clothing for each season, and two gift boxes and two knives for festivals. As long as you do this, there will be no need for other things except for festivals." See you."

"I thought this was a big deal. My mother was weak and couldn't be the master. That's why I asked the patriarch's grandfather to help me make the decision and be filial to my grandmother."

Now that she came, she didn't want to think about her face anymore, she simply said that she came, and saved the blunt knife from cutting flesh, slashing with each knife, cutting continuously, and torturing people.

Everyone listened to Bai Ningxiang's tone and turned to look at Lao Bai. Is this what she said to her granddaughter?

This is not what a grandmother should say, this is simply a debt collector?
In the past, the rumors always said that Xiang girl was domineering and tough, but it's really hard to say what it is.

Meeting such a heartless grandmother, my own mother is useless, if she doesn't stand up again, there will be no bones left.

Old Bai: "..."

This rebellious woman.

The patriarch looked at Lao Bai's old face blushing, and was so guilty that he didn't dare to look at them at all. There was something he didn't understand.

"Ahem...Xiang girl, don't talk nonsense, so as not to make people laugh at our Bai family for not knowing the rules."

 Chapter three is over!
(End of this chapter)

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