Chapter 143 You Can't Hold On to One Wool
The elders are not kind, and the younger generation has no heart of admiration. The grandparents and grandchildren are worse than strangers.

"The patriarch's grandfather taught me the lesson, I will remember it, and I will never talk nonsense in front of outsiders."

Bai Ningxiang's meaning was very simple, she didn't regard the patriarch's grandfather as an outsider, so naturally she didn't have to shy away from it.

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's serious tone, the patriarch was satisfied, and couldn't help but curl his mouth. Fortunately, he also knew that Lao Bai was unhappy at this moment, so he immediately raised his hand to stroke his beard, taking the opportunity to hide the joy at the corner of his mouth.

"It's good to know that if you can't write two white characters in one stroke, the reputation of the Bai family cannot be easily damaged."

As soon as these words came out, the other clan elders also nodded in agreement, and looked at Bai Ningxiang with a hint of pity in their eyes.

A large family, no one stood up to help, but they were all looking for trouble, so it was not surprising that the girl was forced to become cross-eyed.

"Since that's the case, let me just say a few words. It is said that filial piety is the responsibility of children. Scholars are jealous of talents, so I won't say it. It's really pitiful to leave orphans and widows."

The patriarch said, looking at Lao Bai's drooping eyelids, he shook his head helplessly,

"Old Liu family, you have to know that you still have two sons who are filial. It is said that the scholar has gone, and the brother should take the initiative."

"As for how much filial piety a daughter-in-law performs, that's her wish. The whole village knows what kind of temper a scholar's daughter-in-law is. Don't be too harsh on her. You won't be told that our Bai family treats your daughter-in-law harshly."

"Patriarch, you have wronged me. Ever since my son left, I couldn't eat and couldn't sleep. I opened and closed my eyes, but my son dangled in front of my eyes. In the end, brother Yi couldn't stand it anymore, so he took me to the hospital. Go to the third room."

"I'm an old bone. It's the same wherever I live. Who knows that there are so many suspicions. It's because I'm incompetent and incapable of managing the family."

As Lao Bai said, he wiped away his tears with a handkerchief, looking sad on the verge of collapse.

The patriarch looked at her contrived appearance and shook his head again. After living in a clan for most of his life, who doesn't know who?
However, some things, if you don't tell the truth, you have the cheek to pretend that it never happened, and he can't do anything about it.

"Ahem... the accident that Xiucai left, my younger siblings are sad about losing their sons, and so are we old guys. Who makes Xiucai the hope of our entire clan?"

When the patriarch said this, he sighed helplessly,
"Forget it, let's not talk about the past, let's just talk about filial piety at present. Rituals, clothes for the four seasons are all right, as for 20 taels of silver is a bit too much, in my opinion, ten taels of silver is enough, besides, there are second and third children Taken together, you are also the first in the village."

The meaning of the patriarch is obvious, you still have two sons, you can't hold on to a dead one.

Lao Bai suppressed the emotions in his eyes, fell silent for a while, and sighed faintly, "Since the patriarch has spoken, there is no reason why I shouldn't, but I'm afraid I can't control Sister Xiang's future marriage." .”

Listening to Lao Bai's tone, everyone couldn't tell that this was being a jerk?

He made the decision to reduce the filial piety of the mother and daughter, and the old lady didn't care about her granddaughter's marriage.

Originally, Bai Ningxiang had been standing obediently, with her head slightly lowered, as if listening carefully to the instruction.

At this time, hearing the tone of grandma's voice, I was immediately blessed.

"Grandmother, don't worry, don't say that your granddaughter is in the period of filial piety, and don't talk about marriage. Even after the filial piety period expires, it is the order of my parents and the words of the matchmaker. Although my father is gone, my mother can still make decisions for me."

(End of this chapter)

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