Chapter 151 What to Do

Therefore, the salary of thirty Wen a day has successfully attracted everyone's attention.

Bai Ningxiang was not worried about this at all. In the early stage, the general who was the righteous brother was the foreshadowing. As long as she is not a fool, no one will trouble her.

However, when the people in the Bai family got the news, they didn't believe it at the first time. They didn't have to accept this reality until they found someone to confirm it again and again.

"It's really unreasonable, such a big thing keeps us in the dark?" Bai Laosan slammed down the table, and the entire mountain field of Xifeng, just by visual inspection, looks like a thousand acres.

The dead girl holds such a large piece of mountain in her hands, and she still has to ask people to open up wasteland. How big is it to do this?
"Yesterday, you told us that you were poor, that you didn't have any money, and you bought the mountain in a blink of an eye. This is playing us like a monkey." Bai Laosan endured the anger in his heart, and walked up and down the room.

Where did she get the money from?

Lao Bai sat on the Arhat bed, closed her eyes and picked the beads one by one in her hand. At this time, she was also very sad. The Bai family ancestor worked so hard to save a hundred acres of tea garden, and transferred it to Sister Xiang. It doubled in the blink of an eye.

As long as the reclamation is done well, the tea seedlings are planted, and the tea will grow in three years, the scene will be so spectacular.

Moreover, the most hateful thing is that this mountain has nothing to do with them.

Thinking of the way that girl smiled and threatened her yesterday, she still feels trembling in her heart.

Therefore, no matter how tempted she was, she dared not speak.

What if that girl really went crazy?
"Mother, did you hear, that girl cheated us and made a fortune in silence, don't you want to sit idly by?"

Seeing his mother squinting and dozing off, Bai Laosan silently moved forward and spoke with a dissatisfied face.

"Be honest with me, that girl is no longer Miss Xiang. If you are not afraid of her killing you, just make trouble. If something happens, I will collect the body for you."

Bai Laosan choked, seeing his old lady's reluctance to eat, feeling aggrieved, she's just a girl, what's there to be afraid of?

I don't know what the dead girl said yesterday, no matter how much I asked the old lady, she didn't say anything, but he was sure of one thing, the old lady was intimidated by Sister Xiang.

Just when he was at a loss, Bai Laoer's family arrived.

"Third brother, have you heard? Sister Xiang bought the entire West Peak." When Bai's second child mentioned this, he couldn't help feeling overwhelmed. If they broke up a day later, wouldn't they have a chance to intervene?
No wonder Sister Xiang was so decisive yesterday, so this is her confidence?

"Second brother, I'm trying to persuade my mother to ask about the situation, but look at her... If you want me to say, Miss Xiang is still young and knows how to manage. After all, it is the property of our Bai family. How can an uncle just ignore him?"

Bai Laosan said shameless remarks with a serious face, but no one around him objected.

"What can you do?" With such a big mountain, Bai Laoer couldn't control the impulse in his heart, otherwise, he wouldn't have appeared.

"If you want me to say, let's go directly to the door. Anyway, my sister-in-law can't stand trouble. Even for her mother, Sister Xiang has to compromise."

Such a group of them stayed in the big room, and within a few days, Shen could not bear it.

Listening to her son's death stance, Lao Bai's heart was complicated. Although Sister Xiang's words were harsh, she couldn't guess which step she would take in the end.

But if something happened to the Shen family, sister Xiang would not be able to be kind.

 The third chapter is over, meow~
(End of this chapter)

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