Chapter 152 Frightened
Thinking of this, Lao Bai slammed down the small tea table and shouted angrily, "Sir, shut up."

Bai Laosan was speaking with great interest, but was suddenly interrupted by his mother, feeling a little unhappy in his heart.

"Mother, are you also very angry? Sister Xiang is not authentic. She bought such a big mountain by herself and still wants to hide it. How can she manage so much land as a yellow-haired girl? You have to help me, an elder. Don't you think so?"

Old Bai: "..."

Damn, is she afraid of that?

She is afraid that a white-haired person will give a black-haired person.

It's embarrassing to say it, but her grandmother was indeed frightened by her granddaughter.

Especially those eyes that seemed to see everything, in front of her, she couldn't hide any thoughts.

Bai Laosan has been immersed in the beautiful dream he wove, and he didn't find anything wrong with his old lady's expression at all.

"Mother, what are you waiting for? I'll help you there right now." As long as the mother suppresses that dead girl with the attitude of an elder, even if it spreads, no one will think it's too much.

Lao Bai looked at the undisguised greed in his son's eyes, with a complex expression, and felt haggard for the first time, "Third brother, do you really think I can take advantage of Sister Xiang?"

When Bai Laosan heard it, he was stunned for a moment. That girl is indeed powerful, but compared to the thousand-acre mountain, he is still willing to fight.

"Mother only needs to use filial piety to suppress her. The sister-in-law is weak and pregnant with a child. Sister Xiang is young and doesn't know how to manage the property. There are ready-made excuses. What else is mother afraid of?"

The second bai at the side noticed something was wrong with his mother, but he didn't think much about it.

Just following the meaning of Bai Laosan's words of relief.

"Although we had a bit of trouble with Sister Xiang, fortunately, we are all members of the clan. For the sake of the Bai family's reputation, the patriarch will not spread it. The third son's method is a little more radical, so it's not impossible to give it a try. "

Lao Bai turned his head to look at his second son again, the complexity in his eyes deepened.

"The second child also thinks that I should take the mountain back?"

"Sister-in-law is useless, sister Xiang is young after all..."

Before Bai Er could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Lao Bai, "These days, you go left and right, and I follow you, but when did you take advantage?"

A whole family can't beat a little girl in battle, and they dare to speak boldly.

No wonder Sister Xiang threatened herself so blatantly.

I'm afraid they have already seen through that the two of them are worthless.

"While you are all here today, let me just say that you are not allowed to trouble their mother and daughter in the future. If sister Xiang cleans up one day, don't blame my old lady for not reminding her."

She suddenly felt a little regretful. If she had known that Sister Xiang was so capable, she would not have left in a hurry.

It's all that idiot of the Liu family. If the boss is dead, the old man also died of illness there. The house is unlucky, which makes her not in the mood to live in it.

Seeing that his mother was really angry, although Bai and Laosan were puzzled, they didn't dare to say anything else. If they really made their mother angry, they would really be cast aside.

Bai Lao Er looked at the dozing mother, carefully apologized a few words, and was about to leave. As soon as he reached the door, Bai Lao San stopped him.

"Second brother, are you really not moved?"

Second Bai looked at the unconcealable greed in the third brother's eyes, blinked his eyes, and sighed helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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