Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 153 It's Better To Be Low-key and Quiet

Chapter 153 It's better to keep a low profile and be quiet
"Mother is angry. Since she doesn't allow it, it will be futile for us to think about it. If we make mother unhappy, it will be our fault."

Bai Laoer's meaning is very clear, he is just filial, as for those Yamada, he did not completely reject it.

After saying this, he took Meng Shi away directly.

Bai Laosan looked at the back of his second brother and second sister-in-law, was stunned for a moment, and took a sip.

"I don't believe it anymore. With a thousand acres of land, your second brother, Bai, won't be tempted?" He wants to see how long he, the second brother, can pretend.

Meng Shi followed by the head of the house, looked at his serious eyes, hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't hold back,

"The head of the family, are you really going to ignore it? According to the third child's temperament, if something happens, it will really make my mother angry."

Listening to his wife's tone, the second bai pursed his lips. How could he not understand the Meng family for most of his life since they were married?

Therefore, in front of Meng Shi, he didn't bother to hide his thoughts,
"Do you think that with the impulsive character of the third child, because the mother will give up if she says a word? It won't be too late for us to take action after he stabs him." With the third child in front to explore the way, he can also avoid detours.

When Meng heard this, she thought about the characters of the young couple, and couldn't help but bend the corners of her mouth, and nodded in agreement.

"That's right, I'm afraid that my mother will be furious at that time."

In fact, she was very puzzled by her mother-in-law's attitude. She had always hated her sister-in-law, mother and daughter, but when she heard about the thousand-acre mountain field today, she was not moved at all.

Could it be that she saw Dafang's goodness and wanted to repair the relationship and go back to live in the future?

After this thought came to her mind, Meng Shi almost couldn't hold back the sneer in her heart. If this is the case, then the old woman can only be said to be stupid.

It was because the two brothers were fighting secretly, waiting for the other to make the first move. As a result, Bai Ningxiang gained rare peace.

No matter what the Bai family had in mind, they couldn't stop Bai Ningxiang's excitement at this moment.

"Mother, take a look. This is a red deed. The government has filed a record. From now on, we will be regarded as moderate landlords." Moreover, according to the laws of the Daqing Kingdom, land reclamation and farming are exempted from farming tax for five years. .

This alone saves a lot of money.

Chen held the deed and read it for a while, then stroked her daughter's hair in relief, "Keep this deed well, don't lose it."

"Don't worry, I can't lose it. Even if I lose it, it can be remedied based on the official record." This is why she would rather spend more money and apply for the red deed.

Looking at her daughter's bright eyes, Shen's eyes suddenly turned red with guilt, "Mother has been so upset these days that she missed Xiangxiang's Jiji. Although our situation cannot be dealt with seriously, please invite some familiar It’s okay to witness with relatives and friends.”

My daughter was in Chashan every day, so busy that she couldn't see anyone. She was so dazed that she forgot about it.

"In the past two days, my mother is thinking of making up for you, and then invite your grandmother to watch the ceremony together."

Now that the daughter is an adult, if the mother intends to get married, it is better to give her a thorough understanding in advance while taking advantage of the ceremony.

Bai Ningxiang shook her head, "Our family's situation is special, it's best not to do it, mother doesn't need to feel guilty, I just want to quietly observe my father's mourning for three years, and don't think about anything else."

At best, her family is just a small landlord, so it really doesn't matter if they can do Jiji ceremony or not?
(End of this chapter)

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