Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 155 The Confessor Is Here

Chapter 155 The Confessor Is Here
After the contract, the whole family can participate, there is no time limit, and wages can be settled in advance if the work is completed in advance.

Bai Ningxiang told Bai Wu her thoughts, seeing his pensive look, couldn't help laughing.

"Why, you think it's not feasible?"

"No, I think it is more convenient than Tiangong. There are few people in the family, so there is no way to supervise the work. According to the girl's contract, it only needs to be inspected and accepted. It can indeed reduce trouble."

The more Bai Wu thought about it, the more reasonable he felt. He really didn't know what the girl was thinking.

"You're right. It's also because of this that I thought of contracting out piece by piece."

With the rules in mind, Bai Ningxiang went home directly. As soon as she entered the door, she heard the hearty laughter of the patriarch's grandmother.

Seeing Bai Ningxiang come back, she immediately waved, "Xiang girl, are you going to the tea garden again?"

"Grandma patriarch, uncle."

Seeing the patriarch's grandmother and her eldest daughter-in-law, Bai Ningxiang was surprised. She didn't seem to have much contact with these two.

"Xiang girl, I was talking to your mother, saying that she is blessed to have such a capable daughter like you, and I am very envious." The old lady became more satisfied as she looked at her, with chrysanthemum folds forming on her face. .

"Hehe~, don't say that mother is envious, even I am envious. It's a pity that I only have two brats by my side, and I don't even have a little padded jacket to say something intimate."

Mrs. Li glanced at Mrs. Shen, and agreed with her mother with a smile.

When she came back from her natal home yesterday, her mother-in-law made it clear that she wanted her to recognize her as a goddaughter.

Although they are all relatives of the same clan, she and Chen Shi only met a few times during the New Year's Eve. Shen Shi doesn't like to go out, and neither does her daughter.Coupled with what happened in the Bai family in recent days, she didn't have a good impression of the sixth uncle's family.

There was some resistance in her heart at first, but now that she saw Sister Xiang, she immediately changed her mind. How could Aunt Six be so reluctant to not have such an aura of a girl?

Bai Ningxiang watched the way the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law sang together, although she was curious, she didn't think too much about it, and still smiled gently.

"Thank you, patriarch grandma, my uncle praised me, I'm not as good as you say."

"Yo, this is more modest, what a lovely person."

Mrs. Li stretched out her hand to pull Bai Ningxiang over, and nodded secretly in her heart. From the beginning to the end, this girl was calm about honor and disgrace, with good concentration.

"I just came back from my mother's house yesterday, and my mother kept telling me that it would be nice to have a granddaughter like Sister Xiang, who can wake up with a smile when she falls asleep."

As Li said, she picked up the handkerchief and covered her mouth with joy, "I'm not convinced, so I brought my mother here when I have time today. When I see the real person, don't say that my mother likes it, even I want to take him home and hide him." .”

Shen shi kept her lips pursed, her eyes were full of pride, her daughter was liked by others, and her face as a mother was also bright.

"Xiangxiang is still a child, but I can't help my aunt and sister-in-law's praise. If you really like it, you can simply accept it as a daughter-in-law. It just so happens that there are more relatives who are used to it. I have nothing to say."

"Haha...that's what you said, Brother Sheng and daughter-in-law, hurry back and prepare for the ceremony, so as not to be regretted." The patriarch's wife glanced at Shen, and couldn't help the smile in her eyes .

With a decent smile, Bai Ningxiang watched the three of them compliment each other and blow the rainbow.

The three hit it off immediately, and Li Shi was even more straightforward, so he went back directly to prepare for the meeting ceremony.

(End of this chapter)

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